When all is going well, you feel up, really pumped.You feel you can take on the world. It's such a marvelous feeling that nothing can get you down. Problems? What problems?! We can fix that!
Ideas flow in an unending stream - such a wonderful feeling...
You have people around who support and guide you. You recognise that a mistake is just something to be experienced. It's not a failure.
The best is yet to be. Robert Browning
No challenge is too great because you are in the stream going with the flow which in turn brings all the solutions to your door in one form or another.
Life is grand, stressful but it's good stress of working towards something positve and lasting.
It brings you joy that shines from within and expands outward further than you can possibly imagine. Sometimes you can't even express the vastness and solidity of the connection you feel inside but hey, as long as you know it's all good.
Your highs come with some lows and you recognise, hopefully early in the game, that you need to maintain a balance to maintain focus on what's real and important to you.
When we are criticized or attacked it is important to not take it into our heart space. Madisyn Taylor
Are you aware that it's possible to live this way permanently? It is but it takes work not hard work, eh. I'm talking about the effortless effort to stay in the flow and not allow yourself to be pulled out of the zone when you engage in another's story.
When you love what you do, it's not work and no matter the difficulties, solutions abound. Everything gels. That is effortless effort!
From my experience and I'm only just starting at 53, meditation in whatever form you choose is the key to maintaining a solid inner life while the outside world is off-kilter.
Port of Spain, Trinidad
Dan Millman's book
The Peaceful Warrior beautifully illustrates this, and
Ed and Deb Shapiro's books and articles discuss meditation for the uninitiated. One of their user-friendly articles on
Huffington Post is linked below.
When life starts to go wrong, which by the way is impossible, you panic, you become afraid and your fear pulls you out of the flow and as a consequence, your connection to Source is blocked.
When that happens you get a sinking feeling in your stomach because you know you're up shit creek without a paddle and you don't know how to find your way back.
It's at this precise moment that you can stop, take stock and figure out where you went wrong, and return to the stream of consciousness. All will be well or at least better than you expected.
I have experienced this - both sides actually - but few of us are that aware and that was a passing phase for me because I was not conscious of what I was doing but it worked.
Know that all it requires is a decision and faith in your life choice.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear. Mark Twain
When you don't reconnect with your higher Self, Inner Being, or whatever you call it, and you decide to fight against your circumstances you create more difficulties.
Because of this negative vibration, all that you touch seems to disintegrate and turn to muck. Then you being to act small (petty) just like everyone else. After all the situation demands it, right?
You then find yourself like the salmon constantly fighting your way upstream against the raging current, and like them you meet the hungry animals of land and air along the way just waiting to bite your arse off.
This kind of living can and does last years. I have lived that too. It's pretty damned awful and it feels worse when you finally understand that you and only you created your unpleasant living conditions.
Self-flagellation is the order of the day.
You have to decide to stop exhibiting the worst of you. You have to decide that you want and deserve a better life, that you are worth it. A prosperous life is your right!
Money is not the only measure of prosperity and in any case, when you are back on track money naturally flows to you.
You must decide to stop re-acting. It's a negative action with a a negative result. Decide to live to the best of you one day at a time. When you do so you rise and will eventually see others way down there and wonder
why did I take so long.
They really are little people.
Decide to be the change you want to see. You decide to take charge of your life and not leave it up to others. You get to decide to be open and listen to what others say to you.
Sometimes it's shit but you accept it because that's what you are living. Nothing wrong there so just brush it off.
Be bigger, taller, better, greater. You just may find a golden nugget in there too and when that happens, say thank you and move on.
Wisdom comes from the most unlikely places and that is why remaining open is essential for lasting change and growth.
It takes determination every day to live up to the best of you. No one can do it for you. Your efforts will be noticed and that is your signal that the tide is turning in your favour.
It's impossible to miss like people offering assistance unasked or support coming from the darndest of sources. Regardless of where it originates never look a gift horse in the mouth.
It begins as a trickling stream and turns in a deep, powerful and unstoppable flow.
Say thank you and stay in it this time!
Pay attention to everything that uplifts you, ask for the guidance and support you need and for heaven's sake,
be explicit and watch it come to you without any special effort on your part.
Offer blessings to those who have hurt or wronged you. That is the best medicine you can offer yourself. Forgive in your heart and smile. That's magic right there.
Dr Judith Rich sent me this magnificent mantra when I told her I wasn't up to blessing anything or anyone recently. When pain strikes offer yourself these words, use them as a mantra she says:
May the pain in your heart be soothed with the warmth of love.
May you send back love to those who curse or blame you.
May you see light in the darkness and follow it home.
May peace be your constant companion on the journey.
Be grateful for that steep learning curve and the lessons learnt and every day admire your life as it turns around for you, and like as said earlier, live the best of you, not the worse.
Soulful Reading:
Ending the Cycle, Madisyn Taylor
Your feelings matter, Mike Robbins
Stillness is where creativity and the solutions to problems are found. Eckhart Tolle