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28 May 2014

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - The Joy of Being Happy is a Naturally Who We Are

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Nothing more need be said about the folks at DailyOM except sign up to their newsletter and sup on their missives that really do nurture the mind, body and spirit. Here's one of their gems about happiness - everyday spirtuality - that's my food for thought for today.

Happiness is a gift you must unwrap each day.

The Joy of Being

You could be in high spirits and might wish to share your feelings of delight with others today. Relishing in the joy of being alive may be the reason for your carefree and happy mood. Perhaps you might simply stay present with your feelings today.

During the day you can notice where your sense of pleasure takes you. It may be the enjoyment of living in your body, the emotional sensations you feel, or the high you get from being with others. Try to remain present with whatever manifestation of your happiness arises.
When you are with other people you can remember these feelings and create the intention that they also share in the same joy. Not only may others be drawn to you but they may also be inspired to spread the mutual joyfulness you all feel to others.

Experiencing contentment in simply being alive is one of the greatest gifts we can give ourselves. For so many of us, joy seems to be a guilty pleasure since we are often taught that happiness is something we get only if we work hard at it. Feeling happiness, however, is a natural part of who we are.

Savoring it makes us value it all the more. When we learn to accept this, it becomes natural to want to share it, for being happy with ourselves allows us to reach out to others with an open heart more easily. By delighting in who you are today, you will foster joy not only in yourself but in your community as well.
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27 May 2014

An Easy 2-Step Yoga Pose to StressLessness

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Legs up the wall is an easy 2-step yoga pose to ease stress and is taken from the Mentality magazine, Issue 122. I'm sure you've seen little kids do this, instinctively, which should tell you something about them. Now, it's time for you adults to relearn how to relax, easily.

Leg up the wall pose

This pose quiets the nervous system and mind while relieving fatigue, itself a major stressor. In the illustrations, you have two options for the leg pose, one with knees slightly bent and the other with legs straightened against the wall. Follow your comfort zone.

1- Roll three blankets or a bolster against the wall. Sit facing the wall with your knees bent and then lie down on your back. (Some can do this without any back/hip support but that has another function.)

2- Now, lift your legs and hips and slide forward so that your hips are on top of the blankets or bolster, and the backs of your legs are either i) slightly bent or straightened against the wall and ii) are pointing towards the ceiling.
Stay in this position for 5 to 10 minutes, then roll your knees to the side and sit up, then take your time standing up and have a big glass of water to flush the toxins.
In this position, your shoulders will be lower than your hips. This opens up your chest area. Do not tense up your muscles. Relax into the position.

This inversion of your head lower than your feet causes a rush of fresh blood to your brain, neck and chest and quiets your nervous system. The increased blood flow tricks your brain into thinking that your blood pressure is high and it lowers it in response.
Isn't it the most marvelous instrument of technology!

Repeat as needed.
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26 May 2014

3 Simple Steps to Relax and Be StressLess

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I am a huge fan of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). It works on almost everything! EFT is a natural, non-invasive tapping technique where we use our fingers to gently tap on various points (meridians) of the face, chest and hands, to relieve stress.

EFT, like all other accupressure techniques is based on the Chinese accupuncture without the needles.

It's quite easy to learn EFT and how it could benefit you. You must however take responsibility for any underlying emotion - the real reason you feel stressed (hurt, angry, afraid etc.) - which may arise as you tap.

In this post however, I describe 3 simple steps to relax and become stressless taken from Tricia Mangray's - owner of Aveda Day Spa - article Pressure Points to Relaxation (Woman's Weekly, Issue 122).

A pressure point called the "Gamut Point" in EFT is a hotline to balancing stress in many different places on the body, notably the brain. It is located between the little finger and ring finger bones of the back of either hand.

I guarantee that tapping on the Gamut Point will relieve any tension you are feeling, at any time. I know because I have been tapping on this one only for two months while living through my own crises of snot, rage and disappointment without using all of the normal EFT points listed on the chart.

1. Begin tapping gently on the Gamut point with the index or two fingers of your other hand. Since these points exist on both hands, it doesn't matter which you use. Think of the stressful situation and keep tapping for 30 seconds or until you feel the need to change as it can become quite sensitive at times.

2. Next, tap on the top of your head at the "Hundred Meetings" point for 30 seconds. All acupuncture points meet here. It is exactly in the middle of your head or where a puppet might have a string attached to the top of its head.

3. Return to the Gamut point and tap for another 30 seconds.  Take a huge breath in and release all of your stress and tension with it. Feel the glow of pure, clean relaxation spreading over you and most importantly, drink a glass of water to flush the toxins released.

This relaxation technique can be used anywhere, anytime and as often as necessary. Whenever you feel to the tension arising, take a five-minute restroom break to breath in and out a few times and tap to stress less.
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20 May 2014

Who You Truly Are and What You Already Know Is Enough!

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It has been extremely difficult to write about what's going on in my life over the  past months so I go elsewhere to find articles which speak for me just until I can.
My issue is a now revealed abysmal lack of inner confidence in my abilities after losing everything I thought was important hence the reason for my unemployment.

Giselle P Hudson's You are 'enough' vibes with my feelings of inadequacy in the new job market in my 50s, my projecting such a sure demeanor and yet feeling so desperate inside to get that job, any job, that I blow it before I even walk through the door.

I am not the only woman experiencing this shit therefore I have reproduced You are Enough here. Coincidentally, a 72-year old man I recently met made similar wise comments about mothers and women who voluntarily or not, work in the home or who are unemployed like me - I had begun thinking that I was unemployable - and have much to give outside of their traditional roles.

What struck me most on reading this article was that I also kept trying to redefine myself and reworking my CV every time based on different jobs I applied for, which is fine but... I always had the feeling that I wasn't enough, that I should have more or even that particular qualification or certificate to "clinch it" and that I needed to study something even though I knew that I was capable of getting the job done, and well.

If I'm not enough now, when will I ever be? If I don't accept and love who I am now, who will do that for me? Answer... nobody!

You Are Enough 
How does that statement make you feel? Comfortable? Doubtful? Anxious?  
In my walk through life I’ve met many women who don’t feel adequate. They pursue additional degrees, take extra courses, and enlist to participate in product trials and experiments, all with a view to improving themselves; to make themselves more worthy, more deserving, more attractive.  
After years of coaching high-achieving women, my colleague, master coach and personal development expert Marcia Reynolds started noticing something troubling: many of the clients with whom she worked were plagued by anxiety over their own restless responses to the world.  
These women were jumping jobs regularly, defining and redefining their relationship with the marketplace, constantly questioning their roles as wives and mothers and sisters. 
Business coach, Carrie Greene, recently shared one of her pet peeves: “You know what drives me crazy? When I speak with someone and they say to me, “As soon as I get one more certificate I’m going to raise my prices.” Or, “As soon as I get more experience, I’ll charge for my services.”  

A Boston agency recently posted a job listing online for a Director of Operations position at a company called Rehtom Inc. The requirements sounded nothing short of brutal:  
• Standing up almost all the time 
• Constantly exerting yourself 
• Working from 135 to unlimited hours per week 
• Degrees in medicine, finance and culinary arts necessary 
• No vacations 
• The work load goes up on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's and other holidays 
• No time to sleep 
• Salary = $0 
It was described as “The World’s Toughest Job”. The job ad got 2.7 million impressions from paid ad placements. Only 24 people inquired and they were interviewed via webcam, with their real-time reactions captured on video. The interviewees couldn’t believe the job requirements. They were shaking their heads and many started to make painful sounds as the interviewer provided more details.  
In the end, it was revealed that the job being described was Motherhood. The video, which was really an advertisement for got 8 million views in two days, with many people e-mailing links to their moms. 
Charlotte Alter found the cutesy ad did not do justice to the profession of Motherhood and that the idea that the 135-plus hour work week, the lack of breaks and holidays, the sleepless nights and the constant vigilance is just for moms and not for dads is part of the reason moms have it so rough. 
I can see her point, but the other part I see is how qualified so many women are as mothers and caregivers, because they’re already doing the world’s toughest job yet they don’t see the skills they’ve acquired as managers of their households, kids, and budgets etc. as a valuable part of who they are. 
A very good friend of mine was applying for a senior managerial position in a company and shared that she did not have any experience.  
I asked her what about her experience as a single mother, managing four children, and seeing to ALL their needs? Coordinating activities, planning meals, dealing with crises? She immediately understood where I was coming from, but still felt that she was not enough. 
We ALL need to be reminded that we are ENOUGH. Today. Not when we get the certificate, or the degree, or the promotion or when we get married. That wherever we are right now in our lives – it’s ENOUGH!   

In a recent Facebook update, bestselling author Anne Lamotte shared this: “My pastor said last Sunday that if you don't change directions, you are going to end up where you are headed. Is that okay with you, to end up still desperately trying to achieve more, and to get the world to validate your parking ticket?  
…Do you mind even a little that you are still addicted to people-pleasing, and are still putting everyone else's needs and laundry and career ahead of your creative, spiritual life? Giving all your life force away, to 'help' and impress?” 
Who you truly are and what you already know is enough. And I have news “there will ALWAYS be another class to take. Someone else is ALWAYS going to know more than you!” 
I leave you with these words by Alexandra Hope Flood, intuitive coach and blogger: 
1. You are a miracle. Never forget this fact. Just the science alone is mind blowing. 
2. You are unique. No one will ever be as good at being you as you are. Seriously. 
3. You are enough. Always. Never doubt this. There is nothing to add, but feel free to expand. 
4. There is always more to learn, but that is not failure, it is a gift. It can be fun too. 
5. Every obstacle is an opportunity to fall further into the miracle that is you. 
6. Commit to being the best version of you every day. Recalibrate definition of “best” as needed. 
7. Leave room for others when they fall off the wagon of their own miracle. 
8. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive. Forgive every which way. Forgive him. Forgive her. Forgive you. 
9. Compassion is the key to forgiveness. Compassion means you feel the humanity in others. 
10.The more you forgive, the more you’ll enjoy being you, because the lighter your load will be. 
11. In the end, as in the beginning: You. Are. Amazing.  
What’s holding you or your team back? I help business leaders; entrepreneurs, career professionals and sales managers answer that question. Request the FREE report – Discover the #3 Mistakes You Inadvertently Make that Prevent you from Achieving your Goals. Send an email to to claim yours!

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15 May 2014

EFT Script - Take Your Foot OFF The Brake

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We women in particular have the terrible tendency to hold ourselves back because of others... the kids have school, can't join the library, gym, go to the movies, have a day/night to myself, want but can't take/ or ask for that promotion and so on and so forth.
Well Carol Look, EFT Master extraordinaire, has written an EFT script for all of us (even though it's not specifically directed at us women) who are keeping our foot on the brakes and thus holding ourselves back from following through on our desires. From her free newsletter Issue 263 comes Take your foot off the brake!

Take Your Foot Off the Brake...
We can't help but get in our own way, it's what human beings do... but if you learn how to Take Your Foot Off the Brake, then you will make so much progress in your life with ease and grace. Think of that... ease and grace... ease and grace. Keeping your foot on the brake makes life harder, causes struggle, slows you down.
We often don't know that we need to take our foot off of the brake, we just continue doing what we've been doing all along. But as you know, fears, feelings and beliefs create "brakes" for us. So it's not that your desires aren't real, or that you don't have true goals, it's that you have competing energy coming from these fears and beliefs that cause a kind of "brake" when you're trying to move forward.
Do any of these fears resonate with you?
1. I'm afraid I might fail
2. I'm afraid I might succeed
3. I'm convinced I'll never get what I want anyway
4. I don't have the energy to maintain success once I have it
5. It's easier to stay the same...

What if you could learn how to Take Your Foot Off the Brake? Your life would be so easy and smooth by comparison! Experiences would flow and feel more natural. The extra bonus is that you will attract more abundance into your life... that works for me.
What's the connection with changing this behavior and attracting abundance? When you are willing to do what it takes to Take Your Foot Off the Brake, you are automatically sending positive messages to the Universe, communicating that you are ready for more abundance.    
When you communicate to the Universe that you are open to ease and gratitude, you will receive more success. Your vibration will be more alive and abundant, and the results will be exciting!

Our thoughts, feelings and behaviors carry energy...
Our vibration matters!
Remember that the Universe hears your vibration not your words. The principles of the Law of Attraction remind us that we will receive more of what we are "broadcasting" to the Universe when we are in alignment with it.   
When the Universe is able to receive a clear message from you (no energetic or emotional interference) then the Law of Attraction works in your favor. So when you remember to Take Your Foot Off the Brake, the Universe will support you by opening up new channels of abundance. 
Below you will find EFT setup phrases to help you be inspired to release your blocks to being able to attract what you want into your life.
When you change your vibration,
you will change your life.
Go ahead, raise your vibration
by being inspired to
Take Your Foot Off the Brake!
The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).
"Even though I don't know how to Take My Foot Off the Brake, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway."
"Even though I'm afraid to Take My Foot Off the Brake, I deeply and completely accept myself."
"Even though I'm afraid of what might happen if I Take My Foot Off the Brake, I accept myself and my feelings."
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (If you are new to EFT please view a chart of the spots on my web site under the EFT pages.)
***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem***
Eyebrow: "I don't know how to Take My Foot Off the Brake..."
Side of Eye: "I'm afraid of what might happen."
Under Eye: "I'm not sure how to do it anyway."
Nose: "It just seems natural to have my foot ON the brake."
Chin: "I'm afraid I can't handle all the success."
Collarbone: "I'm afraid of what might happen...
Under Arm: "I don't know how to Take My Foot Off the Brake."
Head: "I really don't know how or if I even want to..."
***Now for the positive focus on the solution***
Eyebrow: "I want to Take My Foot Off the Brake now!"
Side of Eye: "I know I'll go faster, is that good?"
Under Eye: "I'm almost ready to speed up."
Nose: "I'm feeling inspired to Take My Foot Off the Brake."
Chin: "I'm willing to enjoy ease and grace..."
Collarbone: "I love feeling inspired to move forward."
Under Arm: "I choose to love speeding up."
Head: "I choose to Take My Foot Off my Brake."
Access more positive vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):
Thank You, Universe, for encouraging me to Take My Foot Off the Brake... I feel more aligned with abundance already!
Thank You, Universe, for allowing me to feel inspired to Take My Foot Off the Brake... I am looking forward to uplifting results!
Thank You, Universe, for making it so easy for me to Take My Foot Off the Brake... I feel the vibrational shift and power already!
Keep tapping, and enjoy using the Law of Attraction to bring more of what you want into your life. 
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7 May 2014

Woman Down - They Killed Her - Coldhearted Murder

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Woman Down

They killed her
Assassinated her
Bloody, vicious and coldhearted murder
Am dazed
Heart feels razed
Numb and heavy
As if it can't carry
that news, so weighty
Woman down, down, down!

I want to cry
Scream, no!
Rent my clothes and wail in sorrow
That fatal Sunday
Oh, what a dread day
I hated the sun for shining
After all that killing
Died in a hail of bullets
Is how they put it
Woman down, woman down!

I refused to watch the news
She paid her dues
How dare you murder her
What you ever done for her
Did you birth her
Comfort her
Protect her
None of that, no, no, no
Woman down for the count!

Nothing can excuse that
cowardly, dastardly act
Causing sorrow
Because you have to hit back
What you don't like you crush
With fist of hammer and spike
I got it that night
Woman down, woman down, woman down!

Despair deathly had me reeling
Listening to music loving
on the airwaves
Seeking comfort, no avail
Till finally tears flowed like hale
Twelve hours after the news
Bitter, burning my views
Woman down for the count!


It took another 2 days
To understand the ways
Like, why am I feeling sundered
A stranger murdered
Assassination rather
Woman down, woman down!

I admired Dana
Often quoted her
Then it dawned
What that news spawned
It released truly
The reality of what you did, to me

You killed her
Rid yourself of her
As your heart bid
So much hate hid
Couldn't take it when pain rained
Brutality your claim to fame
Woman down, woman down!

Blame anybody, especially me
But it's always thee
My speech irks you
No other dares to face you
But I tell thee truly
Slap my face
Make me a disgrace
Shouting, screaming in my face
Intent on laying waste
Typical case
Woman down for the count!

You don't know my life
Want to manage all, even my strife
Control the only way with
low self-esteem every day
Love and violence go together you say
No way hosay
In prison or a hole you will stay
Woman down, woman down!

Violence against me will destroy you
As sure as day turns into night, for true
I will never submit
I do not give in
Despite fearful trembling
in the beginning
Who's that I wondered
I didn't know her
Then I discovered more
Woman down, woman down!

I had to understand
What has happened?
Weak, feeling loss of hope
No friends or family
So I mope
Alone, I turn to dope
Only ugly around me
So depressing really
My rage terrifying
Not calm, just pretending
Woman down, woman down!

 I was out, really gone
Nasty dope in my mouth
Lots of fat came out
Still no comfort
No job at fifty-four
No home for her
In a shelter, ghetto area
Nobody cares
Dog eat dog the criteria
Woman down so long!

You try to control my space
To keep me in my place
To make yourself feel safe
Threats to kill me
Bust  up my face and more
Throw me in a river
Stab me up ever more
Cut off my head
No one will ever find me, you said
Woman down, down, down!

Nowhere to hide or run
The dogs come out to hunt
Screaming and rejoicing, they cry
"That cunt"
"You feel you better than us"
Yeah, they love the stinking cuss
That's how they live
That's how you live
Woman down for the count!

But am no runt
Am big and fat
Generous and blunt
To everyone a long rope I give
Watch how they cope
Most let go as they learn am no dope
But you and your pals
tell me to fuck off
I tell them off
No more talk
This woman's been around too goddamn long!

They say am disrespectful
Stinking small nasty hypocrites all
Me, they can't control
And neither can you
Don Denzil Ferguson Alpheas Greigg
I will remain true to who I am
And where I come from
It's no place you know

One year it took me
To find who I really be
Today I am fearless
You cannot keep me down
Kill me you drunken clown
What goes around comes around
Nothing more to get from me
I forget nothing, buddy
This woman is up
Standing her ground
I ain't moving man!

In memory of slain attorney Dana Seetahal
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1 May 2014

How To Reconnect to Nature and Restore Your Energetic Balance

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This visualisation technique came from one of Deepak Chopra's books read in French at the time. If I could I would give you the name but can't. It is an excellent relaxation technique to reconnect yourself when taking a walk under the trees or in the woods, to restore your energetic balance.

We all - well, most of us - live in stressful environments and need recharging, the natural way.

I previously included it in Take a little time each day to commune with nature unfolding. I have practised this a lot and man, does it work to help me zone out into another place.

Chopra says use either your senses sight, touch, hearing or smell - don't use all four at the same time and from experience, you will gravitate naturally to one particular sense. Nothing wrong with that but try all four. Also, if your olfactory senses are as sensitive as mine, pay attention to your location!

Briefly, you can sit anywhere and do this to give yourself a 5-minute mental break however, being in a natural setting will be the most beneficial.

1 - Create some quiet time for yourself in a calm space that is yours.

2 - Time yourself if you wish.

3 - Sit down or lie down and position yourself where you are facing Mother Nature's representative; either a plant, a live flower or a tree outside.
If you can do this outside in natural surroundings, even better.

4 - Take a few deep breaths and relax.

5 - Focus on the plant leaf, the tree's new buds or the flower and examine it closely as if you are seeing it for the first time (because you are).

6 - Relax and let your vision expand.

7 - You will either come out of this state naturally or your alarm will sound (if you timed yourself).

8 - After your "rest" of 5 minutes or 20, you will feel light, refreshed and energetic. Write down what you observed, if anything, during your time-out.

9 - This works because you were "being" instead of "doing".

The same goes for sound. Relax, listen and try to identify every single sound you hear from the most obvious to the almost inaudible. There are more than you think and once you "capture" the obvious noises you'll begin to hear more. Don't strain youself as if you have to hear something. It is not a contest.

A park or the woods or at home is best for practising your sense of smell and finally, use your body to practise your sense of touch - with your eyes closed - get to know you.

This activity disconnects your thinking brain and pushes the stress away. Sure, it will still be there on your "return" but you will feel differently about it and see it from a distance.

Keep practising. Your new world is completely accessible and return refreshed. Practise expanding your senses; it changes your perspective and reconnects you with what is happening around you on another level. Keep at it.

It is a great resource to have to use and abuse with joy!
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