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30 Aug 2013

Leadership Attribute - Consider Friendliness

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THIS IS A must share message from Bob Proctor's Insight of the day . It made me go oh yeah!


LISTENING to politicians’ nasty rhetoric, one might think that leadership has to be aggressive and confrontational, but consider this parable about leadership.

A student assigned to write an essay about an effective leader wrote this story:

I’VE BEEN taking a bus to school for years. Most passengers keep to themselves and no one ever talks to anyone else.

ABOUT A YEAR ago, an elderly man got on the bus and said loudly to the driver, ‘Good morning!’. Most people looked up, annoyed, and the bus driver just grunted. The next day the man got on at the same stop and again he said loudly, ‘Good morning!’ to the driver. Another grunt. By the fifth day, the driver relented and greeted the man with a semi-cheerful ‘Good morning!’.

THE MAN announced, ‘My name is Benny’, and asked the driver, ‘What’s yours?’. The driver said his name was Ralph.

THAT WAS the first time any of us heard the driver’s name and soon people began to talk to each other and say hello to Ralph and Benny. Soon Benny extended his cheerful ‘Good morning!’ to the whole bus.

Within a few days his ‘Good morning!’ was returned by a whole bunch of ‘Good mornings’ and the entire bus seemed to be friendlier. People got to know each other.

IF A LEADER is someone who makes something happen, Benny was our leader in friendliness.

A MONTH AGO, Benny didn’t get on the bus and we haven’t seen him since. Everyone began to ask about Benny and lots of people said he may have died. No one knew what to do and the bus got awful quiet again.

SO LAST WEEK, I started to act like Benny and say, ‘Good morning!’ to everyone and they cheered up again.

I guess I’m the leader now. I hope Benny comes back to see what he started.”

Remember, character counts.

Michael Josephson
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29 Aug 2013

EFT Script: My Needs are Not Important as Others'

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Another fun and fab EFT script from Expert Extraordinaire Brad Yates called My Needs are not as Important as Others’. All about EFT is where you'll find the tapping points if you are new to EFT.

YOU must take responsibility for yourself and any emotions which may arise as a result of EFT tapping.

Side of the Hand: Even though I need to make these sacrifices,
I choose to love and accept myself.
Even though I need to make these sacrifices,
I choose to love and honor myself.
Even though I need to make these sacrifices,
I need to give up
what I might feel that I need,
so that others needs are met first.
And, hopefully there will be some left over for me.
It could be about anything,
But, I need to let others get theirs first.
I need to wait my turn,
And my turn is always last.
Maybe in the past,
I sometimes wanted to be first,
and, I got scolded for that
So, now I know,
It’s safest to wait to go last.
And, if that means I might not get anything, that’s ok.
That’s better than being first and being selfish.
I need to make this sacrifice
in order to be a good person.
I choose to deeply and completely
Love, honor, and accept myself,
and, anyone else,
including all those people
who could have contributed to this problem 
Eyebrow Point (EB): I need to make this sacrifice
Side of Eye (SE): I need to wait
Under the Eye (UE): I need to let others go first
Under the Nose (UN): Because I talk too much
Under the Mouth (UM): I talk too much
Collarbone (CB): I take up other people’s time
Under the Breast (UB): I’ve been too selfish
Under the Arm (UA): I get my needs met
Top of the Head(TH): and the expense of others

EB: and, I was told that makes me a bad person
SE: makes me a selfish person
UE: it makes me a rude person
UN: it makes me an uncaring person
UM: and, I don’t want to be that
CB: so, I let everyone go before me
UB: as long as there is someone else who wants something
UA: I am going to let them go before me
TH: I’m going to stand there holding the door open

EB: maybe when no one else is showing up
SE: I’ll go and see if anything is left
UE: and, even if there isn’t anything left
UN: at least I’ve been a nice person
UM: all this need to be the nice person
CB: all this need to be the self-sacrificing person
UB: all this need to be a martyr
UA: putting others needs before my own
TH: 24/7

EB: I don’t want anyone to think that I am selfish
SE: I don’t want anyone to think that I am uncaring
UE: I don’t want anyone thinking that I believe I am more important than others
UN: so, I make it look like they are more important than I am
UM: and, that is not working for me
CB: it’s only getting one need met
UB: the need to be self-sacrificing
UA: in order to look like I’m being nice
TH: and, that’s not to say

EB: that there are times
SE: when it makes sense to let others go first
UE: but, I feel I always have to do it
UN: and I choose to release that
UM: no one is more important than I am
CB: maybe no one is less important UB: but, no one is more important
UA: no one is more deserving
TH: if I were on a plane with my girls

EB: and there was a loss in cabin pressure
SE: I know the drill
UE: I have to put my own mask on first
UN: and then put it on my girls
UM: my needs have to get met, too
CB: because I am important
UB: and, I have a lot to offer
UA: and, me getting my needs met
TH: benefits a lot of people

EB: if I put the mask on the girls first
SE: and, then I passed out
UE: is that really in their best interest?
UN: because, that’s not the last thing I have to offer them
UM: I have so much more to offer them
CB: and, I have so much to offer the world
UB: and to be able to offer it fully
UA: I have needs that need to get met
TH: it’s important that I get certain things

EB: or let go of certain things
SE: like I do on this teleclass
UE: when I speak up with what is going on for me
UN: it benefits a lot of people
UM: the issue that I am dealing with
CB: might be bothering a lot of other people, too
UB: someone else is going to get benefit from it
UA: and, as I let it go
TH: I have greater freedom

EB: to share my gifts and talents
SE: so, by speaking up
UE: and moving forward
UN: that’s not just selfish
UM: it’s benefiting a lot of people
CB: and, there may have been times in the past
UB: where I didn’t think as much as I could have
UA: and, I might have rushed in a lot more than I needed to
TH: and, it’s not because I am a bad person

EB: and, I wish the teachers could have said to me
SE: let’s let someone else go first this time
UE: without shaming me
UN: if they simply said,
UM: “We are coming up with a system that is fair for everyone.”
CB: Because some people are shy
UB: and we need to find something that works for them, too
UA: and, it’s really great that you are more out there
TH: that’s a fantastic quality

EB: don’t lose it
SE: and, maybe there’s ways to temper it
UE: but, not by shutting yourself down
UN: I felt the need to go to the other extreme
UM: so, as to avoid being shamed again
CB: I needed to do that to protect myself
UB: I forgive myself for misunderstanding
UA: I might even forgive these teachers for not knowing better
TH: I’m releasing the past pain

EB: releasing the past shame
SE: all those times
UE: where I felt I got my hand slapped
UN: for speaking up
UM: all those times I got my hand slapped
CB: for talking too much
UB: all those times I became afraid
UA: that there would be all kinds of negative consequences
TH: if I spoke up

EB: and I’m healing
SE: releasing that past pain
UE: releasing that past shame
UN: releasing it at a cellular level
UM: releasing it all the way through my past
CB: setting myself free
UB: so that I can do more good more for the world
UA: I am setting myself free
TH: In body, mind, and spirit

Take a deep breath… and a drink of water.
 "I'd say that I think the most revolutionary act that you can commit in our society today is to be happy."
Hunter Doherty "Patch" Adams

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Quiet Your Monkey Mind - Consider what really matters

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CALL to ACTION (to quiet your monkey mind from always jumping all over the place), Action Assignment #34

REFLECT on the messages carved in stone as you walk a labyrinth or take a simple circular nature walk.

The messages are:
Your life is a journey, not a destination. Reconnect with your mind.  Listen for guidance.  Deepen your compassion.  Increase your patience. Set an intention.   Ask a question.   Reflect on a dream.   Remember a friend.   Come to terms.  
AS YOU SPEND time in reflection, consider the thoughts that come to mind and expand on the two most significant ideas for you today and discuss your feelings with another, journal your responses, or simply thank the Universe for making you aware of these messages carved in stone.
THIS IS A form of meditation and it will give you an opportunity to quiet your monkey mind and consider what really matters.  
Source: Napoleon Hill Yesterday and Today, Issue 344
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24 Aug 2013

Pausing to Drink from the Beauty of Nature

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TAKE THE TIME today to really notice and appreciate the beauty that surrounds you.

SOMETIMES we go through whole days without really tuning in to the beauty of nature that surrounds us. We have a habit of seeing it without really taking it in, yet once we begin to notice it we treat ourselves to an exquisite realm of subtle, complex scents, miraculous forms, and ethereal light.

THE NATURAL world enriches our entire being through the vehicles of our senses. When we are low, nature lifts our spirits. When we are tired, it rejuvenates us—if we pause long enough to drink from its beauty.

IF YOU HAVE fallen out of the practice of taking time to observe the light as it filters through the leaves of a tree, or the concentric rings a raindrop makes as it plops into a puddle, you can retune yourself by dedicating a day to noticing the beauty in nature.

ON THIS DAY, one possibility is to rise early enough to see the sunrise.

Watching the sky change colors and the world emerge from darkness is an experience that will influence the whole rest of your day in ways that words cannot describe.

OR SIMPLY observe the quality of the morning light as it infuses the world with its particular pale golden beauty. You may let the light play on your own hand, remembering that you are also part of the natural world.

LET YOUR INTUITION guide you to the elements of nature that call to you throughout the day, such as the sound of the wind as it shakes and sways a tree or the feeling of snowflakes landing on your warm eyelids and cheeks.

AFTER YOU DEVOTE one day to opening your eyes more fully to the beauty of nature, you may want to make this part of your daily routine.

EACH DAY DRINK from the beauty all around you, and allow it to rejuvenate your entire being. All you have to do is pause, for just one minute, and really take it in, remembering to thank Mother Nature for her beauty. DailyOM
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23 Aug 2013

We Forget What Silence can do for Us

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In The Midst of our busy lives, we may forget what silence can do for us. We may also have the se
nse that surrender is defeat. When we surrender to a higher power that we trust, however, we do not do so in defeat but in release.
Spiritually, we are connected to infinite energy, but our bodies need rest and proper care, and our minds need spaces, like rests in a symphony, to distinguish between the sounds.

Our Inspiration and inner guidance comes from the silent space within us where we are connected to the universe. As you allow yourself to surrender to the silence today, you nurture yourself from the very source of life. DailyOM
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FOOD FOR THOUGHT - What is The Golden Rule?

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Call to ACTION Action - Assignment #33:
from Napoleon Hill Yesterday and Today, Issue 343

This week’s assignment comes to you from the desk of Napoleon Hill. It is a great fit with the readings for this week, and good philosophical food for thought. Read on and then journal your responses, ideas, thoughts as you consider what Dr. Hill has to say to each of us below.

A suggestion:
Look around in your community and find some man who you know lives for the purpose of accumulating money. Find some man—and alas, you can find such men—for whom any amount of money is too little and no amount is too much.

He will almost certainly be a man who has little conscience about how he acquires his money, for conscience can be a hindrance when your horizon is nothing but a line of empty money bags to be filled.

Observe this man. Look for warmth in his soul; you will not find it, unless the subject of discussion is money. Watch for a warm, human welcome in his smile; you will not see it—he smiles like a shark. Notice how little he displays an enjoyment of life.

Oh, he may go through various expensive motions of enjoyment, but that is something else again. In the humane sense of the word, such a man is not really human. He is an automaton—a money-making machine. Yet many will envy that mechanical man. They will point to what they call his success.

Can there be success without happiness? Any really human person knows the two must go together as partners in a worthwhile life.

No man who thinks that happiness lies in having too much ever will be happy. No man can be truly happy until he translates the words of the Golden Rule into deeds, and shares happiness with others.

Moreover, the Golden Rule was not meant to be enforced like taxes. The sharing of happiness brings happiness when the sharing is voluntary, with no other object than to give. Source: Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind. Ballantine Books. 1996. Pg. 186.

by Napoleon Hill

WE SHOULD NOT content ourselves with the merest crumbs from life’s table, and we should not attempt to grab too much.

THE GOLDEN RULE often seems to act as a great leveler in assuring that this shall be so. It creates an ever-present spirit of kindly consideration for the needs and rights of others, so that without thought of gain (which so often is twisted by small minds into grabbing) the mind infused with the Golden Rule acquires a sense of what constitutes its own true ability to give.

GIVING BEGETS receiving: there is a to-and-fro passage of wealth which may not reflect itself in a swollen bank account, but does reflect itself in a mind which has known such wealth. In this lies happiness, peace and health which a man merely rich in money may never know.

Source: Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind. Ballantine Books. 1996. Pgs. 185 – 186 .
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21 Aug 2013

Dying to the Old Me - Emancipation

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Emancipation Day celebrants
LOVE IS SUCH a hurting thing. We hear that in songs all the time but that's not true at all. Love really does make the world go round. It is such a wonderfully uplifting, open and accepting emotion tolerant of all, critical of none, seeing beauty everywhere eyes are turned.

No, people, I am not in love. I woke up the other morning and after a brief meditation just felt so UP and these thoughts surfaced hence this post.

MY HEART FEELS full to bursting with gratitude. I feel such a tremendous love for my fellow man and now that the scales have been washed from my eyes, I see once again the light in the man who has unstintingly supported me despite his obvious challenges with alcohol.

I became blind to the light in his soul for the past months which was a shame since as that is what attracted me and made me want to know his story - how could he, a natural leader, a man of such worth and with such heart could end up living in a homeless shelter.

I RECOGNIZED not only our stark differences in upbringing and thus life experiences after our one month romantic fling - even that surprised me - but most importantly I began finding fault with his physical appearance resulting in inevitable criticism and angry encounters.

IT SOUNDS GREAT to say "Oh, I'm not normally like that..." but I would be lying and just as hypocritical as anyone else out there who is unable to communicate effectively. This man's lack of self-love and self-flagellation should have been a huge hint that I needed to check myself because that is what I was doing to myself in my empty, go-nowhere, depressing life. It was really terrible!

WE HUMANS ALWAYS project unto others what we don't like in ourselves and when they naturally reflect it right back at us we hate them. How bout them apples, huh, but that is exactly what we all need to 'fess up to.

AS SOON AS I stopped beating myself up, a welcome feeling of peacefulness swept over me. I discovered by chance afterward from one of my FB friends,
Penny Black of Morning Messages - and there's no such thing as coincidence - that a rare planetary formation on 29 July 2013 called the Star of David Merkaba Grand Sextile probably had a significant impact on me and others who are growing in awareness.

Nope, this is NOT woo woo stuff. The planets formed two intersecting triangles which formed the Star of David in the sky. It occurs once every 100 years or so and I was like AHA! because that Star pendant was also a gift granted to me in my teens during one of my astral travels almost thirty-eight years ago and that is what made me sit up and take notice. There is not such thing as coincidence people.

THIS GALACTIC EVENT also had a significant impact upon the feminine within all of us. I don't buy into the biblical/doomsday crap out about this either as I know, as a long time astral traveller that WE humans are not the only Beings out here and mother earth, our magnificent blue planet, as we all know is not alone in the universe either. For those interested, Peggy Black describes the impact of the rare planetary formation.

TEARS USED TO BE RARE events in my life. I thought I had used them all up eleven years ago during my suicidal depression. I normally fight down the feelings, soldier on and go analytical to dissect them.

IMAGINE MY HORROR when this overwhelming and I mean overwhelming, feeling of wrenching loss - it felt like death - surfaced in my chest and just never went away. It lasted for weeks and all I could do was cry. It made me crazy. I could barely hold them in and it happened everywhere, in taxis, the library, just walking. It was terrible. In part it helped that I wear sunglasses but not by much.

THAT EVENT LED up to the actual day, 29 July of the rare planetary formation and after which that exquisite feeling of loss faded and the tears petered out. The soul journey is a tough road.

I FELT THE NEED during that time to be on consecrated ground which led me to the one hundred and ninety year old Trinity Cathedral and that's where I found solace in its grounding energy.

I would just go sit there, let the tears flow copiously then go continue my job search.

IT'S AS IF I WOKE UP after that planetary constellation occurred and while sitting quietly one afternoon a 60-something year old woman in the early stages of Alzheimer's told me out of the blue and with perfect clarity "Don't be confused by what's happening around you. Stay as you are." We weren't even having a conversation and it touched me so. I was grateful for the message which confirmed that I was doing okay.

LOVE, LOVE OF SELF, having compassion for your Self and others is magical all by itself. I can reaffirm that after my experiences of feeling crushed and losing myself somehow. I died (or is it the other way around) to the old parts of me that were no longer relevant or needed.

ACCEPTANCE OF THOSE different among us is a serious challenge in some cases however those positive feelings do contribute toward our global upliftment.

I want to reiterate that it really matters not what others think of you. It is none of your bizness! Abraham-Hicks says Allow others to be, do or have whatever they want. You do not have to take anything from their experience that you don't like. Remember that.

IT'S A GREAT OMEN that today is also Emancipation Day here, a public holiday celebrated each year on 1 August to commemorate the emancipation of slaves in the British colonies - Trinidad and Tobago was one - in 1834. They still had to fight for that because the plantation owners wanted to impose a 4-year apprenticeship until they decided how to replace the nigras. Happily that wasn't to be.

ATTAINING THAT WHICH we desire always seems so difficult. It comes from a lack of self-love, confidence and belief in our right to have it. Because of those feelings we find it hard to maintain focus exclusively on what we want. We ae no longer in the flow, the zone, the groove.

WHATEVER YOU DESIRE is yours to receive. All you have to do is be open to it and expect it. Don't hang on to the "I have to have it" desperate plea. That's negative and self-defeating. Simply decide what you want and don't keep changing your mind. Your doubts are telling the Universe "I'm not sure if that's it" so stop that and take whatever little steps you can to further your fesire.

YOU CAN CREATE affirmations or use those offered on places like HayHouse to increase your faith that you will obtain your heart's desire. Affirmations always work. Their use changes your energy to attract what you want. It's when you use words that are countered by your powerful negative belief that you end up with problems such as "I want a million dollars in the bank" and creditors are currently badgering you to make at least a minimum payment. Get my drift. In cases like this get some financial counselling first.

REPEAT AFFIRMATIONS EVERY DAY and often. Louise Hay says that practising affirmations in front of a mirror, I tried it with a makeup mirror, brings on the changes even faster. It's just you and your eyes.

I'VE BEEN MAKING CHANGES all my life yet had conveniently forgotten all the techniques I used over the years that brought me where I am today when I sunk into this slump.

BEGIN A VISUALIZATION workshop every day for fifteen to thirty minutes in which you create and live your dream, your desire, as if it already exists. This is a fabulous way of pumping up your energy with good vibes all the way. You are in effect telling the Universe "Thank you for bringing it my way." You are that certain.

SYNCHRONICITY TAKES CHARGE and creates links in the chain that bring events and you together to attain that no longer unreachable goal. You hear a chance remark, unlikely people point the way, the most banal of situation turn golden, and like that, you are on your way. Have faith in the process.

BE CERTAIN of what you want and desire, ignore all that is not important to you, tell no one about it as they would instill doubt in your mind, stay the course and watch it happen. Dying to the old me was painful, as usual. I intend to get better and better as I re-learn focusing on my needs and being faithful to them and being gentle and compassionate with myself. I deserve it as do you.

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15 Aug 2013

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Prayer to Cleanse the Currency

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I JUST FOUND Peggy Black's Prayer to cleanse the currency and it hit me like a ton of bricks when I started reading it I felt such a powerful connection in my chest react to it, I was amazed. It felt right!

I have copied it below and I ask you all who feel this is right for you to use this Prayer and share it as widely as possible. Careful now, this is nothing religious eh. It is simply an intention directed to the Universe, Source, God or whatever name you use, for the upliftment of the whole in which you participate.

Why is this so important? Because the majority of us have money problems and that is abnormal. The Universe is there to provide all our needs, financial included yet money and the lack of it is our biggest bugbear. Something's screwy with that and this seems like a great way to fix it.

Here's a perfect example of what's wrong with us financially speaking. I heard a conversation quite recently where one woman was insulting the other saying that she wants no dirty money like the other woman has from prostituting herself.

What struck me about their conversation is that both women are homeless, live in a shelter for homeless people and obsess about money and talk of nothing else all day long. Both are tight-fisted and manipulative and cannot resist each other's company. My instinctive thought was while listening to them was "There's nothing dirty about money" and since I have my own challenges/fears with not having enough and where am I going to get it to buy such and such... see it's the same fear. When money "rears its ugly head", see again... that folks is the barrier we have created AGAINST prosperity and abundance.

Test yourself by writing down a few thoughts whenever you think about money and you'll see I'm HAHAHA right on the money.

We are also very aware that our financial institutions the world over are fucked up, screwing us royally and making money hand over fist yet we the people everywhere don't seem to profit. Those financial crashes aren't happening by accident.

This is our opportunity, yours and mine, to do our part in cleansing our financial aura for the good of us all. This is transformation and transmutation, and attracting abundance right here.

Be sure to read the entire Call to Action which follows the Prayer.

I call upon the beloved I AM, the All That Is the Divine Source, Angels, Archangels and the Celestial Realms of Love and Light to support and assist this process.

I am grateful for the opportunity to serve with others as we unite to transform the matrix of our financial reality as we cleanse and clear all currency of any energetic discordance.

With clear intention I envision the currency and money being energetically cleansed.

I envision this currency now going out blessing everyone and everything it touches. I envision the power of the Pure White Light and the Violet Flame of Transmutation, moving through all banks and financial institutions uplifting and cleansing the entire monetary reality of the world. With this action of sacred service I join with others to transmute anything unlike the highest and the best financial well-being for all.

I allow this transforming process to include all aspects of my personal financial reality, the money that I earn, spend, save and the money I owe. All my financial beliefs and transactions are blessed and uplifted.

It is with gratitude that I now accept the Divine blessings of abundance of in my life and in the lives of the global family. Abundance of prosperity, health, peace, joy and financial grace I now accept for myself and all humanity. So Be It and So it is

© 2009 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may make copies of this message and share it with others, as long as it is copied in its entirety. Please credit the source and include the copyright. 831-335-3145

I am Peggy Black and this is a Call to Action.

I invite you to participate, with the powerful intention to energetically cleanse all the currency and money. Together we will shift, heal and transform the matrix of the monetary system. Please network this invitation everywhere.

We live in a sea of vibrations, everything and everyone is frequency. We are becoming aware of our true power to influence the Quantum field with our words, emotions and intentions. This truth is especially powerful when we join together as a conscious collective with one common goal and one focused intention for global change.

Imagine that all currency carries a frequency and vibrational contamination of lack, scarcity, fear, and greed that is energetically attached to the money that we receive and use each day. Think of all the places this money has traveled and all the individuals who have touched this currency leaving an energetic trace of their emotional state and beliefs. Be very aware that you bring this contaminated energy into your wallets and your life. You have the opportunity to use your power of intention to energetically cleanse all the money that comes into your life each and every day.

In the sacred space of your mind and heart or each time you go to your store, the bank or financial institution with earnest intention offer this service to the Quantum field, the field of all possibilities. In your imagination, meditations or prayers and when you are at the bank, or the store consciously invite Divine Source, Angels, Archangels, Masters and Celestial Beings to assist in this process of clearing the currency and money of all energetic discordance. Now imagine the currency and money going out blessing everyone and everything it touches. Envision yourself connected to Divine Source, the money matrix and all others doing this sacred service each day with each monetary transaction. Imagine the shift in the monetary system when you along with other conscious, enlightened beings offer this transforming service to humanity.

This service of cleansing the currency can be done anytime and any place as often as possible. As you hold money in your hand and envision its connection to the entire matrix, you can take your check book, a bank statement, your mortgage payment, credit card bills, or your tax statement, the things that would symbolize your financial reality and energetically clean it with Pure White Light or the Violet Flame of Transmutation and bless them with gratitude. Do this service each day. This process will transform all aspects of your personal financial reality, the money you earn, spend, save, and the money you owe. Be creative with your magnificence and power as to how you cleanse the currency and your own financial matrix. Together we create a world of shared abundance and financial grace for all.

© 2009 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may make copies of this message and share it with others, as long as it is copied in its entirety. Please credit the source and include the copyright. 831-335-3145
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14 Aug 2013

Neglected Victory Gardens

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Neglected Victory Gardens
by Napoleon Hill

The conscious mind is the guardian of the garden spot of the subconscious mind. Neither negative nor positive thoughts can enter the subconscious mind without full consent of the conscious mind except thought out of the blue, received through the sixth sense.
All sense impressions received through the five senses are stopped at the gate by the conscious, thinking mind, for inspection and acceptance or rejection. The conscious mind is therefore a sentry posted to guard the approach to the precious subconscious.
Fertilise the garden of the mind or it will become a neglected victory garden.
Weeds will grow in abundance in the fertile garden spot of the subconscious if the seeds of preferred crops are not sown. Through self-suggestion (affirmations), you can voluntarily feed your subconscious mind on thoughts of a creative nature or, by neglect, permit thoughts of a destructive nature to find their way into this rich garden.
Definiteness of purpose will keep your mind clear of the things you don’t want and keep it so busy working on the things you do want that it will have no time to grow the weeds that are undesirable. Judging from the products many people are harvesting, their minds must resemble neglected victory gardens.
Source: PMA Science of Success Educational Edition. The Napoleon Hill Foundation. 1961. Pg. 32.

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13 Aug 2013

Hidden Emotions Hurt the Heart

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Hidden Emotions Hurt the Heart 
by Dr Christian Northrup
One of my Facebook friends was asking me for advice for her sister, who has hypertension (high blood pressure). I didn’t suggest a statin or a blood pressure lowering medication, as the first choice. I explained that, while there are factors like high blood pressure or a stressful lifestyle which contribute to hypertension, sometimes the root cause is deep emotional tension from the past.

In the Wisdom of Menopause (2012), I write about the experience of my colleague Annemarie Colbin, Ph.D., a pioneer in the whole foods movement and founder of the Natural Gourmet Cooking School in New York City. Annemarie—who has eaten a mostly vegan, organic diet for decades—was diagnosed with hypertension “out of the blue” in the second half of her life.

Annemarie had read about the work of Samuel J. Mann, M.D., professor of Clinical Medicine at the Hypertension Center of the New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center. Dr. Mann has seen thousands of patients with high blood pressure over the years. In his book Healing Hypertension: A Revolutionary New Approach (Wiley 1999), he notes that, over the years, he has observed a pattern which doesn’t fit the common view of hypertension as being stress-related. He wrote, “Even patients with severe hypertension did not seem more emotionally distressed than others. If anything, they seemed less distressed.”

It appeared that their high blood pressure was more related to avoiding one’s feelings than to addressing them. Mann came to the conclusion that old, unhealed, repressed traumas were the major culprit in his patients’ high blood pressure. I agree it is our hidden emotions—the ones we don’t feel—that lead to hypertension and many other so-called “unexplained” disorders.

In any case, Annemarie Colbin found herself suddenly grappling with episodes of extreme high blood pressure (sometimes as high as 220/110), along with insomnia. Rather than giving in to the typical treatment, which would mean taking drugs for the rest of her life, she went to see Dr. Mann. She was encouraged to look into any hidden emotions she might be harboring. It didn’t take her long to figure out that her problem stemmed from what I call an “energetic imprint” of trauma from her childhood.

When Annemarie was a child, age 2–5, she spent three years in Hungary during WWII. She lived there with her mother, her father having been forced into a labor camp. She and her mother spent many nights in cellars and basements with 30–40 strangers, hiding from bombs and grenades. She said that she had no memory of this at all. But one day she took a walk and found herself just “waiting.” For what, she didn’t know.

Then she remembered her mother telling her about one of the times they stayed in a basement. Her mother had been summoned upstairs by the occupying soldiers for a party and had to leave her alone in the basement with strangers, none of whom cared about her. She suddenly felt profound terror that her mother might not come back. She said, “I remember knowing that I would die if she did not return. I had no home, no family, no friends, nothing. Just the two of us. I think I must have stayed awake all night waiting for my mother. And now—in my sleepless nights—I was reliving it.”

After this revelation (when walking), Annemarie says, “I lay in the grass, on the safe ground, and shook and cried, feeling and releasing that old terror. After a while of shaking and crying, I calmed down, got up, and went home, feeling strangely relieved. Then I checked my blood pressure. It had gone down to 137/82 in one hour.” Over the next several months as she cleared out additional, old emotional baggage, her blood pressure eventually stabilized at a normal level.

We are living in a time when the light is getting much brighter. And because of this it is much more difficult to hold on to our inner darkness—our old, unhealed pain and terror. Failure to release those old dark emotions, and release them fully, increases our chances for becoming ill—whether that’s high blood pressure or something else. We’ve been taught to be very afraid of our tears, our rage, our grief. But these are NOT the problem. Keeping them bottled up is.

For some of you, just reading this will bring up the emotions that require releasing. Others may need the help of a skilled therapist or bodyworker. Regardless, here is an affirmation to help you release what needs to come up and out—if anything!

Divine Beloved, please change me into someone who can easily release any dark emotions that I may be holding—even if I don’t know about it. Help me to feel and then to release everything that needs to come up. I am safe and all is well.

After you practice this a bit, please leave me a comment here or on my Facebook page and tell me about your experience. For more encouragement, listen to Flourish on February 27, 2013, when I’ll be helping listeners through this important process.

NOTE: Flourish is an internet radio programme on HayHouseRadio and past episodes can be found in their archives.
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5 Aug 2013

The Power of Encouragement - Perseverance against the odds

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Perseverence against the odds is what is demanded of us each and every day. That is why we are here, to achieve, grow, prosper doing what we love. When doubt rears its ugly head according to who's around we lose faith in ourselves and our abilities and fall into that fear full pit. Helped along by our so-called friends and family members.

The trick is to always maintain your focus on what you want to achieve to the exclusion of all else, know who your real friends are and even more importantly, understand that a family is not necessarily comprised of blood relatives but those who love and support you and lift you up when you feel down. They encourage you in spite of the odds. That is family and they will never let you down.

So be careful who you  listen to and sometimes, it's worth turning a deaf ear to helpful advice which is not always in your best interest.

Will, Fern, and the Power of Encouragement

Two frogs named Will and Fern fell into a deep pit together. At first, they thought it would be easy to jump out. But after lots of failed attempts they cried for help and a crowd of animals gathered around the pit.
Everyone agreed it was hopeless so they urged Will and Fern to accept their fate. The harder the trapped frogs jumped, the more the crowd yelled at them to give up. Finally, Will stopped trying. Fern refused to quit and with one mighty try she leaped out of the pit.
The crowd was amazed. Someone asked her why she kept trying when everyone told her she had no chance.

Fern was baffled. “What are you saying?” she asked. “I’m a bit deaf. I was sure you were all cheering me on. I couldn’t have done it without your encouragement.” 
I learned of this story from a woman who was in a transitional housing program recovering from a long period of drug abuse, homelessness and hopelessness. She wanted everyone to understand how important positivism and encouragement can be to help people who seem down and out to get up and out. She said she got out of her own pit because caring people helped her believe in herself and gave her the confidence she needed to jump a little harder. 
There will always be people in your life ready to tell you what you can’t do. Real friends root for you, support you and help you discover your inner talents and strengths. 
I hope you will find and treasure those kinds of friends and be one yourself. 
Remember, character counts.
Michael Josephson
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