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30 Jul 2009

The Agony of Self-Sabotage and The Turning Point

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Well, I'm properly back from my self-inflicted hell that started last week and peaked this week. That's why I couldn't blog; okay one half-assed post on Wednesday.

Thank goodness other bloggers are on the job! As I'm sure you know, growth is damn painful. We adults resist such things because our mental processes go nuts.

Did I really say I wanted to grow and become and share? So I'm sharing. I've been hating myself so badly; I just couldn't stand me anymore. And resisting taking action to pull myself out of the emotional pit I had dug for myself is a classic fallback reaction.

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29 Jul 2009

It's Time To Be Blissed Out: Make The Time

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I just read a very handy post by Lynette Chartier on Braveheart Women about a missed opportunity to be blissed out.

In January 2007, the Washington Post asked a well-known musician to play for one hour in the Washington DC Metro during rush hour. He did and collected twenty-three dollars from passers by.

The only ones who tried to stop and listen were children and they had to be forcibly pulled away by their parents. The purpose of the experiment was to identify people's tastes, perception and priorities.

That remarkable incident highlights our lack of perception and it's unfortunately how most of us live our lives - blindly. We are so caught up in chasing down the thousands of futile thoughts constantly popping into our heads and swimming in the depths of the accompanying emotions that we deceive ourselves into thinking that we have a life. That is so obviously not true.

When we cannot take a moment to appreciate beauty whenever and wherever we see or hear it, then we are the losers! It is time we stop deceiving ourselves into thinking that we know what's important.
Joshua Bell was the itinerant musician playing his 3.5 million dollar violin. The previous night he performed to a sold out theatre crowd where seats were 100 dollars each.

Take time for pleasure. Make time to be blissed out. Make time for fun. That is what life is all about. Enjoyment!

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22 Jul 2009

How To Banish Your Inner Demons: The Easy Way

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Now people, it's time to put your pain to paper and banish your inner demons from your thoughts, psyche and life.

We all have them in some form or another and they are ruling our lives, dictating our thoughts and controlling our reactions. Creating stress which inhibits us from acting in our own best interests.

But really, all we need do is look around at the wars and strife that's tearing societies apart. Those are the inner demons we need to kick out of our lives, permanently, and it starts with one!

Here is an old shaman technique that was shared with me a few months back. It is very old and  and is extremely effective. I have used it twice so far and the results were spectacular.

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A Feral Child's Prayer For The Dead - So What's The Deal

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I read about Samuel Pisar recently. A holocaust survivor now 80 years old who was talking about the feral child he became by the time he was sixteen, in Hitler's Poland. He escaped the gas chambers twice which was a miracle in itself.

This post is about this man's wild child, their journey together and it's culmination but I'll give a little background first.

Pisar's Feral Child

Despite Pisar's success, the feral, pitiless child that he was is alive and still with him; criticising him unceasingly. However, that's quite natural. Because after his camp was freed by the allies he became a hooligan and black marketeer and then was rescued from his life of crime by a French aunt.

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21 Jul 2009

I Am Grateful For Being Bare

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I am so damn grateful for being bared
With the lessons I learnt today
And particularly to Wayne Dyer
Whom I admire
For being inspired

I had such a shitty afternoon
Been running away from myself
For a week
Can't settle
And what did I do
I exchanged poo with other people too
In sum, I shat on them

I could not believe what I said
I, the hypocrite
Criticize others in public
When I see them doing harm
And today I disrespected two strangers
And hurt myself in the process
I am so grateful to them

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20 Jul 2009

A Prayer In Your Ear: A Life Not Mine

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A prayer in your ear
What's that thing
What are they saying
What's it mean
A prayer to hear

Down on your knees
That's religion breed
I'm not into knees
What's it please
Seems strange to me

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The Anguish of Wanting and Not Knowing The Way Back

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Soothing myself
Sabotaging myself
Need to find self
What am I doing
Sitting on the shelf

Always want to go further
Want to know her
Life's not for her
Just adore her
Get to know her
That's what you're there for

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17 Jul 2009

How To Get Rid of Emotional Clutter and Get Your Life Back: Use TAT

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Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT)

TAT was developed by Tapas Fleming. She says that TAT is not something she discovered all by herself. TAT acupressure points are the same acupuncture points used in Chinese Medicine and we know how old that is. Tapas only uses four of them.

Jaqui Crooks, an EFT Master, explains what is TAT.

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13 Jul 2009

Change How You React to Stress: Change is Vital, Stress Is Not

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I recently heard Brad Yates on the radio interviewing Dr Richard A. DiCenso about his 6-week Change Programme which is part of his Science of Successful Change Program.  The programme outlines exactly where I want to get to.  Hence my reason for sharing him with you.

According to Dr "D", his 6-week programme that will enable us to eliminate, change or improve any of our habits that we let screw us up when we're under stress.  

From the discussion, I learned that we constantly fall back into our messes because of a self-regulating thermostat that's supposedly meant to keep us safe.  We're all subjected to this "brain-washing" by well-meaning parents from the day we are born so that we adopt their lifestyle, habits and culture.

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9 Jul 2009

Feminine Energy - What Is It And How Do We Use This Feminine Energy

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Braveheart Women recently interviewed Rori Raye on A Braveheart View She's a dating advice coach and they were talking about the feminine energy.

What is feminine energy? We misuse it thinking that that's what the man wants or expects or quite simply, we ignore the feeling; or hide behind our action, masculine-oriented self that we project on-the-job. Because we feel vulnerable.

Rori Raye impressed me with her clear and honest assessment of us women and I recognized my schema in some of what she said. Her message is ladies, be authentic.

As I move from a self-conscious, deliberately masculine-acting female to a woman who is embracing her feminine energy, I'm discovering more information about this. It's synchronicity at work!

I love it when things come together, don't you! Here's to sharing...

Rori's interview on dating
Rori Raye

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How To Have The Relationship You Desire: Tap Into Your Feminine Energy When Dating

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It's about the Rori Raye interview again on A Braveheart View about the feminine energy and how women need to tap into it.

Feminine energy as covered in a previous post, is not exclusive to us women. In fact, it's the side we most appreciate in men ... kindness, gentleness, able to show  his feelings and so on.

With us, our masculine side is on show when we're in the "doing or taking charge" mode and that's usually at work whether it's in or outside the home. And it's hard for us to put that side to bed - no pun intended - when we're on a date.

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7 Jul 2009

Your Reflection, Your Thoughts, Your Reality: Are They Really You?

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Do you believe that your thoughts are who you are? In fact, a better question would be are you even aware of the thoughts that are controlling your life?

Here's a head's up - your thoughts, your reflection and your reality, are not who you are!

The mirror test

One way to become conscious of how your thoughts create your reality is to look at yourself in the mirror after you've had your morning pee. Do you like what you see? What do you say to your reflection at those times?

Is it more like this:
  • I look okay ... I guess, or
  • Nah, I'm fine... but I could definitely lose some weight though, or
  • It's a fabulous day and I am the most gorgeous woman on the planet. Well, I will be as soon as I wake up, shower, make-up and coffee.
Or like this:
  • God, I look awful
  • I'm a fat cow
  • My face looks like someone slept on it
  • My god, Is that grey hair
  • I look like my mother
  • My butt looks like a dump truck
  • I am starting the South Beach Diet right now
  • Hmm, a little nip and tuck would help too. Well, maybe a lot...
Are those thoughts really you?

Your thoughts are so much more powerful than your words. They verbalize your feelings which never lie. So it doesn't matter what you say to yourself out loud if your emotions contradict it. You are digging yourself into a deep hole with this type of destructive thinking.

Your reflection may be static but your thoughts create your reality but are they really you? The answer is a resounding NO!

How to change your thinking

Counteract your destructive thoughts immediately with statements like:
  • I am having a fabulous day.
  • I am a magnificent child of the universe.
  • I am god's child.
  • I am getting better, better and better every day.
  • I am learning to love and accept myself.
  • I am proud to be me.
  • I deserve love and respect.
  • I am worth it.

Positive statements change your thinking

Choose all or any one of the above statements which you relate to best, and repeat them out loud every day, twice a day for thirty days.

In the morning, preferably looking at yourself in a mirror, and the very last thing at night before falling asleep.

Some days will be easier than others but the benefits are well worth it. Persist until you can say the phrases easily.

The words will become automatic as you continue to practise and you will begin to see yourself and the world around you differently. You will become kinder to yourself, which is the goal. That means self-love is in the air.

A pick-me-up

Here's my favourite pick-me-up video. If it doesn't perk you up, find your own. Use without moderation and smile, smile, smile.

Find something that makes you smile and let it out wide. Give your facial muscles a workout. When you smile out loud, you will find more things to smile about.

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2 Jul 2009

The Universe is A Friendly Place : When We're Friendly To It

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Here's a wonderful article from Magnus' newsletter - an EFT practitioner - illustrating what most of us do every day because we can't see what's staring us in the face.

It's easy to learn how to tap.
"Tap" is short for Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) tapping.

One of the most important things to realise about EFT Tapping is that it helps you see the world as it really is. Our negative feelings and beliefs are the filter through which we view reality. Once we've tapped away our negative feelings, we see the truth - the universe really is a friendly place.

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1 Jul 2009

I am Grateful To Be Sick and Tired of Being Sick and Tired

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I am grateful to be sick and tired of being sick and tired
I am grateful to know that I am powerful beyond imagining
That I can have anything I want
I demand it and I get it

I am grateful to know the universe is at my command
And not the other way around

I am glad to be different
I did not come here to suffer
I came here to experience this glorious life in the flesh
To manifest my joy in being who I am

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