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31 Aug 2010


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Happy to be AliveImage by Untitled blue via Flickr
Giving conscious attention to the ways we express ourselves can open a new world of possibilities that lend new meaning to our experiences. 

We don’t often realize the impact our attitude has on our life experiences, until we see it in action. 

Choosing to express our confidence and passion through artistic means, or even our attitude, puts forth positive energy that will begin to attract corresponding experiences. 

We then discover more opportunities to grow, learn, and experience life on a more meaningful level. We then feel more in control of our life circumstances, and we experience a deeper sense of passion and purpose in each moment. 

By giving careful thought to your personal methods of expression today, you can take action to bring a new level of meaning to life. DailyOM

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29 Aug 2010

The Universe is Limitless

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The Hubble Ultra Deep Field, is an image of a ...Image via Wikipedia
Good news time again and I want to remind you all that the Universe truly is limitless, you know and we forget this far too often. 

There really is no thing that you cannot be, do or have. 

Absorb Desiderata from one of my previous posts  – The universe is a place of bountiful supply.

It encompasses everything of which you need to be reminded because you are a child of the universe; unique in all your magnificent glory.

You Are A Child of The Universe

Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and ignorant;
they too have their story.

Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater
and lesser persons than yourself.
Hubble Captures Spectacular "Landscape&qu...Image by NASA Goddard Photo and Video

Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble,
it's a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.

But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism. 

Be yourself.

Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit
to shield you in sudden misfortune.

But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.

You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
 And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
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28 Aug 2010

I CHOOSE Everything I'm Living Right Now

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trust and createImage by denise carbonell via Flickr
Living is a choice and whether you accept this or not, you chose the life you're leading today, be it bitter sweet or sour. 
And you continue to direct it like the superstar movie producer you are –  with your negative and positive thoughts about it. 
When I opened my Inbox this morning after five days of disconnect I found these words from Eckhart Tolle and they hit home with a bang underscoring the rightness of what I am living right now.
Happily, my dreams have given me the impetus I needed to begin a new story, so stay tuned. 

Instead of creating expectations of what should or should not be happening, cooperate with the form that this moment takes. Bring a 'yes' to the isness, because it's pointless to argue if it already is. A greater intelligence is available to you when you no longer reject, deny, or 'don't want' what is.

So, I say:

I choose everything that I am living now
I choose the bewilderment of misunderstanding
I choose the pain of harsh accusing words
I choose the denigration of payback
I choose to experience people's meanness of spirit
I choose the deliberate attacks to undermine my self-confidence
I choose the self-doubt
I choose the belittlement of vicious words meant to wound

I choose to feel disrespected
Acceptance and Commitment TherapyImage by Leonard John Matthews via FlickrI choose the shitty neighbourhood I live in
I choose to interact with disaffected youths
I choose to experience the pervasive poverty mentality around me
I choose to offer no explanations
I choose to be misunderstood
I choose to feel resentful
I choose the pervasive lack of respect for woman

I choose the uncomfortable spiritually and physically dirty house in which I live
I choose to feel poor
I choose to not live 100 percent authentically
I choose to feel small
I choose to act small
I choose to feel denigrated
I choose to experience the ignorance prevalent in the neighbourhood
I choose to be triggered by vicious words
I choose to accept the consequences of my actions or lack thereof
I choose to act constipated

I choose to not have a proper wardrobe for the climate
I choose to not have fun
I choose to know that no one can make me feel anything I don't want to feel
I choose to know that I gave away my power
I choose to take back my power

I choose to say I am grateful to see how screwed up I am

I choose to say I am grateful to Infinite Intelligence pouring words into my mind which amaze me every time
I choose to say I am grateful for the fantastic people I meet
I choose to say I am grateful for my fabulous new job
I choose to offer my uniqueness to my clients for their benefit
I choose to say I am grateful for my dream guides who create the signposts I need to be aware of
I choose to create harmony in my life
I choose to develop grace in my life
I choose to know that life is about loving
I choose to close the door on my old story
I choose to sever all ties with family who bring me nothing but pain and discomfort
I choose to know another door is opening for me
I choose the painful experiences which help me grow
I choose a new life of love and all the drama it brings
I choose to rip out the weeds from my spiritual garden
I choose it all
I choose my life as it is, right now!
How about you Dear Reader, what do you choose? Comment and let me know.

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25 Aug 2010

Do You Have To Be Nuts To Be Happy?

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Stairway To Heaven With Nature Lover…!!! :)))Image by Denis Collette...!!! via Flickr
More good news with a different slant and I can't keep it till next weekend so... I'm continuing the happiness trend from my last post And Happiness Is... 

Here's more from Tony Deyal's superbly funny article. He says that since he no longer contributes to the GDP (ex-journalist), as a humorist he is contributing to the GNH (gross national happiness).

GNH is a termed coined in Bhutan and I quote...GNH goes beyond GDP and is based on the view that beneficial development of human society takes place when material and spiritual development occur side by side to complement and reinforce each other. 

The four pillars of GNH are the promotion of sustainable development, preservation and promotion of cultural values, conservation of the natural environment, and establishment of good governance. end quote

One person's happiness is another person's pain is how the stories go:

A Cat in 7th Heaven

Blue, Green and Heaven...Image by ~FreeBirD®~ via FlickrA cat died and went to heaven. God met her at the gates and said, You have been a good cat all these years. Anything you want is yours for the asking. 

The cat thought for a minute and then said, All my life I lived on a farm and slept on hard wooden floors. I would like a real fluffy pillow to sleep on.  

God said, Say no more. Instantly the cat had a huge fluffy pillow. 

A few days later, six mice were killed in an accident and they all went to heaven together. God met the mice at the gates with the same offer that he made to the cat. 

The mice said, Well, we have had to run all our lives from dogs, cats and even people with brooms! If we could just have some little roller skates, we won't have to run again.  

God answered, It is done. All the mice had little beautiful roller skates.

About a week later, God decided to check on the cat. He found her sound asleep on her fluffy pillow. God gently awakened the cat and asked, Is everything okay? How have you been doing? Are you happy? 

The cat replied, Oh, it is wonderful. I have never been so happy in my life. The pillow is so fluffy, and those little Meals on Wheels you have been sending over are delicious!

A Frenchman, an Englishman, and an Iranian Define True Happiness

Heaven's AngelImage by Swamibu via FlickrThe Englishman said, True happiness, my friends, is rising early on a frosty autumn morning, getting on top of a good horse, and galloping off behind the hounds in pursuit of the fox.

A hard ride over fields and fences and rivulets until the fox is brought down. A ride back with the ears and the tail and then sitting before a roaring fire with a glass of good port. Ah, that is true happiness.

The Frenchman said,  That is not true happiness. That is merely animal pleasure. True happiness is meeting with the love of your life, having an intimate meal in a top-notch restauran with champagne, and then retiring to a wonderful hotel room where you can make frantic and impassioned love all night long. Ah, that is true happiness.

The Iranian said, That is not true happiness. That is merely a good time. True happiness comes when you are sitting in your apartment after a hard day, reading an underground newspaper that has been smuggled to you and checking the Internet for news about the dissidents and where the next protest against President Ahmadinejad will be held. 

Then there comes a knock at the door. Three agents from the Secret Service, the Mukhabarat, come storming in and ask Ardashir Khayyam? and you say, He lives in the apartment upstairs. Ah, that is true happiness.

The Shirt of a Happy Man

A king had fallen into a deep depression and could not be roused from his melancholy. His chancellor tried all kinds of remedies including wine, women and song. Nothing worked. 

BEIJING, CHINA - JANUARY 20:  A performer dres...Image by Getty Images via @daylifeFinally, a wise man from the east, after consulting the ancient texts and looking at the astrological charts, decreed that the only solution would be for the King to wear the shirt of a happy man.

The king's servants searched far and wide and, according to a poem by John Hay, they finally found a beggar who was whistling, singing and rolling in the grass with gaiety. This is our man, the courier said. Our luck has led us aright.

I will give you a hundred ducats, friend, for the loan of your shirt tonight. The merry blackguard lay back on the grass and laughed till his face was black. I would do it, God wot, and he roared with the fun.

But I haven't a shirt to my back.

And there ends Tony Deyal's Happiness Is

So, do you have to be nuts to be happy? YES, absolutely! And even that is subjective. However, you are going against the accepted version of so-called reality, so keep it between you and the door post. 

Be you. Be authentic in all you say and do and in how you live. That is your route to real happiness and the drama it brings. 

And what is YOUR version of true happiness, Dear Reader? Do comment and let me know.

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24 Aug 2010

Joy Is Delicious Living!

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Joy is delicious living!
I do not think about joy or happiness  much and certainly not like this until I read Judith Rich's exquisitely delicious Happiness is Overrated.
I strongly suggest that you read and reread the article. And by the way, all quotes in this post are from Judith Rich's article.
"Happiness is a by-product of being aligned with one's spirit, living with an open heart, and expressing one's authentic passion." 
You know, we go along to get along and I certainly did for many many years even though I hated it. It was during a time when I thought the problem was "me". 
Trying to conform 
It was "me" in a way because I was trying to conform after being constantly criticised for being "contrary and different".
It was painful and wearisome and I used to have flashes of brilliance like the sun suddenly pouring down through a break in the grey clouds – when I knew that something was off with "them" but did not know what.
Of course, the me and them feelings were negative and constantly set off adversarial conflicts. So I had to learn the hard way to take responsibility for it all, work on myself, peel back the layers, and let go. That took decades of course and this work will never be finished but that is just fine.
"We only cling to the idea of happiness because we fear we might not have it again. In our clinging, we miss the very moment of its ripeness, the mystery of its colors, its fragrance, its delicacy, the very thing itself." 
I do not care anymore
Now, I am at a point where I do not care anymore and by that I mean, I feel so damn good, glorious sometimes really even though I feel sad about severing the tenuous links with my birth family.
I am making fabulous new friends and have "fallen" into a job I was not seeking and although it is a steep learning curve, it is just great.
Feeling happiness and being joyful
Image via Wikipedia
What does all of this have to do with joy and happiness? 
Well, I feel happy at my new job which is 100 percent communication, and being with new friends. I do not say I am happy because that does not sound right or make sense to me.
Happiness is an emotion and fleeting.
"...happiness is elusive, like a butterfly that lights on your shoulder. It's there for a moment and then gone. Try to capture it and you'll damage its wings, rendering it incapable of flying."
I am joyous deep down and feel sad at the necessary severing of ties with family (familiar)  strangers.
Outside of my comfort zone
I know it is right for me and I feel really good about it now that I understand one of the "whys" of being back here in the Caribbean which I had resisted with all of my considerable might; fighting Infinite Intelligence wastes so much time eh!
I love my new marketing job as a sales representative. It is so far outside of my comfort zone and yet, I enjoy communicating so much!
One doesn't pursue joy. Joy is a deeper state than happiness, not dependent upon external circumstances for its ability to be experienced and felt. 
Joy is what you feel when you've told your deepest truths, even if those truths make you feel sadness in the telling. 
Joy is present in loss as well as in fullness. Joy is knowing that you have not compromised your self, that you've lived up to your own standards of honesty and integrity. 
Joy is knowing that you've made somebody else's life a bit easier, that you've loved well, that you've looked your fear in the face and had the courage to do what you needed to do anyway. 
From Judith Rich's Happiness is Overrated – all quotes taken from her article and if they don't entice you to read the article, I don't know what will! Joy is delicious living, get to work living the soul journey.
One final tasty morsel from Dr Judith Rich's article: "Joy is a state born out of being at peace with yourself. Want to be joyful? Settle old scores and don't be attached to how it comes out. Let the other guy win. Finish your unfinished business. Don't leave any dangling participles behind. Clean up your act."
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23 Aug 2010

Do You Have A Life or Are You Just Drifting By Without Purpose?

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I am the master of my fate: I am the captain o...Image by Aristocrats-hat via Flickr
This issue comes up time and time again – every day actually in some form – and so food for thought is about purpose. 
Do you have a life or are you just drifting by without purpose? Do you even know what you want? What are your soul's needs?
If you already have at least an inkling, how do you plan to get there from here? My only answer for you is you have to start by taking action.
Because not a damn thing is going to happen if you don't make it happen. You know that don't you?! I have lived this and you may be living this right now. Have a look at the links at the bottom of this post; you may find a signpost or two.
Napoleon Hill said, there will never be a right time and his namesake Foundation put it like this:


You may get by in life without a Definite Major Purpose, but you will never get ahead. Definiteness of purpose is the starting point of all achievement. 
Financial goals in particular should be specific, definite, and measurable. You should know what you plan to earn, by when, and how you plan to do so. 

The greatest advantage of financial security is the peace of mind that comes from knowing that, whatever challenges life brings, you are equipped to deal with them. 

You will be better at whatever you choose to do because you can focus on opportunities instead of struggling to eke out a living.
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22 Aug 2010

And Happiness Is...

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Dreams Emotions... - [Happiness] - by DREAMER ...Image by DREAMER Art Designs
Okay my good news post is about happiness. What does it mean to you and for you? 
The Mirriam-Webster dictionary says Happiness is a state of well-being or contentment, and Joy is a pleasurable or satisfying experience. 
I do not agree with either definition but I'm throwing this out there for your consumption anyway as some of you may agree with them or have your own thoughts on this.
The wonderful Judith Rich says "Happiness is a by-product of being aligned with one's spirit, living with an open heart, and expressing one's authentic passion."  
For me, happiness is whatever makes me feel good when I'm doing it regardless of what it is. 
It isn't necessary to be rich and famous to be happy. It's only necessary to be rich. Alan Alda
My favourite journalist turned humourist Tony Deyal wrote the following in the Trinidad Guardian recently in an article titled Happiness is...
Whoever said money can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop. Gertrude Stein
Money can't buy you happiness it can, however, rent it. Anon
Money can't buy you happiness but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery. Spike Milligan 
What's the use of happiness? it can't buy you money. By all means marry: If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher. Socrates
A man doesn't know what happiness is until he's married. By then it's too late. Frank Sinatra
As one who became a philosopher (Socratically speaking) through the bridal path of life, I am like Charlie Brown. When I work, I work for Peanuts. All I ask from life is the chance to prove that money can't make me happy. Tony Deyal
Tony Deyal was last seen saying that when asked what she wanted most from life, the wife of French President, Charles DeGaulle shocked the exalted company by saying, "A penis." her husband corrected her gently and said, "The English pronounce it differently, dear.  They say 'appiness."

And to you dear reader, happiness is...Do comment and let me know.

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17 Aug 2010

Become A CAN DO Person and Achieve Your Own Goals

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Ladder Of AchievementImage by sirwiseowl via Flickr

Food for thought today is about achievement. Are you a "can do" person? More pertinently, do you believe you are and if you are, are you using this belief to motivate you?
You must know that if you feel that you can't do something, it is because you have given away your power.
You are letting someone else manage, control and direct your actions. It is easier, is it not.

He who has conquered weakness, and has put away all selfish thoughts belongs neither to oppressor nor oppressed. He is Free.  James Allen

The thing is though that you are not happy and if you say you are and you  are in this situation, then you are lying to the most important person in your life! Yes, I am talking about you!

In fact, you are secretly resentful but a lot of you do not have the guts to admit this to yourself and own it because that means you will have to do something about it, and that is scary like ooh, I won't know what to do and...
So instead, you nitpick, micro-manage and become angry about inconsequential things; sweating the small stuff in other words and continue to feel dissatisfied.

Your dis-empowering actions are making you weak and your thoughts (unconscious bad habits) are keeping you there.
If resentment is an issue, think carefully about Ann Landers' words: Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head.

This is a big issue, read stumbling block and brake for many of us in the vein of "I refuse to give him/her/them the satisfaction of..." but who is it really affecting; you and no one else.

Don't you think it is time you decided to become a "can do" person and take those brakes off, knock down those blocks, so that you can achieve your own goals?
James Allen says in As A Man Thinketh: All that a man achieves and all that he fails to achieve is the direct result of his own thoughts.  
We Can Do It!Image by The U.S. National Archives via Flickr 
In a justly ordered universe where loss of equipoise would mean total destruction, individual responsibility must be absolute.  

A man's weakness and strength, purity and impurity are his own and not another man's.

They are brought about by himself, and not by another; and they can only be altered by himself, never by another.  His condition is also his own, and not another man's. 

His suffering and his happiness are evolved from within. 

As he thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains.

A man can only rise, conquer, and achieve by lifting away all selfish thoughts. He can only remain weak, and abject, and miserable by refusing to lift up his thoughts.
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16 Aug 2010

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Do You Have The Will To Do?

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Like Sweet Thoughts In  A Dream....Image by -RejiK( on... travelling...) via Flickr
Food for thought today is about your will to do, to achieve, to go further, aim higher and knock that ball out of the ballpark!

Embracing life is what it is all about. Doesn't that titillate your fancy – just that word "embrace" says I'm taking it all...

Living Large

I have always felt I was living large – life is immense you know –  I instinctively knew it was a natural feeling but when you have been squeezed into a box for decades, it becomes a helluva challenge to work out all those kinks.

Now that I am "unkinking" myself, everyone is duly warned to watch out 'cause here I come and see, that is what I want for you too!

Aiming High

So I ask you, are you aiming high enough? Are others trying to limit you with comments like "don't try to do it all at once", "start small", "be careful", "don't hang your hat higher than you can reach" and more crap like that?

And when you are feeling optimistic and talking up yourself and your goals you hear brown stuff coming out like "don't count your chickens before they're hatched" and more?

Ignore them all!

Shut Up

Stop talking about your business and your plans. Keeping your mouth shut about your goals and aspirations is your best option: just get on with it. As I read somewhere once "tell everyone how you did it after you do it" and save yourself a lot of heartache, sabotage and grief.
Thoughts...Image by Julian E... via Flickr
However, if you have someone who supports you unstintingly come what may, treasure that person, they are golden!

You Must Dream

It is absolutely essential to have a grand purpose in life and the only way to do that is to dream your goals into being. You must dream! By the time I was seven years old I stopped dreaming. Now that has all changed.

Know that in taking the necessary steps to do what you can right now even though paradoxically it may seem unrelated (my experience), reaching the unreachable stars becomes viable although it might not be obvious right then.

Hence my question – do you have the will to do? Do not ever let anyone stop you doing what you want to do. Aim high and learn to soar...

Thought and Purpose

I read a fascinating article by Anne Naylor Finding Your Personal Motivational Trend which was so poetic about finding your purpose and the twists and turns experienced on the path to freedom to be ourselves. You have to be ready to take on the world and win!

Bob Proctor's wise words are particularly apt here If you already know how to achieve your purpose then it's not big enough.

Thoughts in the future are fresh and unconditi...Image by Wonderlane via Flickr
James Allen says:

Having conceived of his purpose, a man should mentally mark out a straight pathway to its achievement, looking neither to the right nor to the left. 

Doubts and fears should be rigorously excluded; they are disintegrating elements which break up the straight line of effort, rendering it crooked, ineffectual, useless.

Thoughts of doubt and fear never accomplish anything, and never can. They always lead to failure. Purpose, energy, power to do, and all strong thoughts cease when doubt and fear creep in.

The will to do springs from the knowledge that we can do. 

Doubt and fear are the great enemies of knowledge, and he who encourages them, who does not slay them, thwarts himself at every step.

He who has conquered doubt and fear has conquered failure. His every thought is allied with power, and all difficulties are bravely met and wisely overcome.

His purposes are seasonably planted, and they bloom and bring forth fruit which does not fall prematurely to the ground.

Thought allied fearlessly to purpose becomes creative force. He who knows this is ready to become something higher and stronger than a mere bundle of wavering thoughts and fluctuating sensations. 

He who does this has become the conscious and intelligent wielder of his mental powers.
James Allen, As A Man Thinketh
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13 Aug 2010

Being With Your Self

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a number of Buddhist disciples in adoration, p...Image via Wikipedia
This is what I call seriously yummy – being with yourself – connecting with the integral you.
Fabulous teachers, Ed and Deb Shapiro have graced us with Find your peace in the midst of chaos and the following powerful words and meditation are excerpts.

Do read the entire article – it's so poetic and graceful!

"If circumstances cannot be changed, then you can change your attitude toward them—you may not be able to control the wind, but you can adjust your sails. 
You can either blame others or you can relax into each moment as it arises. 
When you can just be with the way things are in the present moment, then you can be free of complications—and that freedom is your peace."

Just Being Meditation

–Find a comfortable place to sit and close your eyes. 
–Become aware of yourself, of your presence on the chair in the room. 
–Cast your mind around your body. 
–Breathe into and release any places of tension.

Now feel the flow of your breath as it enters and leaves. Here you are: alive...breathing...sensing...your heart beating...your feet on the floor. 

Be present with yourself and whatever is happening, without judgment.
stocksma 1386Image by stewartrutledge via Flickr 
Now just sit and be and breathe...just sitting...just being...just breathing. 

Silently repeat, "May all things be well, may I be at peace with all things."

Stay with this for a few minutes or for as long as you like. 

When you are ready, take a deep breath and gently open your eyes.

Do comment and let me know how you feel practising this meditation. I truly think it's one of the yummiest – you simply become so connected with who you are. Delicious!

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12 Aug 2010

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Be Patient With Yourself

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Let's Talk About FeelingsImage via Wikipedia
Here's a tasty tidbit to chew on from my DailyOm about learning to be patient with yourself. It applies to one and all. Give it some thought.

Learning to become patient with yourself helps you accept and work with your feelings of discomfort. When you have opposing thoughts, you may notice a sense of inner friction within yourself that also affects your communications with others. 

Smiling is a physical way to let your mind know that you need to be understanding of any negative feelings that arise. 

It is a reminder that all of your feelings are transient and that with a little patience and kindness, your thoughts will change and your discord will soon dissolve. 

Becoming more patient with yourself today will help ease any internal tensions you have and make your interactions with others go smoother.
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11 Aug 2010

Pay Attention To The Way You Feel

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I Feel It AllImage via Wikipedia
How do You feel most of the day, and yes it changes, so I mean generally?  And why do you think you feel the way you do, do you know? 

You cannot answer this question unless you consciously pay attention to the way you feel. 

How many of you do this? How often do you pause for a minute or two during the day to check in with your Self?

It took me such a long time to get here and it takes work, real work to stay here, connected, aware and on an even keel and I do not always succeed. 

When I do though it is pretty wonderful. I feel a quiet satisfaction, a joyful feeling of accomplishment that I did it for that moment in time! Sometimes, it is a feeling of euphoria because I had allowed myself to sink low for too long (doubting my abilities - usually a week sometimes more) and that is because I am so damn glad to be back to my usual good self.

You Get What You Vibrate

You see it comes down to the law of vibration which simply means not only do you get what you vibrate which tends to be a virtual slap in the face sometimes but when you are aware for at least some of the time, you can see and experience what you feel and therefore vibrate, and that right there people is the beauty of being aware of your feelings, and a connectedness with what is.

It is not really all that bad you know – okay, sometimes it is – but it is how we feel about our situations which makes it good, bad or worse and puts the pressure on, you see. Naturally I have to quote one of Hamlet's sayings which I have adopted from James M Lynch's Hamlet Workbook (Shakespearean): 

There is nothing good or bad 
but thinking makes it so.

I have got to plug it because this Workbook is an eye-opener, a thought-provoker and downright catalyst according to where you are in your journey to Selfhood. That is how it has been for me and I am on the last few chapters.

One example of why "you get what you vibrate"  – you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, stub you toe, burn the toast, maybe spill the coffee and/or get a run in your tights, none of which is lethal, but  because your frustration level is rising, you think "it's going to be a bad day".

And... from there it is all downhill. By the end of that "bad day" you wish that you had stayed in bed! The thing is, you created the entire scenario with that one vibrating thought which increased exponentially with every supposedly wrong thing that happened to you! 

They were all clues tell you, hey watch it, you're making it worse but you didn't listen, did you. And all you really needed to do was take some time out to catch yourself with a few cleansing breaths for five or ten minutes. Yes, it was that simple.

Listen to Abraham-Hicks:

Before You Became Physical

Why Do Bad Things Happen To Children

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10 Aug 2010

How To Build Practical Plans for Success in 4 Steps

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I'm back with a quickie but goodie from Napoleon Hills' Think and Grow Rich. This one is from Chapter 6 on Organized Planning - The Crystallization of Desire Into Action.

As those of you who follow this blog or Napoleon Hill's teachings already know from 6 Steps to become rich and prosperous: Use desire to slake your thirst for riches, planning is an essential component on your path to success as stated in the fourth step.

A solid, practical plan is the only way to transform your desire to be rich into real money and this naturally segues into how to build practical plans for success in 4 steps:

  1. Ally yourself with a group if as many people as you may need for the creation and carrying out of your plan or plans for the accumulation of money using the "Mastermind" principle. This point is absolutely essential; do not neglect it!  I have already touched on the Mastermind principle in How to successfully mastermind a reading group in 9 steps and I will return to it in detail since I have successfully participated in two mastermind groups over the past months. 
  2. Before forming your Mastermind group, decide what advantages and benefits you can offer the individual members of your group, in return for their cooperation. No one will work indefinitely without some form of compensation. No intelligent person will either request or expect another to work without adequate compensation, although this may not always be in the form of money.
  3. Arrange to meet with the members of your Mastermind group at least twice a week, and more often if possible, until you have jointly perfected the necessary plan or plans for the accumulation of money.
  4. Maintain perfect harmony between yourself and every member of your Master mind group. If you fail to carry out this instruction to the letter, you may expect to meet with failure. The Mastermind principle cannot obtain where perfect harmony does not prevail.
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