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20 Feb 2010

30 Tips To Inspire You To Become Prosperity Conscious

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As of today, I intend to start posting on weekends instead of sticking to my five-day schedule or basically whenever I get wi-fi service since the automatic uploads are not working efficiently. Just a little whine.

I'm reading three books at the same time, chapter by delectable chapter from Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor and James M. Lynch.

They're all about developing one's innate prosperity consciousness i.e. becoming who you already are and fulfilling your life's objectives.

The ability to read awoke inside me some long dormant craving to be mentally alive. ~Malcolm X

When you're in your natural, prosperous state of well-being everything flows. You can handle any challenge because you are fixed and focussed on what you want: not what you don't want.

One is You Were Born Rich by Bob Proctor and I'll be covering the first three chapters in this post after one pleasurable month of re-reading.

I'm already sharing Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill with you as I progress, absorb the messages and implement the lessons in each chapter. Have a look at Desire, Faith, and Auto-Suggestion.

Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting. ~Edmund Burke

The third book is James M. Lynch's The Hamlet Secret: A Self-Directed Workbook - a very different and inviting format which encourages you to delve into the workbook.

He psychs you out actually because each exercise is based on a particular premise from Shakespeare's Hamlet which appears "simple and straightforward" but in actual fact that's not the case at all.

If you are honest and true, you will find yourself spontaneously spreading your wings as you progress through the exercises outlined between the covers of this Workbook.

He's the Chief Potential Officer - don't you LOVE that title - behind the Do-It-Yourself Life Coach site. Insights from James' Workbook will come later.

Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few are to be chewed and digested. ~Francis Bacon
I re-read each chapter in Bob Proctor's book You Were Born Rich over a one or two-week period; same for James' Hamlet Workbook and I perform the exercises; and I read a chapter a month in Think and Grow Rich.

The insight I've gained from these books is amazing and as I apply what I learn I gain something more. And I have lots more waiting in the wings!
Today, I thought I'd share with you what struck a chord in me from Bob Proctor's You Were Born Rich

I'll start off by quoting part of the Foreword by Doug Wead which encapsulates what the book is all about.
Bob Proctor has done it again, taking you step by step to the surprising discovery that success is not always "reaching out" for something that you don't have but rather "reaching over" and rearranging the pieces already there... You can instantly apply the conclusions to your own life. It will begin to impact you long before you reach the last chapter.

The last sentence is so "on the money" and I'm only on chapter four. Enjoy the thirty tips I picked up from a master professor, Bob Proctor.  I hope they will inspire you to become prosperity conscious!

1 -  Quality is not expensive; it's priceless.

2 -  Act like the person you want to become.
Before you can do something, you must first be something. ~Goethe 

3 -  Every human being has been born rich, it's just that most people are temporarily a little short of money!

4 -  Those who know the truth learn to love it, those who love the truth learn to live it.

5 -  Money can't talk but it can hear.

6 -  Money is a servant. You should always love people and use money rather than the reverse!

7 -  Money is an effect and it must always be earned.

Every day I get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people in America.  If I'm not there, I go to work.  ~Robert Orben

8 -  Money is not meant to be hoarded. Rather, it is meant to be used, enjoyed and circulated.

9 -  If you haven't decided to spend it, you don't need it.

10- People who are wealthy never feel uncomfortable when the subject of money is brought up.

11- People don't feel comfortable about money because they have it; they have it because they feel comfortable about it.

Money is neither my god nor my devil.  It is a form of energy that tends to make us more of who we already are, whether it's greedy or loving.  ~Dan Millman

12- If we wish to attract money to ourselves, we must begin to foster a prosperity consciousness.

13- If you want to have money, one thing you should never never do is worry about whether or not you will get the money you desire... if we habitually worry about losing the money we do have, then we are absolutely guaranteed not to worry in vain.

14- If you really want to significantly increase the amount of money you are presently earning, the first thing you must do is learn to pay substantially less attention to what others around you are saying and substantially more attention to what that "quiet voice" that speaks within you, is saying.

Opinions are the cheapest commodities on earth. ~Napoleon Hill

15- Everywhere we look in nature, our eyes come in contact with abundance; for nature knows no such thing as "failure". Therefore, there never has been and there never will be, a lack of anything, except conscious-awareness.

16- Consciousness is, and always has been, developed through thinking, and regardless of what your present situation in life may be, if you ever hope to improve it and truly become wealthy, you must begin thinking of prosperity in you mind, now.

17- Thinking is the highest function to which a human being is capable. Yet, unfortunately, very few people "think". They merely trick themselves into believing that because there is some mental activity taking place in their mind, they are "thinking".

But the truth is, most people are simply exercising the mental faculty called "memory". They are playing old movies, so old pictures just keep flashing back on the screen of their mind.

To believe in the things you can see and touch is no belief at all; but to believe in the unseen is a triumph and a blessing. ~Abe Lincoln

18- Lack and limitation can only exist when we make room for them in our minds. But prosperity consciousness knows no lack and no limitation...
19- Understand that the wealth you are seeking is - and always has been - seeking you in return.

20- It is an absolute law of your being that you must have something mentally before you will ever have it physically!

21- In truth, you will never see the greatest part of your being because it is nonphysical in nature.

22- God has given you the ability to build any idea which you desire. So be good to yourself, choose magnificent ideas, and cease permitting your physical world to control your thinking.

Most people think they want more money than they really do, and the settle for a lot less than they could get. ~Earl Nightingale

23- Remember though, money is the servant; you are the master - you love people and you use money.

24- There are only two ways to earn money; people at work, or money at work.

25- There is no way to replace your income and create a certain and instant estate other than life insurance. That is to say, when they die, most people leave behind only enough money to pay for their funeral and possibly enough money to cover their family's living expenses for one year! 

For a relatively small sum of money, these people could have had their financial affairs set up in such a way that if something did happen to them, their financial goals would be reached by their families automatically.

Here's a heads up people: For those between forty and fifty years of age and depending on the company, a one to two million dollar life insurance policy costs between approximately forty and seventy dollars a month! It is that affordable any way you look at it. 

26- You must consider your mortgage or house payment (probably one of your largest monthly payments) as an investment NOT a debt.

27- It is you who is in charge of your finances, not your creditors!

28- Wealthy individuals follow the advice of financial experts.

29- If a person is in a deficit financial position, it means they are in the "habit" of spending more money than they earn. Similarly, if they are in a break-even position, they are in the habit of spending everything they earn.

30- The only competition you'll ever have is with your own ignorance.

Here are the last four lines of It's Up to Me by James J. Metcalfe:

And I remind myself that I
Am capable and free
And my success and happiness
Are really up to me.

And I certainly hope that these tips inspire you to take the high road to become prosperity conscious as they have me. Bob Proctor's You Were Born Rich is absolutely delicious and so enjoyable! 

It took me months to open it and obviously now's the time.  Let me know what speaks to you and why. I love good conversation.

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17 Feb 2010

Feelings Pave the Way for What is to Come: Watch your Thoughts!

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Feelings are so much are part of who we are as human beings and yet, we abuse our own nature by refusing to be authentic. 

Far too often we refuse to acknowledge our own feelings, stifle them and take it out on others. All the while denying that we have issues. And who does that hurt in the end? Us!

Feelings pave the way for what is to come in your life so it's necessary to watch your thoughts and more importantly, honour those feelings and get them out of the way.

Feeling guilty because you believe that you should feel differently about a given issue is crap. It doesn't matter who it is that's pushing your buttons, get mad if that's how you feel and let it out.

Run your fingers through my soul. For once, just once, feel exactly what I feel, believe what I believe, perceive as I perceive, look, experience, examine, and for once; just once, understand. ~Unknown

If you're feeling disrespected, say so. Don't swallow it; that's the path to dis-ease which eventually turns into disease when it goes on for a certain period of time.

Keep in mind that people are not mind-readers. No one would know how you feel unless you speak up. Own how you feel and release it. The other person's reaction and feelings are their problem. Don't buy into it. It is all about you. 

Nobody on this planet can make you feel a certain way unless you allow yourself to be drawn into their emotional story.  And it doesn't matter if it's your mate, lover, husband, children, boss, friend, co-worker or a stranger.
Tearing away the veil of illusion: A 24-hour perspective beautifully illustrates what I'm talking about.

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. ~Benjamin Disraeli

When that emotional dysfunction becomes a habit, it means that you are paving the way to a future full of pain and suffering and obstacles will become the norm in your life. 

Nip that crap in the bud by bringing the issue into the light and dealing with it. Make the best decision that you can and stick with it. Ignoring these words means that you are setting yourself up for more abuse down the line.

Enough is enough already. Regardless of how icky the situation may be, voluntary, decisive action clears it off the table, out of your mind and out of your psyche. 

When you stop thinking about it like a dog worrying a bone, you stop attracting more of the same. Once you've dealt with it, pat yourself on the back and say this is how much I love myself. And smile.

Change the way you react to an event and you change the outcome. ~Jack Canfield

Your ego will bring up the issue at times when you feel generally less confident. That's normal. When it happens, acknowledge it with something like "you again!" and as Wayne Dyer says move on to a better feeling thought.

Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts.  It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all.  ~William Temple

Here's some more food for thought to motivate you to "start thinking right".

You can never have a happy ending at the end of an unhappy journey; it just doesn't work out that way. The way you're feeling, along the way, is the way you're continuing to pre-pave your journey, and it's the way it's going to continue to turn out until you do something about the way you are feeling. ~Abraham-Hicks

Choose to be more conscious of the words you use in everyday life as words have power. There are many troubling phrases in our language that we use without considering their full meaning simply because they have been accepted into common knowledge. Even as our ideals progress, our language maintains some phrases from our past that no longer serve us, for example: Boys don’t cry; good child; boys will be boys; problem child; illegitimate child; and many more. 
While these phrases may be used without harmful intent, they are inherently negative. Children can be especially sensitive to such phrases, which may stay with them their whole lives, adversely affecting their self-image and wounding their self-esteem. 

We can create positive change by choosing not to use these words and phrases as we come across them in our vocabulary. Language is an area where we can exercise our free will, creating positive change in the world around us by simply choosing carefully the words we use. ~DailyOM

How well do you honor your own space? How much reverence do you hold for where you live, where you pray, meditate or worship, where you work, where you eat, the planet?
So often we forget that the sacredness of any place is more about how we relate to it than about the space itself. We have the ability to bring a sense of sacredness to anywhere we are, at any time. ~Mike Robbins
I wrote this post as a "heads up" sort of thing as I've been creating some of what I don't want because I've been pouring salt in a wound I didn't know was open. 

It's a typical family dysfunction with which we're all familiar - button pushing exercises.

Instead of exercising your mind, exercise your voice instead with a peaceful intent and free your mind. That way you close the door on the old stuff and your good feelings pave the way for the bright and harmonious future you deserve. 

A perfect way to do this is to ask yourself Is this useful where I'm going. I would love to give credit where it's due for this but I cannot remember the author's name and cannot find the link to his site. The answer to this simple question has helped me clear out tons of clutter. Empower yourself to let go.

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12 Feb 2010

Fertilise The Garden of The Mind: Concentrate on Your Burning Obsession and Nourish It with Passion

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This is part two in my three-part series on Fertilise the Garden of the Mind - Concentrate on your Burning Obsession and Nourish It with Passion.

It's  on Chapter 4 of Napoleon Hill's Auto-Suggestions in Think and Grow Rich. Part one is Auto-suggestion is the key to your subconscious.  I'll start as I ended the last post :

Your ability to use the principle of auto-suggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession.
It's not about the money

Think and Grow Rich teaches you, step by step, how to acquire the riches you want by tapping into your subconscious mind and allowing it to work for you. There are other very important messages in the book as well.
  • It is not about the money. It's about how you think about money and how those thoughts affect your life.
  • Riches do not necessarily mean money.  The thirteen principles outlined in the book can be used to achieve any goal imaginable.
  • Money is an intangible. The coins and notes represent a medium of exchange. Focus your passion on what you love and the money will come. That's a given when you follow Hill's advice to the letter. 
Focus on what you desire

You are already rich beyond imagining! When you tap into your inner wealth, you are tuned in, tapped in and turned on as Abraham/Hicks describe it.

You'll be in the vortex and flowing downstream all the way; nothing can withstand you. You become a force of nature.

From within your inner kingdom, focus on what you desire and with seemingly effortless effort - because your subconscious is doing most of the work - solid plans take shape which would allow you to produce tangible results if you follow them. Success is eighty percent thought and twenty percent action.

Our brains become magnetised with the dominating thoughts which we hold in our minds... these "magnets" attract  to us the forces, the people, the circumstances of life which harmonise with the nature of our dominating thoughts.

In order to use auto-suggestion effectively (self-suggestion or affirmations), concentrate on what you want to the exclusion of all else. Concentrate on your burning obsession; it must be what you want above all else if you are to succeed.

How to concentrate more effectively

Follow the Six steps to become rich and prosperous from Chapter Two on Desire. If you want to achieve your life's goals, following these steps are essential. along with Hill's suggestions on how to concentrate more effectively. 

1 - Concentrate on the exact amount of money you want with your eyes closed until you can actually see it. Do this at least once a day for twenty minutes. Call this time your creative workshop.

2 - My two posts Have faith and get what you desire and  Faith is the key that unlocks the door called desire on Chapter 3, Faith, offers tips on how to trick your subconscious into making it believe you have faith.

My all-time favourite quote from Napoleon Hill says it all: 
Faith is the eternal elixir which gives life, power and action to the impulse of thought.

How to talk to your subconscious

When you tell your subconscious to do something - it's a calm, clear, focussed and unambiguously forceful thought. There is no desperate need or mental shouting. It starts working immediately to bring you what you want.

You have to constantly repeat what you want in absolute faith before it is fully realised by the subconscious mind. Like everything else, it must manifest on the emotional plane first before taking shape in your physical reality.

Be on the lookout for the small successes; they are the precursors to what awaits you on the horizon. Write them down and celebrate them every day, no matter how small.

It has been my experience that the bigger the challenge, the clearer we must be because we feel what we want is too big.

As a consequence, both negative and positive thoughts on the subject are jostling for position in our minds. Start small to build up your confidence.

3 - The subconscious responds to commands because the power of your desire is behind it which is what gives it strength.

Demand that it provide you with the plans needed to acquire the money which is yours by right. You have to believe it! This is serious kick-ass stuff people and it works! I say "demand" because your subconscious is at your command. Never forget that.

Start a creative workshop

4 - Spend twenty minutes every day in your "creative workshop" imagining and visualising that lovely money you intend to acquire.

Observe how your mind reacts with images, thoughts, and possibilities when you give your imagination free reign. It's an exciting process and a sign that your subconscious mind is part of the game. Make it fun.

Do not waste time wondering "how"

5 - Do not waste time like "yours truly" trying to figure out how to start. And do not wait for a definite plan, start your creative workshop immediately.

Here's why - I finally got this from constant re-reading of this chapter - visualising and imagining what your want are an integral part of the planning process.

Live your passion mentally with your new-found wealth as if it has already happened in order to imprint it on your subconscious mind. It doesn't think, it reacts to thoughts and images.

The more powerful the thoughts, the faster the images would be recorded encouraging the formation of ideas and plans. This is where a mastermind group would be extremely beneficial. Two plus heads are always better than one. 

Nothing happens in a vacuum and this is the part you have to play. You must flesh out what you want in exquisite detail. And you don't have to know. That's where your subconscious comes in.

Act at once when ideas and plans come to mind

6 - Be alert for plans when they appear and act at once. You may have a flash of insight through various means which would inspire you to act. Seize it and act immediately. Napoleon Hill says it's a "direct telegram" from Infinite Intelligence. I say it's the universe talking. 

Failure to act will be fatal to your success. And I have had lots of experience here too. Sometimes:
  • Ideas seem too far-fetched or unconnected to your goal; 
  • You wonder about "how". That's just the mind talking. It's trying to make sense of the plan based on you experiences, knowledge and habits. It's just trying to keep you safe by encouraging you to react in the same old way. Which I did many times.
Let me tell you right now, doubts are fatal and break you down before you get  properly started. Logic has nothing to do with this process.

You cannot get something for nothing

Here is one final note which is extremely important; visualise yourself rendering the service or delivering the product you intend to provide during your creative workshop, in return for the money you want.

Getting something for nothing does not exist. Concentrate on your burning obsession and nourish it with passion and you will get there in the end.

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10 Feb 2010

Go After Your Dream Now: Tomorrow May Never Arrive

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This story deserves retelling. I received it as a subscriber to Shafin de Zane's RedefineYourReality two days ago. He's a Hypnotherapist, Author and Spiritual Coach. 

The story struck me because of the following words from Bob Proctor's You Were Born Rich "whatever you are seeking is also seeking you". So go after your dream now, tomorrow may never arrive. I intend to take my own advice!

A man lay on his bed at the end of his life waiting to die...

His dream came to pay his last respects and bid farewell to the man who had never used it.

As it entered the room the man looked down in shame.

"Why did you not realise me ?" the dream asked.

"Because I was afraid," the man said.

"Afraid of what," said the dream.

"I was afraid I would fail."

"But haven't you failed by not attempting to use me?".

"Yes I did, but I always thought there would be tomorrow."

"You Fool!" said the dream "Did it never occur to you that there was only ever today? The moment that you are in right now? Do you think that now that death is here that you can put it off until tomorrow?"

"No" said the man, a tear gently rolling down his cheek.

The dream was softer now, because it knew that there were two types of pain, the pain of discipline and the pain of regret, and while discipline weighs ounces, regret weighs pounds.

Then the dream leant forward to gently wipe away the tear and said, "You need only have taken the first step and I would have taken one to meet you, for the only thing that ever separated us was the belief in your mind that you couldn't have me."

Then they said goodbye and they both died...

...found on the Internet by an unknown author.

So, before you put off living your dreams one more day, remember: there is no tomorrow, NOW is all you got. Take the step into the darkness of the unknown, out of your comfort zone, trust in your heart, follow your true guiding light, do whatever it takes, to live what your heart really really really yearns for.

Remember if you can dream it, if you can desire it, not only you are capable of having it, but you are destined for it. Take the first step. And allow God, Nature, Universe, Destiny whatever you call it to reach out and help you move forward.

If you haven't watched it already, here is an awakening video that should inspire...

With you always...


Shafin de Zane, CHT, MH, MNLP
Hypnotherapist, Author, Spiritual Coach

NOTE: If you want to have a private one on one session, you can now visit:
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8 Feb 2010

reBlog from Who's Minding Your Potential

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I found this fascinating quote today in Dr Judith Rich's Who's Minding Your Potential on HuffPost:

1) Dare to be an original - Cooper advises "If everyone else is doing it, don't". Rosa Parks dared to stay seated on the bus when the custom was for blacks to give up their seats to whites and thus began the modern civil rights movement. Thomas Edison was pegged "unteachable" on his first day of kindergarten. By the time he died, he had over 6000 patents to his credit, including the electric light bulb. Do you follow the pack or do you dare to be your own leader?

2) Who are you when nobody else is looking? - What five words would you want others to come up when they think of you? These are your five core values. Write them down on a card and carry it with you. Every so often ask yourself, how well are you living your values? Are your choices and actions aligned with them? If not, time to reassess and make, this entry, Jan 2010

Read Dr Judith Rich's entire article on HuffPost about being your own Chief Potential Officer. It's challenging, exhilarating and so thought-provoking. She's one of my absolute favourite people!

You tell me if the two points don't make you think and reflect on your life and how it could be, AND make you want to read the rest of her article.
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Fertilise The Garden of The Mind: Auto-Suggestion is the Key to Your Subconscious

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I am still experiencing serious Internet connection problems - three weeks and counting - and I discovered that I'm not alone so that's some consolation.

My aim therefore is to get as many posts written as possible and set for automatic posting before the entire system goes down again!

I am back with the brilliant Napoleon Hill's teachings from Think and Grow Rich. This time it's on chapter 4 - Auto-Suggestion - the medium used to influence the subconscious mind.  It's time to fertilise the garden of the mind people and auto-suggestion is how you go about it.

Auto-Suggestion and it's Implications

Whatever thoughts you hold in your mind which you feel strongly about and repeat incessantly to yourself is an auto-suggestion to yourself. 

It doesn't matter whether the thoughts are constructive or destructive, the universe happily manifests what you asked for and brings it to you like a good puppy dog.

The more strongly you feel, the faster whatever you are thinking about manifests into your physical reality. Always remember that you are in charge of what you allow to enter your mind.

Auto-Suggestion is the agency of control through which an individual may voluntarily feed his subconscious mind on thoughts of a creative nature, or by neglect, permit thoughts of a destructive nature to find their way into this rich garden of the mind.

Although auto-suggestion is one of the shortest chapters in Think and Grow Rich, I will break it down into a three-part series to avoid it becoming too lengthy, seemingly boring and/or overwhelming.  Now for some pearls of wisdom as I understand it:

Positive and destructive thoughts

1 - No thought, whether negative or positive can enter the subconscious mind without auto-suggestion, with the exception of thoughts picked up from the ether. 

For example, we say things like "it just occurred to me out of the blue". That specific thought came from the ether.

2 - We are the ones who accept or reject what happens in our lives and decide whether to keep it or record it in our subconscious. I never thought about this in such terms before but that is so accurate. I got it!

There are certain experiences which individuals categorically refuse "to take on board" for various reasons based on culture, religion, experience, lifestyle, etc.

Here's a simple example: a new friend of mine told me that when she first heard of hot wine which is a typical winter drink in Europe, she thought it sounded disgusting and would not even entertain the idea of tasting it. It did not fit in with anything she knew.

Control what enters your mind

3 - The conscious mind is the gatekeeper to our subconscious. My goodness, what absolute power and control we have. Why do we not exercise it all the time?! 

Hill says it's this lack of control which is responsible for people living in poverty i.e. they allow negative thoughts to take hold and control their minds and thus, their lives.

Repetition is key

4 - You have to tell yourself, repeatedly, that something is true for it to manifest and become real in your experience, even if it is only your perception which is usually based on fear.

Fertilise the garden of the subconscious mind

5 - The subconscious mind is like a fertile garden. If you don't cultivate it with seeds of desirable crops (positive thoughts), weeds (destructive thoughts) will take over.

6 - Review and re-read chapter 2 on Desire to understand that the six steps to become rich and prosperous are really auto-suggestions.

Follow the steps faithfully to anchor the message and change your thinking.
Your new thought habits formed through repetition would fire you up thereby opening a conduit to your subconscious, from which would flow solid plans  leading to financial success.

Adding emotion to the mix is essential

7 - Simply reading a positive statement out loud will not have any effect unless you add emotion to the mix. If you don't feel it, work on it, visualise it, imagine it, create a vision board, fake it; do whatever it takes to smash through that blockage!

Your subconscious mind recognizes and acts upon only thoughts which have been well-mixed with emotion or feeling.

TThe majority of people who try to apply the principle of auto-suggestion do not get the desired results and believe it does not work. They simply do not understand that emotion is the key to their subconscious.

That ring any bells with you? Because that is exactly what is said these days about affirmations. And they are one and the same thing.

If you do not say the words with conviction then you cannot and will not influence the subconscious mind and that door will stay firmly shut. Adding emotion and belief into the mix is essential.

You have to feel it in order for your subconscious mind to believe it and transmit your desire to the ether. I talk about this in detail in the chapter on Faith - Have faith and get what you desire.


8 - You must persist in your efforts to inject feelings and belief into your auto-suggestions which is why you are advised to repeat your statements every day for a minimum of twenty-one to thirty days. 

The more you repeat the easier it gets, because it is difficult to inject emotion and feeling into the statements in the beginning. But one day, you suddenly discover that it all feels so good and right.

It's so easy and best of all, you get charged up when you read your auto-suggestion or affirmations. That is where you want to get to.

Abraham-Hicks say that we can all change our thinking immediately and twenty-one or thirty days are not necessary.

We can decide to change any time we like. I have done it on some issues so I know that what they say is true.

No free ride

9 - As I am sure you all know there is no free ride. Everything has a price and everyone must pay it.  You cannot get something for nothing unless you are a thief and if that's the case, karma will eventually catch up with you.

The ability to reach and influence your subconscious mind has its price and you must pay it. The price of the ability to influence your subconscious is everlasting persistence in applying the principles of auto-suggestion.

Only you can decide if the prosperity consciousness for which you are striving is worth the effort. When an individual fails, it is not the method that is the problem; it's the lack of effort. Try again and again and again until you succeed. Never give up!

Your ability to use the principle of auto-suggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession.
Okay people, here ends part one on Auto-Suggestion - the key to your subconscious. Do write and let me know your thoughts.

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7 Feb 2010

When You Stop Seeing the Forest for the Trees

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As I said before, I'm in Trinidad and Tobago right now, the "home" of Carnival as they like to say down here. It's only two days long - 15 and 16 February 2010 - not the week-long Brazilian affair.

And all the fetes (parties) leading up to those two days from mid-January culminate in these two days of carnival on the streets.

Anyway, I was recently admiring a Carnival Queen costume from one of the carnival band leaders here and realised I couldn't seem to take it all in. 

The costume was so large and imposing and it had so much detail that I just couldn't see it! It's only when I spontaneously decided to concentrate on one section at a time that I began to see the entire costume.

Has that ever happened to you, and more importantly, do you know what to do when it occurs? Because this is what happens when you stop seeing the forest for the trees!

For example, there's an issue that you have to deal with but people's emotions obscure the issue which means you can't get through to them.

Far too many people either shy away from the issue - to avoid confrontation -  or let themselves get caught up in another's emotional story, then blame the other person afterwards. You're secretly blaming yourself, just so you know.

It is easy to get "caught up" in other people's stuff when you are blind to what is and by that I mean, not focussing on the issue at hand. Always remember, it takes two to argue, in the same way it takes two hands to clap.

I felt joyful, yes, that's the word, joyful, about this sudden clarity of understanding because this wonderful aha! moment applies to everything in life and I wanted to share it right away.

I hope I've contributed to your clarity of vision in a small way.

I would love to hear from you. Drop me a line and let me know what seemingly simple, everyday thing suddenly stopped you in your tracks and made you take notice of the reality as it is.
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4 Feb 2010

EFT Script Connecting To Your Own Wisdom

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Ajna chakra also bears the names The Third Eye...                    Ajna chakra
The lovely Magnus as I like to call him at sent us this superb script for Connecting to your highest wisdom by tapping on your third eye, the Ajna chakra.

I'm practising it and it is superb. Here's what Magnus says about it...

Last year I attended a 5-day course in Psychosynthesis. The big takeaway for me was insight into how our openness to experience determines the number of possibilities available to us.

This makes perfect sense if you think about it - the most we pay attention to our lives and the world around us, the more we notice opportunity.

Then just recently a friend of mine was talking with me about the 'Ajna' chakra that she did an energy healing day on. It sounds to me like the Ajna works as a valve, determining the level of experience available to the rest of your Chakra system.

I kept playing with this concept and related concepts, and the idea grew. It started with the idea of opening to Experience, and then Love, and then opening your Eyes, and eventually I arrived at the concept of being fully open to your own Wisdom.

I always look for the tapping phrase that contains and owns all others, and in this case the concept of Wisdom includes all the others, so we can save ourselves a lot of time and just tap on that.

In this script, our definition of Wisdom is the best available knowledge you personally have. It may not be necessarily infallible, or certain, or even true - it's just your wisdom, at whatever level of consciousness it may be. Whatever level that is, it will grow with tapping this script.

Chakra ajna            Ajna chakraStart tapping on the Top of the Head:

"I Connect Now to the Highest Wisdom."
"I Allow this Wisdom to flow through me."
"I Connect Now to the Highest Wisdom."
"I Allow this Wisdom to flow through me."
"I Connect Now to the Highest Wisdom."
"I Allow this Wisdom to flow through me."

Now tap on the Karate Chop point:

"I Release Resistance to Knowing about my Wisdom."
"I Am Good even if My Wisdom seems Bad."
"I Release Resistance to Knowing about my Wisdom."
"I Am Good even if My Wisdom seems Bad."
"I Release Resistance to Knowing about my Wisdom."
"I Am Good even if My Wisdom seems Bad."

Now tap on the Third Eye - not the Eyebrow points but directly in between:
"I Release that I Am Nothing in the face of Wisdom."
"I Release that I Am Dead to Wisdom."
"I Release that I Fear Wisdom."
"I Release that I Hate Wisdom."

Keep going on the Third Eye:

"I Acknowledge My Wisdom."
 "I Acknowledge that I Acknowledge My Wisdom."
"I Agree with My Wisdom. I Agree that I Agree with My Wisdom."
"I Understand My Wisdom. I Understand that I Understand My Wisdom."
"I Love My Wisdom. I Love to Love My Wisdom."
"I Know My Wisdom. I Know I Know My Wisdom."

Now back to the regular tapping points:

EyeBrow: "I Accept My Wisdom."
Side of Eye: "I Think About Wisdom."
Under Eye: "I Feel My Way to Wisdom."
Under Nose: "I Follow the Highest Wisdom."
Chin: "I Feel Good About Wisdom."
Collar Bone: "I Love Being Wise."

I recommend tapping this twice in a row, and then again a few days later. It's not a daily tapping script but you may find you want to come back to it after a few months.
The idea is that it changes your attitude to your own wisdom in a way that allows your own learning to take over.

Do send your comments to Magnus at and let him know your results, and results you will have!
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