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28 Aug 2009

6 Ways to Break the Worry Habit Before It Breaks You

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Worry, smorry - aren't you fed up with it. I sure as hell am. I've been doing it for the past three days and I am so sick of it, and myself.

When I get like this I can't stand myself and trying to run away from me doesn't work either!

So I'm applying some of Dale Carnegie's strategies to break the worry habit.

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27 Aug 2009

6 Ways to Prevent Fatigue and Worry : End Worry Now

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I woke up worrying which is a very bad way to start the day.

Then, and I have no idea how, a Dale Carnegie document  appeared on my screen when I tried to Stumble an article from Inspired Abundance on greater persistence in achieving goals.

I ignored it the first time and tried to Stumble the article again, and the document got larger. The article wasn't StumbledUpon but what I got was so much better!

So I stopped everything and started reading it and it's only after that that I understood. It's all about ending worry and I'm all for that. I'm going to do some EFT to lift the cloud right after I finish this post.

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26 Aug 2009

7 Ways to Stop Worrying and Start Living - The Dale Carnegie Way

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So here I am with more Dale Carnegie. It's the juice I need now so I hope you enjoy it as well. It's part of his 1948 book summary on "How to stop worrying and start living".

Seven ways to cultivate a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness.
  1. Let's fill our minds with thoughts of peace, courage, health, and hope, for "our life is what our thoughts make it."
  2. Let's never try to get even with our enemies, because if we do we will hurt ourselves far more than we hurt them. Do as General Eisenhower did: never waste a minute thinking about people we don't like.
  3. Instead of worrying about ingratitude, let's expect it. Let's remember that Jesus healed ten lepers in one day--and only one thanked Him. Why should we expect more gratitude than Jesus got?

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20 Aug 2009

Gratitude For My Difficulties: It's Time To Let Be

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Since we are spiritual beings living a human existence, it's damn hard to get a handle on all that's happening to us and around us. Don't you agree? Well I think so anyway and since it my blog ...

So today, I offer gratitude for my difficulties. I thank the universe for revealing to me, during my morning meditation, that I am creating my own difficulties by expecting results the hard way! Sad but true.

I am so grateful to understand that even though I knew it intellectually, all I have to do is expect what I want and let be and not put "what ifs" in the way, to make my life more difficult.

I am grateful to let my imagination roam and accept that it is so very easy. Yes, it is time to let be.

I am exceedingly grateful for my difficulties that teach me the lessons I need to learn!

Thank you God.

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19 Aug 2009

Going Green Workouts and Food : Get Yourself in Gear

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As I educate myself on going green, I figured I'd take you all along for the ride as well.

I've included some links below which include simple and easy ways to have green workouts: 1) use metal bottles instead of chucking the plastics every day, 2) use recycled gym mats, 3) go to a gym closer to home and walk there, 4) exchange/swap used equipment and lots more.

Then there's eating green to save our planet too. 1) How about going vegan? If that's too hard, 2) how about ordering less takeout, 3) compost uneaten food instead of putting it in the trash, 4) buy food in season and buy local?

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17 Aug 2009

Who was Dale Carnegie...

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This text is courtesy of Carl Niemeyer excerpted from the 1983 World Book Encylopedia.

Dale Carnegie died in1955. He was a pioneer in public speaking and personality development. He became famous by showing others how to become successful.

His book How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936) has sold more than 10 million copies and has been translated into many languages. His books became popular because of his illustrative stories and simple, well-phrased rules. Two of his most famous maxims were:
  • Believe that you will succeed, and you will.
  • Learn to love, respect and enjoy other people.
His other books include How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (1948). Toward the beginning of his career, Carnegie wrote Public Speaking and Influencing Men in Business in 1931which has since become a standard text.

Carnegie attended Warrensburg Missouri State Teachers College, and became a salesman for Armour and Company. Later, he taught public speaking to businessmen. He was born in Maryville, Missouri.

  • Act enthusiastic and you will be enthusiastic. 
  • Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. 

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14 Aug 2009

5 Ways to Self-Empowerment, Fun and Feeling Sexy : What More Could Girls Ask For

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Empower yourself, have fun and feel sexy at the same time. Sounds difficult doesn't it but it doesn't hurt to try. I mean, can you remember the last time you just took time out for fun? Pleasure is absolutely essential to one's well-being.

Self Empowerment through fun – Lynette Chartier

Tell us how to feel sexy – Yumi Sakugawa
As we women know, feeling sexy has nothing to do with sex per se, although that's on the list too.

How to feel sexy again being a parent – Patricia Willis
Let your children show you the way

10 ways to feel sexy again – Dianne Sonntag
Particularly for those women who bury their needs while taking care of others

Sexiness is a state of mind: Tap into your inner sexiness – Sarah Maria
You are not too old or too fat or past it!

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13 Aug 2009

Journey of Success with Bob Proctor: Six Minutes Is All It Takes

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Are you a step away from getting what you want out of life? I mean what you've always wanted, dreamed of and busted your butt off for?

If you are, would you take that final step or would you be too scared because of what people would say? And maybe your family's not-so-subtly sabotaging you all of a sudden.

When opportunities present themselves it's important to grab it and not let go. It's a sign that you are ready for change. And people are afraid of change but guess what, you won't know how good ... no, how fantastic it would feel to finally touch that jackpot unless you take that final step.

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12 Aug 2009

5 Ways To Handle Job Anxiety, Stress and Meals on Super-Stressed Days

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We are allowing stress to completely take over our lives and it's time to get a handle on what's causing it - job anxiety and... everything else or so it seems.

Here are a few creative and practical methods to immediately lower your stress levels at work - by rethinking how you deal with it - and suggestions to take a worry of your mind at mealtimes on super-stressed days.

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11 Aug 2009

8 Ways to Empower Yourself : A Journey of Fulfillment and Self-Empowerment

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Whether you're looking for a better job, a better relationship or just trying to figure out what you want out of life, you are in fact seeking your authentic self.

I hope these 8 blog posts will assist you in some way on your journey of self-empowerment.

Undistracted Energy DailyOm
Absolutely delicious!

So You Think You Can Dance Dr Judith Rich
Lessons of breast cancer, false courage and the female warrior spirit. Watch the accompanying video.

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Going Green : Eliminate Plastic Bags - New Delhi and Belgium Penalize It's Use

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In January 2009, the Government of India imposed a ban on the use of all plastic shopping bags in it's capital city of New Delhi - population 14 million.

A new industry now recycles newspapers into shopping bags. The bags tend to fall apart at the glued seams if they get wet or if the shopping is too heavy. However, Indians are extremely good at innovation and they will come up with a solution that works. I'm looking forward to it spreading to the rest of the country.

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10 Aug 2009

Health Care, Fear and Violence: Who Are The Losers on This Platform?

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I have never been a Krugman fan but he's now writing realistic assessments in the health care debate.   It's very sad that in the health care debate, fear giving rise to violence is now a part of the debate as well.

The Big Hate – Paul Krugman
In this article, he discusses the rise of right-wing extremism fed by the conservative media and the political establishment i.e. Rush Limbaugh, Mitch McConnell, Washington Post, Fox News, et al.

The Town Hall Mob – Paul Krugman
Meetings organized by well-heeled interest groups including two fake grass-roots organizations and manipulating the public's insecurities and lack of information with spin and outright lies.

It's necessary of course because the insurance and pharmaceutical industries will lose their stranglehold on people's lives despite the massive number of politicians in their pockets.

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6 Aug 2009

Emotional Clearing Out with Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) : Become Stressless with TAT

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An old memory came back to me today. And it's only now as I'm doing my emotional clearing out that I realise how painful, traumatic and stressful it really was. Here's the story and how I cleared it with Tapas Acupressure Technique (TAT) - to become stressless.

It was the first time I saw my mother angry, fighting and cursing and it was with the man we lived with - my stepfather. From the day I met him when I was maybe six, I didn't like him and that never changed. Since he was the one who raped me when was 10 or 11, it just goes to show huh.

Thunder in my Universe

That fight broke out like thunder in my universe. One minute everything was calm as usual and then it all broke apart and never re-formed. At eight or nine, I was shocked, lost and abandoned in the living room. It was so clean and nicely put away with fresh curtains in the windows; such a contrast to what was happening outside.

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4 Aug 2009

Gratitude When You're In a -Step-to-Me-and-You're-Toast Mood: A Mood to Brood

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I am grateful to be alive and well and in vibrant health despite how shitty I feel.

I am even grateful to take someone's head off if they're dumb enough to step to me today.

Because hey, common sense will say by the way she looks you should get out of her way. So step to me and you're toast buddy; well-grilled with no cheese.

I am grateful to taste the food I eat as if it's the first time; for the music that transports me and musicians that write the songs I sing.

I am grateful for the rush of fear that surprises me. It tells me that I am aware and that I have reached the barrier that's hindering my quest to be.

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