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28 Feb 2011

Recognize That Downtime Is An Important Part of The Goal-Realization Process

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Young Center Flower                Lys by rubberpaw Common sense dictates that when you are tired, feeling run down, don't feel like you can do whatever 'it' is anymore, that you take a break, relax and regroup. But how many of you do that?

When you feel drained it is because you are not aligned with the energy of the moment. Thus, everything is a struggle.

If you intend to attain your goals, understand that down-time is critical to success which is the thought for today. It is time to choose you!

Much of the goal-realization process is centered about periods in which we make little or no progress. When we are patient and use these interludes between bouts of activity wisely, we are empowered to prepare ourselves for the challenges yet to come.
Though it may seem as if this time is wasted, we are still immersed in the pursuit of our goals. Downtime provides us with a useful opportunity to relax and collect our thoughts before we must once again give ourselves over to our labors.
As we wait, our minds never stop refining those plans already in place and dreaming up our next round of ambitions, and it is these activities that provide us with the seeds of future pursuits.
Your impatience will melt away today when you recognize that downtime is an important part of the goal-realization process. —DailyOM
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27 Feb 2011

Pay Attention To The Way You Feel

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papier Fleurs en papier by eye of einstein  This is great reminder for me because I forget and get caught up in others emotional crap which is self-defeating.

It is the key to my being present – wise advice I received from my psychotherapist during my suicidal period. I hope it rings a bell with you.

When you are present, you are aware and can handle anything thrown at you, even the kitchen sink!

By paying attention to the way you feel, and then choosing thoughts that feel the very best, you are managing your own vibration, which means you are controlling your own point of attraction -- which means you are creating your own reality.
It's such a wonderful thing to realize that you can create your own reality without sticking your nose in everybody else's, and that the less attention you give to everybody else's reality, the purer your vibration is going to be -- and the more you are going to be pleased with what comes to you.
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26 Feb 2011

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Find A Way To Be Happy Now

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Happy flower         Happy flower by Jomind 
You're always on your way somewhere. The key is: find a way to be happy wherever you now are on your way to where you really want to be. (We're speaking of the state of being you want.)
It does not matter where you are; where you are is shifting constantly - but you must turn your attention to where you want to go. And that's the difference between making the best of something and making the worst of something.
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24 Feb 2011

Opening the Heart Chakra — A Simple Mantra

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This is a delicious meditation – it's the only word that comes to mind!

Olivia Rosewood's entire article  Please Meditate: Check your heart chakra is so soft and loving as she invites us to perform this meditation. Do read. This is everyday spirituality people; get on board!

To encourage the opening of the heart chakra energy vortex, try this simple mantra repetition exercise:

»Set a timer for five, 10, or 20 minutes.
»Close your eyes and place both hands over your heart.
»With the palms of your hands, listen to your heart. Listen for the rhythm of your heartbeat, and also listen to the energy in this area.
» You may feel ache, pain, or any range of human emotion. Feeling is healing, so feel these energies, and then let them go.

Take a deep inhale, and as you exhale, slowly say to yourself or out loud, "y-ah-m" (yam as in tom, not yam as in sam).

Repeat "yam" slowly with your inhale and then with your exhale until your timer ends.

Then sit in silence of the mind, deepening your awareness of true meditation.

You might notice spontaneous, effortless love for yourself and all of existence pouring out of your heart chakra. If you do feel this, please enjoy it.

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FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Spend Time Giving Aid and Support to People in Need

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light flower         Image by A......M......A We quickly realize how fortunate we have been in our lives when we choose to devote a portion of our energy and assets to those whose advantages in life have been few and far between. 

It is easy to feel deprived or unlucky when we only have individuals who share our relative levels of prosperity to look to for comparison. 

Spending time giving aid and support to people in need provides us with a wonderful opportunity to both help others prosper as we have and gain a deeper insight into the blessings we have been afforded during our time on earth.

As we share our resources with people who will ostensibly benefit from them more so than we ourselves will, we realize that our lives are more bountiful than we ever imagined. You will feel you have reached a place of unlimited abundance today as you do your part to lift others into the light. —DailyOM
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23 Feb 2011

Take Possession of Your Mind – Feed it Positive, Constructive Thoughts

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in my mind            Image by zunardu Thought for today is from Napoleon Hill exhorting us to master our thoughts, take control of our minds, and decide and act to get what we want from life.

I invite you to have a look at the Message on success and stories from his grandson, J.B. Hill; nothing but inspiration.
Take possession of your own mind, and you may soon make life pay off on your terms.

Your mind is unquestionably your most valuable possession. You may lose every material thing you own, but knowledge can never be taken from you. With it, you can earn a new fortune, build a new home, and buy anything you truly desire. No one else can control your thoughts; even the cruelest tyrant cannot force you to think about something you refuse to accept.
When you make a deliberate decision to take control of your mind and feed it positive, constructive thoughts, you are on your way to taking control of your life. The thoughts you allow to dominate your mind will determine what you will get from life.
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22 Feb 2011

EFT Tapping Script To Send Love Now

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A setting sun, to send flowers to sleepImage by Globalism Pictures 

Here is a superb and I mean superb EFT tapping script to Send Love Now from EFT Master Carol Look.

Oh my goodness it lifts your spirits immediately — it lifted me so high — it deserves to be shared, so make sure and pass it on.

For those new to EFT, follow the links to learn EFT from a Master and get the chart with the tapping points.

It is a perfect start to the week too especially since the EFT 2011 Summit starts today, 21 February, for 10 days! I hope you already signed up to access the free sessions!

Carol says:
What’s the catch?  In order to Send Love, we have to actually Feel Love… and some of us are out of practice or don’t want to feel love when we’re thinking of what’s bothering us.  And if we have a conflict with another person, we are often reluctant to Send Love to that person or to the bothersome situation. 
How do you Feel Love in order to Send Love? If I can’t honestly feel love and compassion for the situation I’m focusing on, I choose a person or item or color or object that I do feel love towards, and then direct that feeling towards the problem in question.  It’s that easy.  And if you can’t Send Love, try sending compassion, understanding, caring or peace. 
So what if we made a decision to commit to, or better yet, feel inspired to Send Love to all our problems and conflicts – so much abundance would start to flow in to our lives! Have I lost you yet?  
All I am suggesting is that if we tried to Send Love to our problems instead of the energy we usually “send” to them, they would probably work out faster and for the better.  Try it… it’s an immediate uplifter for your mood!  
Remember, the energy of abundance is about appreciation, gratitude and ease, so whenever you are Sending Love, you are in the energy of abundance, a vibration that will communicate to the Law of Attraction that you are ready to attract what you want. 
What if by Sending Love to your problems,
you could attract your desires even faster?
Why would Sending Love speed up the attraction process? Because the energy of love lacks resistance, and any time you release resistance in your energy system, you become more congruent with the desires you have been expressing and asking for through Law of Attraction exercises.  When you have more love in your energy field, you have less resistance…  Both these energies are very powerful… I prefer the power of love to the power of resistance.
Flowers in decemberImage by dhammza
This newsletter is yet another opportunity to clear
any of your conflicts about being outrageously
abundant in every part of your life.
Are you ready to do some clearing?  Answer the following questions about Sending Love… I have added the typical “yes, buts” that surface when I ask clients these questions. 
1– What’s the “downside” to Sending the Energy of Love to your problems?
Yes, but, I’m accustomed to being upset, resentful and angry about my problems… I don’t know how to be loving. 
Yes, but, why should I Send Love to someone or something I don’t like?  
2– What’s the “upside” to focusing on fear, anger, worry or any other emotions that are upsetting?  
     »Yes, but, these negative feelings help me feel motivated to change! 
     »Yes, but, I feel more comfortable when I am involved in a “battle.” 
3– How does it serve you to continue excluding love from the equation of healing?
     »Yes, but, I didn’t know the energy of love was involved in healing.
     »Yes, but, I don’t feel loving, so why Send Love?…
These are all powerful questions to help you uncover any resistance to this Sending Love process.  Once you know the upside of staying where you are or the downside of Sending Love, you can tap on the emotional blocks and change your energy so that you become completely congruent with a successful life. 
The good news is that you can treat
whichever “yes, buts” you have with
basic EFT tapping! 
One way to continue becoming congruent with your desires is to continue reading positive material about the power of combining EFT and the Law of Attraction.  
Joy of understandingImage by Parvin ♣( OFF for a while ) Another way is to continue to tap every day to release your blocks to attracting abundance.  I invite you to review two of my favorite recent newsletters:
Energetic Invitations
Giving Thanks Daily

Combine these messages with this week’s topic, Sending Love and make a profound shift in your daily attraction process.
Here’s what I know… People who use the
energy of love in their lives improve their vibration –
then they attract more success and abundance!  
In my newsletters, I like to include the benefits I have found to what I am proposing to my readers.  Below are my favorite benefits of Sending Love: 
1– Sending Love to all your problems will make you feel relaxed, calm and peaceful, necessary ingredients in the recipe for attracting abundance! 
2– Sending Love to any emotional or physical problem will automatically raise your vibration so the Universe “notices” you are more in line with your desires… (Remember, the Law of Attraction “hears” your vibration, not your words.) 
3– Sending Love means you have to access the energy of love, which is good for your body and mind.  It continues to release your overall resistance and makes you open to receive what you have been asking the Universe to deliver. 
As Law of Attraction teachers say — it’s all energy. So change your energy by Sending Love, even if it feels a little awkward or unusual to you at first.  This will automatically invite the Universe to help you create more abundance right now. 
Remember, the Law of Attraction sends you situations that have the same energy of the vibration you are putting out… so when you are feeling relaxed and confident because you have been Sending Love, the Universe will bring you more opportunities that match this feeling on an energetic basis. 
It’s your choice…
Choose to consciously Send Love
and enjoy the abundance that flows
into your life!
Flower of Milkweed                  Image by Ozyman Below you will find EFT setup phrases to help you be inspired to release your doubts to being able to attract what you want into your life. 
When you change your vibration,
you will change your life. 
Go ahead, raise your vibration by
Sending Love to your conflicts
right now! 
The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows: 
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation). 
“Even though I don’t think it’s useful to Send Love to my problems, I accept who I am and how I feel.” 
“Even though I don’t feel safe feeling and Sending Love, I accept every part of me anyway.”
“Even though I have a conflict about Sending Love to my problems, I accept who I am and how I feel.” 
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (Those of you who are new to EFT may view a chart of the spots on my web site under the EFT pages.) 
***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem*** 
Eyebrow: “I’m afraid to Send Love to my problems.”
Side of Eye: “I don’t know how to Send Love.”
Under Eye: “I don’t know who I’d be if I felt and sent so much love.”
Nose: “I have this conflict about Sending Love to my conflicts.”
Chin: “I’m convinced that I don’t want to Send Love to my problems.”
Collarbone: “It doesn’t feel normal to Send Love to my conflicts.”
Under Arm: “What if I don’t feel comfortable Sending Love?”
Head: “I’m not sure how to Send Love to my problems.” 
***Now for the positive focus on the solution***
Eyebrow: “What if I could clear my problems faster by Sending Love?”
Side of Eye: “I want to want to Send Love to my problems.“
Under Eye: “I’m willing to try to learn how to Send Love to challenges.”
Nose: “I intend to be open to Sending Love to my problems.”
Chin: “I choose to release the old patterns and Send Love now.”
Collarbone: “I’m ready to Send Love to my abundance issues.“
Under Arm: “I appreciate that I never learned how to Send Love…”
Head: “I love eliminating all my resistance to Sending Love.” 
Access more positive vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):
»Thank You, Universe for showing me how to Send Love to all the conflicts in my life!
»Thank You, Universe for allowing me to feel safe as I Send the Energy of Love to the abundance issues in my life.
»Thank You, Universe for inspiring me to Send Love to all the problems in my life!
Keep tapping, and enjoy using the Law of Attraction to bring more of what you want into your life!
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21 Feb 2011

Searching For A Creative Solution To An Old Problem – Tap Into Your Imagination

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Digitalis purpurea (flowers)               Digitalis Purpurea via WikipediaNapoleon Hill needs no introduction! As far as I am concerned he wrote the definitive book for success Think and Grow Rich.

As a subscriber to his Foundation, I received the following which deserves to be shared. It's all about tapping into your imagination.

We are just beginning to understand the mysterious ways in which the mind works, but successful people have long known how to use the power of creative vision to their advantage.

Many "new" ideas are really nothing more than a new combination of two well-known products or ideas. Nevertheless, great fortunes have been built upon such combinations when they are supported by a clever name and marketing campaign.

There is a definite process that you can use to tap into your imagination.

In his book A Technique for Producing Ideas, James Webb Young identified five steps:

1. Gather the appropriate information.
2. Work the information over in your mind.
3. Incubate the idea in your subconscious.
4. Recognize the "Eureka!" stage when the idea is born.
5. Shape and develop the idea for practical application.

The technique works.

Give it a try the next time you're searching for a creative solution to an old problem. Napoleon Hill Foundation

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20 Feb 2011

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Show Other You Love Them In Your Actions and Words

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Arum palaestinum flowerArum Palaestinum via WikipediaWhen we show others that we love them in our actions as well as in our words, the special people in our lives cannot help but recognize the strength of our devotion and our loyalty. 

There is an undeniable affectionate undercurrent that is a part of all self-sacrifice, and we display our feelings for all to see when we put aside our own needs in order to concentrate on those of our beloved friends and relatives. 

However often we express our feelings in flowery speech, it is our readiness to see to the well-being of those important to us that serves to solidify the bonds between us. 

Since they understand that they can count on us no matter what, the implied tenderness in our deeds comes through quite clearly. 

Your loving feelings will be evident in your choices today as you provide your loved ones with the succor and support they require. —DailyOM
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19 Feb 2011

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Joy and Pursuits: There is a Link

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marsh marigolds in my stone sink in the gardenMarsh marigolds by joysaphine Food for thought today is from Abraham/Hicks about joy, and reading it I understand that there is a link between joy and pursuits.

Now you might say well it is kind of obvious but most of us do not think about why we stop following through on projects, why we lose interest in certain things, why everything starts to drag at a certain point...

Bottom line – we do not think much of the time. We do not see that when joy is no longer present there is no impetus, no drive, no desire to continue doing anything at all.

You might want to use the Focus Wheel to clarify your desires and make them real

I like this!

Everything you do is for the purpose of the joy that it is giving you. And so, when you don't see something through, it means that it stopped producing the joy that you were hoping to receive. Of course, it is always better if you have anticipated something and you've stayed lined up with it. If you're lined up with it, then it's joy when you're thinking about it even before you start, and it's joyful as you start, and it's intoxicating as you're going, and it's fulfilling as you do it, and it's satisfying as you finish it and you're in alignment the whole way on that.
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18 Feb 2011

When You Fool Yourself, Disaster Is Sure To Follow: Be Authentic

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Winchester: The Mill's Garden. Bee and flowers...Image via WikipediaWe all lie to ourselves, all the time. You know that, right?

Whether it is through blaming, excuses, deliberate forgetfulness when we want to avoid something, or all the other stalling tactics we use, it is still a lie!

Worst of all lies is when you fool yourself because it either makes you feel better (temporarily); it matches what someone else said so you prefer to accept their truth; it does not match your "facts"; you prefer to trust a relative; or you are a politician.

Since I am a liar like everyone else, until I woke up and started working on myself (and boy, does it take work) I wrote Apply the take 100 percent responsibility principle to your life and banish the problems you create to work my thing out.

Hamlet said "There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so." This was taken from James M Lynch's The Hamlet Secret – A Self-Directed Shakespearean Workbook. A Workbook which prods you to take 100 percent responsibility for yourself and live in your life.

My point here is that we are the ones who create the drama when we allow our minds to go off on a tangent in order to avoid the truth that is staring us in the face. So watch that!

Yes, I completed the Workbook – see my Review of The Hamlet Secret.

Stop living a lie people. Choose YOU. Be authentic - real is where it's at! Accept responsibility for all you think, do and say. It will not make you any friends and will probably lose you those who are not, which is all to the good. Never lie to yourself, ever!
This all brings me to the message below from the Napoleon Hill Foundation — so very apt in our world today.

There is something about truth that makes it easily recognizable by all who are searching for it with open minds.

Cookie mogul Wally Amos is fond of quoting the saying, "The mind is like a parachute. It functions best when opened.

When you open your mind to the possibilities, objectively analyze information and refuse to allow your personal preferences and biases to influence your judgment, you will be able to perceive great truths that have been overlooked by others. 

A closed mind, though, will cause you to miss out on some of life's greatest offerings. 

If you find yourself disputing the facts, or if you keep attempting to revise them to support your beliefs, ask yourself, "Why am I so unwilling to accept this information?" "Am I being logical, or am I simply allowing my emotions to cloud my judgment?" 

The worst mistake you may ever make is trying to persuade yourself to accept a false truth. It is inappropriate to try to fool others, but when you fool yourself, disaster is sure to follow. —Napoleon Hill Foundation
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17 Feb 2011

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Imagination - WorkShop of The Soul

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It's all about the CenterImage by dbarronoss          
The imagination is the workshop of the soul, where are shaped all the plans for individual achievement.

Before you can build anything worthwhile, you must first create it in your mind.
Your mind is not constrained by physical limitations or boundaries.
In the workshop of your mind, you can visualize things that have never been. It is said that Albert Einstein visualized how the universe might look if he were riding astride a beam of light through infinity. Then he worked out the mathematics to support his theory of relativity.
You can use the power of your imagination to visualize solutions to difficult problems, to develop new ideas, and to see yourself achieving the goals you have set for yourself. —Napoleon Hill Foundation

The freedom is inside you. Tap into it!
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A Fast Way to Grow in All Areas of Your Life: Ask – What Would Love Do?

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Indian lotus flowers in MaduraiLotus flowers, Madurai India via WikipediaDavid Cameron Gikandi has a very effective technique for clearing away the emotional garbage which separates us from one another; it is to ask "what would love do?" in the particular situation.

David was creative director on the movie, The Secret, and is author of A Happy Pocket Full of Money. Fabulous book!

He describes the technique as follows:

At every moment and situation, with every thought and action, ask yourself two things: 
1–  Is this the greatest version of the grandest vision I have ever had of myself?
2– What would love do?

Then adjust your thoughts and actions based on the answers to these two  questions. This is a very fast way to grow in all areas of your life.
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16 Feb 2011

3 Turnaround Techniques to Empower You to Control The Outcome in Every Sphere of Your Life

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purple turnaroundImage by bslmmrs 
I just discovered turnaround techniques from Eli Davidson's article Joan and Melissa demonstrate how to live with difficult people.

Turnaround techniques is a powerful way to empower yourself to control the outcome in every sphere of your life.

Pay yourself to pay attention works for me so I am sure it will for you as well. The objective is to get you out of your head and focussed on the present.

When I started listing my mental criticisms I was shocked at how frequently I busted people's arses during the day! I had to change that immediately.

Gradually, over time, the number of mental comments (judging) began decreasing which made me feel good. I still have my off days but I am doing good.

Eli describes the Turnaround Technique™ this way: The way to get the most value from it is to do it with some gusto. Give it a full-tilt whirl. You can analyze the heck out of it later. Now, you may feel silly, but that's okay.

If I were in the room with you, I'd encourage you to go full out anyway. In fact, I'd go full out with you. I'm happy to act like a mega goofball if it will help you let go of a little funk.

So, what is that thing that's bugging you? Go for your El Numero Uno stressor. Has work gobbled up your life? Are you caring for aging parents? Did your boyfriend just announce that a friend of yours is pregnant . . . with his baby? Whatever your stressor is: See it. Hear the words about it. Feel how lousy it makes you feel. Got it? 

That was just a taste. Read Eli's complete article on the Turnaround Technique. It contains simple instructions on how to practise this technique.

Now, for the three issues / turnaround techniques from Eli Davidson's Joan and Melissa Rivers article.

"It's Not About You" Turnaround Technique

Take some deep breaths. Stand up. Walk around. This will help you shake off your reaction. Say the word FUNKY five times to vent, and FABULOUS five times. (Sure, it sounds crazy, but this NLP pattern interrupt will help you keep your equilibrium.)

Using this strategy, you disconnect from your reaction and put yourself in the other person's shoes. As I saw with Joan and Melissa, the person that behaved badly will often apologize later.

"Everyone Has Boundaries" Turnaround Technique

Flower macro     Image by Geoff S. If you are irritated by another person, tough as it is, remember that they are doing you a favor. 

They are giving you a road map to show you where your insecurities are hiding. You can use that as a guide to what skill to build.

Here is your GPS: Every word of complaining about them is you critiquing yourself.

It's easier to give everyone more leeway when you remember, "If you see it...You be it".

"Pay Yourself To Pay Attention" Turnaround Technique

Pay Yourself To Pay Attention. Give yourself a point every time you have a negative thought or positive thought. (You can use post-its if you want to write it down.) Watch how fast you are able to have a new way of relating.

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15 Feb 2011

Review of The Hamlet Secret – A Self-Directed Shakespearean Workbook

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Thanks, Cottage Flowers!Image by Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center 
I have been talking about James M Lynch's The Hamlet Secret - A self directed workbook (Shakespearean) for living a passionate, joy-filled life on and off, for most of 2010.

With this Workbook, YOU are your own coach, and let me also mention James' coaching website — he talks about it here — being the Star of your own life.

And don't let the Hamlet part throw you off: it is all very down-to-earth in our century, and no old English!

I finally finished this excellent workbook in 2010. It was really great and I want to share my experiences and what I gained from it. I published this review on Amazon dot com.

Let me say right away that I did not buy this book. It was offered to me and I accepted it with surprise. The gratitude came after I read it and worked through all of the exercises.

The premise behind the book is really taking 100 percent responsibility for you being who you are, your actions and inactions and where they lead you.

So whatever situation you find yourself in you have to act AS IF it was all you in order to move on from there. It follows a nice rhythm as chapters and corresponding exercises build on each other to provide you with the necessary tools required to face your fears, doubts, procrastination, etc.

The exercises in the Workbook look deceptively simple but they are not!

You literally have to UNFOLD YOURSELF (title of the opening chapter and exercise) by doing a little expose on yourself in 150 words or so starting with name, weight, who you say you are, discovering how inauthentic we are (yeah, how we lie everyday:) but it stays "soft" starting out and becomes more in-depth as you progress.

Basically, each exercise is a challenge — your challenge — to see how truthful you are with yourself and others by extension. That theme that runs through the entire book. Stop lying to yourselves people.

The chapters headings are brief and succinct Hamlet quotes which the author clearly explains in plain English and develops a theme around them followed by quaintly named exercises like "Mere Beasts", "Murder's Miraculous Tongue" "The devil hath power to assume a pleasing shape" and so on.

This had to have involved so much research because they are used so effectively to illustrate the object of every lesson and the exercises expand on them for our benefit.

James M Lynch is a very down-to-earth, tough-loving and wise kind of guy – no, I don't know him – That comes through clearly in his Workbook which only comes with experience and growth. The man lives by his words. The workbook wasn't written just because coaching is sexy now and he wanted to make a fast buck.

It is very well-written and is a learning concept with a different slant, funny sometimes, bloody frustrating at other times because there are some exercises that you just do not want to do. Do them anyway. Yeah, it is hard to face yourself even though it is just you, the workbook and pen and paper.

It took me all of 2010 to complete this Self-Directed Workbook. I kid you not and it was worth it. The author suggests doing one chapter per week although there are exercises which may take two or three weeks. I tried but could not follow his suggestion.

Life was happening! Plus, I was doing other self-development work, reading other books on personal development, and adapting to a new life in a new country on a new continent.

Flower           Image by trevhunterThe beauty about this Workbook is that you gain something every time you complete or perform an exercise, and I mean perform because sometimes it involves interacting with other people.
Not only that, I discovered that every time I returned to the next chapter, it was exactly what I needed either to face an immediate challenge in my new life.
I would not have been able to achieve the in-depth quality to my inner and outer listening skills if I had not completed the exercises. I discovered a lot that was hidden from view or that I hid from.

Can I say that this book is a one-stop shop for all your coaching and self-development needs? Absolutely not but then again, growth is an on-going process, isn't it.

I will say however that it is a fantastic tool for getting to know yourself, a live reflection via other people, accepting your faults, limiting beliefs, and stumbling blocks that you create, dealing with them honestly and moving on.

There are also some great techniques included for simple things like how pay your bills, how to interact and negotiate with a supervisor or a store manager and so on. They are different, using an "original" slant and are very effective.

Many of the exercises can be repeated, used as refreshers when you have particular issues to deal with etc. A lot of exercises were cathartic for me particularly the letter-writing ones.

For instance the "Mere Beasts" exercise which covers judgement, choice and guilty pleasures (weaknesses) got me. Life is so simple so what the fuss! I read it after one month's "absence".

I was allowing myself to be pissed off for feeling guilty about being my authentic self because someone else felt hurt by what I said. These coincidences between my life situations and chapters I happened to read just then were really special.

The "Should, Would, Could" chapter was golden for me. I was irritated with myself about an issue and the exercise clarified my feelings - unbeknownst to me - and it was only when I met the object of my angst right after and I took action that my negative feelings disappeared. HA!

This is a key point in the Workbook. You must ACT in your life. Taking action is the only thing that will move you forward and that is why the exercises are so important. Reading and saying "okay, I got it" and moving on to the next chapter ain't going to cut it!

There is a FAB exercise in the book which replaces those ridiculous yearly resolutions that nobody keeps any way. It is for the thinking man and woman.

The "Splenitive and Rash" chapter and exercise is where you get to let go, safely. WOW!!! I hadn't done this type of exercise in quite a few months and considering how I felt afterward, it was worth it.

Flower and Insect            Image by trevhunter The "Divinity Shapes Our Ends" exercise is incredibly rewarding. Talk about do you have it or don't you! The most important for me was the "Betimes" exercise where you list all of your fears, then revisit them 4 weeks later to see if any "came true". What an eye-opener that was as well.

There are many letter writing exercises. They end up being cathartic and inspiring at the same time. You end up discovering more of your Self.

The Hamlet Secret does not encourage self-blame. If it had I would have ditched it immediately. After completing it you will have a firmer grasp of your needs which will point you in your life direction. Not only that, you will also have your own Agenda on how YOU want to conduct it, your own bucket list, and much much more. You end up with a complete list of your life's accomplishments, big and small. That to me is the cherry on the pie!

James is encouraging and prodding you to be real; to be you 100 percent of the time; to live your life as you see fit in a way that is beneficial to you, and in a responsible manner.

The final chapter covers death and grieving may be a sensitive topic to some but you know what, death is the opposite of life. It waits for us all.

If the "old" you did not begin to wake up and shake off the dusty old persona by the latter half of the book and is not in its death throes by the end of this book, then you did not do your homework!

Great job James!!!
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THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Laughter IS Good For The Soul and Your Facial Muscles

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Lucas; Ana CarolinaImage via WikipediaWe are far more likely to walk down the street smiling and open after we’ve had a good laugh, and this tends to catch on, inspiring smiles from the people we pass who then positively influence everyone they encounter. 

Witnessing this kind of chain reaction makes you think that having fun might be one of our most powerful tools for changing the world.

Laughter is good medicine, and we all have this medicine available to us whenever we recall a funny story or act in a silly way. We magnify the effects of this medicine when we share it with the people in our lives. If we are lucky, they will have something funny to share with us as well, and the life-loving sound of laughter will continue to roll out of our mouths and into the world.

Of course, it is also important to allow ourselves to be serious and to honor that side of ourselves so that we stay balanced. 

After a great deal of merriment, it can actually be a pleasure to settle down and focus on work, or take some time for introspection until our next round of fun begins. DailyOM
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14 Feb 2011

Regrets Waste Time and Energy - Learn from It and Move On

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Language of Flowers "Sublime" not &q...Image by Mixtribe Photo via Flickr

Never regret anything — that is what I want to share today — regrets waste too much time and energy. 

What is past is past; it happened and it is over. Learn from it and move on!

Claim what you say in anger. Accept it and apologise if you deliberately hurt someone's feelings, and move on!

You have the right to express your emotions. 

How another person feels or reacts is their problem and they must sort it out for themselves. It is their thoughts about what you said that are causing them pain which they cover with anger, not your words. 

Move on!

Saving up grievances, stirring up shit in your mind over and over and over to resentfully throw it in someone else's face as soon as an opportunity presents itself is wrong. It is very belittling to you!

Such actions fuel more resentment and it eventually kills people, whether it is through an addiction, disease or depression.

I repeat, regrets waste time and energy — take the lesson from it and Move On! 

It happened to teach you something so pay attention to what your emotions are telling you, not to what the other person has said.

Another encounter with my dear, sainted mother brought this up.

I used to believe I was like everyone else — I certainly wanted to be in my teens and twenties  — even though I always felt separate from everything. 

Man, I tried so hard.

I did everything to be accepted and acted like everyone else in the family: petty, angry, critical instead of helpful, sniping, laughingly mean-spirited, pointing fingers, and I boasted about my physical abuse and the resulting scars from the beatings.

Language of Flowers 2008"Sublime" no...         Image by Mixtribe Photo I deliberately killed love every day with those actions; denying myself the right to embody who I am: all in hindsight of course.

I reflected what my mother taught me, you see and when I was old enough, I took over.

Her long-term goal in keeping me separate from the rest, as the oldest child, was to take care of everything and everyone, her included.

A strong and very able-bodied woman, I might add.

My values, like my siblings reflected those of my mother. She knew no better and did not seek other ways of living when she had the opportunity because she was too afraid. She preferred the ignorance of those around her.

It is only when I started my first real job in a government ministry and interacted with others that I discovered other people's lives were completely different from mine. I was nineteen then.

That clarity and understanding flooded into me about my lost, youthful years — spilt milk but all the same — when I discovered that my 72 year old mother had locked me out of the house again.

Her silent retaliation, as she never acknowledges her actions or even feigns an apology (that is an anathema to her) because I did not respond to her manipulation tactics the previous night.

I always have my key on me (even when sitting on the porch) after she repeatedly and deliberately did the same thing on five previous occasions.

I shrugged to her "why didn’t you call" and thought:  

"May you be well, May you be happy, May you be filled with loving kindness"

Her actions did not bother me. I severed that umbilical cord on 3 February 2011.

An all encompassing, righteous, compassionate love and gratitude swelled in my heart for her at the same time.
Language of Flowers 2008"Sublime" no...        Image by Mixtribe Photo
If it wasn't for this woman, I would not be the strong, powerful and indomitable woman I am today and forever.

My life mantra says it all and she, my sad, pain-filled mother, brought me to this place where 

I am love, discernment, confident, resourceful, assertive and unstoppable. A beacon called to share my light and talents with the world, and to be real, generous and inspiring.

Again, thank you to Chloe Taylor Brown for teaching me this on a radio show entitled Get Over Yourself hosted by Bob Doyle with Brad Yates EFT wizard extraordinaire, and the lady herself.

Yes, I am filled with eternal gratitude and always will be for this large-spirited woman who played small all her life when she decided that the best way to get ahead in life, when all else seemed to fail, was to belittle, denigrate, abuse and wilfully endanger her first and last children in order to control them.

Her end-game was to get her children to take care of her. 

If she had not acted as she did, today she would be in a much better place emotionally but then again, I would not embody who I am today if things were different. So it's all good.

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12 Feb 2011

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Develop Greater Awareness Of Your Defenses To Get Past Them

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White flowerImage by doug88888 
Developing a greater awareness of the defenses we have allows us to gain the insight we need to make our relationships more loving. 

There may be times when we experience trepidation at developing closer bonds with others—our fears tend to create blocks that hold us back. 

When we become aware of these blocks however, we are more able to see how they affect us and therefore more likely to change our behavior. This helps us release our fears and learn to trust others more easily. 

Knowing and getting past any barriers you put up today will bring greater love, understanding, and intimacy to your relationships.—DailyOM
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