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30 Apr 2011

Think About Where You're Going, Not Where You've Been

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Lost in a flower / Perdido en una florLost in Flower by . SantiMB .
Abraham's mini lesson today is very à propos,  perfectly describing what I have been living these past three weeks with Internet forcibly turned off.

I have been struggling blindly against what is, in other words, reality, because I kept focussing on what was wrong in my life. Yeah, yeah, I know, I am not unique in that respect and neither is this new to me.

What is new is that I kept focussing half of my attention on changes I want to bring into my life and what I do not like.

And that sucks, big time, since I knew that what I kept my attention on is what I would bring into my reality; negativity is very powerful. So basically I got a lot more shite.

Now that I am coming out of that depressing period, Abraham-Hicks' words caught my eye as they perfectly encapsulate what you and I perpetuate far too often in our lives. The beautiful part is that this can be changed. We just have to be more rigorous in our thinking and deliberate choose what we think.

To paraphrase Napoleon Hill, each of us is in control of our lives and emotions. Change your thoughts, change your vibration and bring what you desire into your life!

It's not necessary for you to exacerbate your contrast with struggle in order to get it into a higher place. It is not necessary to suffer in order to give birth to desire. But when you have suffered and you have given birth to desire, so what? You've got a desire.
Turn your attention to the desire. Think about where you're going and never mind where you've been. Don't spend any more time justifying any of that stuff! –Abraham
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29 Apr 2011

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Open Your Vortex To Find New Things To Want

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The Flower VortexFlower Vortex by Ann Althouse
You could remain in these bodies indefinitely if you would allow your environment to continue to produce new, continuing, life-summoning desire.
You could be one who opened your vortex to continually find new things to want, and those desires would continue to summon Life Force through you: you are living raucously, you are living joyously, you are living rambunctiously, you are living passionately... And then, from that same framework -- you make a conscious decision to make your transition. ~Abraham
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28 Apr 2011

4 Foods To Boost Your Mood and Increase Your Energy, Naturally

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'Cavendish' bananas are the main commercial cu...Image via Wikipedia

The fructose in bananas provide a satisfying energy boost and the fibre prevents a spike in your blood sugar.

And unlike a Snickers or other sugary bar, the natural fructose doesn't lift you high then drop you like a stone one or two hours later ensuring that you need another sweet bar to lift you.

Eating just two ripe medium sized bananas keeps you satisfied for hours and prevent sugar cravings as well. Have as many as you like for breakfast for instance — just make sure they are ripe —  the clue here is if it doesn't taste sweet, it's not ripe!

Therefore, after purchase leave bananas on the kitchen counter for at least two days before eating.

This wonderful, sunshine fruit is full of vitamins — B6, A and C as well as Tryptophan, potassium, phosphorous, iron, protein and it's a healthy carbohydrate too!

Carbs help the brain to absorb Tryptophan and vitamin B6 converts Tryptophan into that wonderful mood-lifting hormone, serotonin.

You could also add a hefty slice of ripe papaya; they taste great together and if you find ripe papaya smells/tastes too strong (like me), I have discovered that ripe bananas actually minimise its strong flavour.

Eating such a breakfast meal guarantees you will not feel hungry until lunchtime (with or without papaya).

Bananas make a quick and satisfying snack. You will not gain weight or get a spike in your blood sugar — you will simply feel very satisfied. It's a perfect way to boost your mood and increase your energy, naturally!

You could also make a fabulous smoothie by adding almond or vanilla flavoured Silk Soy milk, rice milk, almond milk or even skim milk if you feel you must add an animal product.

Bananas are solid and much more filling than a muffin. Eat until you feel full. You cannot put on weight eating a bowl of fresh fruit for breakfast! That is a fact regardless of any information to the contrary you may have heard.

Those unaccustomed to eating fruit for breakfast may believe that it's impossible to feel satisfied and full for four hours until lunchtime.They would be correct depending on the fruits you eat.

If you eat only half a papaya, a slice of watermelon or a portion of berries and yoghurt for instance, they would be correct because these fruits contain more than 80 percent water; and a yoghurt has little to recommend it.

A TIP — Fruits eaten alone are digested within a maximum of one to two hours. You therefore must have unsalted nuts or bananas on hand to counter that hunger.

Photo of four varieties of bananas.4 types of bananas via WikipediaTwo examples of your body's digestive processes:

1- A slice of banana cake takes six to eight hours to digest because the body has to separate and break down all the individual ingredients which is why it takes so long.

2- A nice meal of a burger (fish, chicken or beef) and fries, a pizza and a coke and/or ice cream or yoghurt, or a steak followed by coffee and dessert goes down great, doesn't it.

For your information people, any of those meals will take eight hours to digest for the non-meat items; your body breaks down and digests the animal products (meat/fish) within three to five days.

So when you eat any combination of animal flesh twice or three times (bacon, sausages, pepperoni pizza, etc.) a day, every day of the week, it adds up to a fat gut and all of the undigested food and rotting meat are all stored in that roll around your middle.

Think on that and go bananas!


Walnuts contain more protein than almonds. However, almonds are still my favourite because of the taste. Happily, I stuff my face with all types of nuts and seeds minus peanuts and cashews of course which contain substances and toxins the body cannot break down and digest.

Walnuts - NociWalnuts by funadiumIn addition to protein, omega-3, vitamin B6, Tryptophan and folic acid (folate) – the mood lifters – are all present in walnuts.

Nutritionists say one gramme is a daily recommendation and that works out to half ounce of walnuts plus the fibre and Omega-3. That's pretty great, don't you think!

Two teaspoons of walnut oil will also do the trick.

A TIP — Use walnut oil in a tasty salad dressing with a few more walnuts thrown in for good measure.

Nut oil adds a subtle flavour and can be mixed with a tasty cold-pressed virgin olive oil (the first pressing). If you add three crushed cloves of garlic, chili flakes or powder, balsamic or a sweet Japanese vinegar to your salad, maybe some cubes of Greek feta or aged goat cheese, cherry tomatoes, black olives (much healthier than green which are not ripe), some raw sunflower seeds and so on...

You get a scrumptious and tasty salad that beats those commercial, fatty salad dressings any day!


Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of folic acid, Tryptophan, fibre and magnesium which regulate and significantly boost your mood! Now I know why I used to stuff my face with the stuff right out of the the dehydrator.

A handful of sunflower seeds contain what the powers that be say is half of your recommended daily dosage of magnesium. Not only that, sunflower seeds make a very filling snack. Add 3 dates, 2 dried figs, maybe some dried apricots, throw in a handful of your favourite unsalted nuts (raw is best) and you have a bang on target meal whenever you feel hungry or get an anxious attack and feel the need for solace through food.

Nuts, grains and seeds stop hunger cold - just like bananas!

When you feel tired, anxious, nervous, irritable, depressed, suffer from insomnia, have poor concentration, it means your body is probably low in magnesium. This is probably an unknown and tasty mood booster which is lightweight and easy to carry.

Sunflower seeds, hulled and dehulled. Focus st...Sunflower seeds with & without shell via WikipediaGet a natural fix from food or herb drinks and stay away from the chemical equivalent – which your body cannot absorb – that only benefits the food-pharma industry by boosting their ratings on the NYSE.

Folic acid is a B-complex multivitamin necessary for the optimum functioning of your central nervous system.

And here's something else I didn't know, fibre helps maintain stable hormone levels as well, so pay attention here ladies.

Stock up, snack up and keep it raw. They are easy to digest and absorb in this way.


1- In Middle East countries, they eat tons of grilled sunflower seeds in the shell.  However, it is not necessary to buy shelled seeds that you have to chew and spit out. That's messy and you don't get the full benefit of the nutrients they contain.

Seeds already shelled are widely available unless you are grilling seeds from your own garden pumpkin. Good luck with that.

2- Heating food above forty degrees Farenheit (40F) kills most of the nutrients. So if you want your body to function at its best, give it a fighting chance and stick to raw nuts and seeds.

I am not going to lecture you about the food you eat nor the lack of nourishment they contain after being picked, processed, stored, shipped then sold to you as fresh in the supermarket because I am also part of the problem. 

You see, I now live in a house with a microwave oven which I haven't used in two decades and I started using it over the last year or so to reheat food. So let's not be too rigid, okay.

Raw nuts and seeds are easy to digest and absorb. Okay, enough with the preaching.


Divine chocolate fountainChocolate fountain by rachelandrew The all time favourite mood booster that we all know and love is undeniably... chocolate!

I was never a big fan of chocolate until I moved to Switzerland, the chocolate consumption capital of the world. Eating more than a few squares gives me a terrible headache and too much chocolate makes me gag but I still indulge from time to time.

When my body is deficient in iron and magnesium I feel like I'm dragging myself everywhere. Low levels of these minerals cause depression – it's a scientific fact. When in that state I can and have eaten an entire Lindt hazelnut bar. No remorse!

My chocolate binges must always include hazelnut or almonds which means I need the nutrients contained in the nuts as well. Your body will always steer you right when you pay attention to what you put into it.

All chocolate mood boosters are sugar-related so let's not be naive about this, eh. Chocolate mood elevators are sugar, fat, caffeine, phenylethylamine, flavonols, theobromine, tyramine, magnesium and tryptophan.

Caffeine and Theobromine are stimulants that naturally occur in chocolate and you get a quick burst of energy when sugar and fat are added. These quick energy bursts are sustained by phenylethylamine, tyramine, magnesium and Tryptophan.

Now, despite the fact that these substances occur in higher concentrations in other foods, chocolate's advantage is the yummy, rich, texture that tastes so good and it's that very aroma that causes us to salivate, pulling us in by our collective nostrils.

Many women feel turned on just at the thought of their next touch-taste-smell chocolate encounter; I don't get it!

I guess you can tell that I am not not one of those who experience an orgasmic response to the thought of indulging in chocolate.

Divine Chocolate’s 70% Dark Chocolate with Ras...Rasberry chocolate by greenlagirl Because chocolate pleases so many of our senses, when eaten, it releases serotonin in the brain and mood-lifting endorphins in the body which makes you feel euphoric temporarily. That's probably why we over-indulge:-)

However, you need to know that constantly feeling the need for chocolate i.e. you have to have it every day, all year long and every year indicates that you have a serious illness that must be addressed.

If you fall into this category, get a thorough medical checkup (blood work, scans, the works), find an Ayurvedic doctor or a doctor who practises Chinese medicine but whatever you do, get yourself sorted.

And there you have it folks, 4 foods to lift your mood and boost your energy, naturally.

Dig in!

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16 Apr 2011

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Allow Your Environment To Produce New, Continuing Life-Summoning Desire!

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pink flower (hdr)Image by Adam Foster | Codefor via Flickr
You could remain in these bodies indefinitely if you would allow your environment to continue to produce new, continuing, life-summoning desire.
You could be one who opened your vortex to continually find new things to want, and those desires would continue to summon Life Force through you: you are living raucously, you are living joyously, you are living rambunctiously, you are living passionately... And then, from that same framework -- you make a conscious decision to make your transition. ~Abraham
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11 Apr 2011

Emotional Times On The Eve of Spring: A Sign of Good Things To Come

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Lila Krokusse 2009                     Lila Krokusse via WikipediaI have been experiencing some tough emotional times these past two weeks, on the eve of Spring to boot.

On reflection, I had to revise the opening lines of this post and its title when I understood on this first day of Spring that it is a sign of good things to come.

Cannot believe I didn't see that earlier.

Gotta clear out the garbage first in order to make space for the good stuff, right!

I need to let go of everything when this stuff hits the fan which includes my beautiful blog and just stick to the basics of eat, drink a lot of water, toilet stops, sleep, and a lot of meditation. It has taken me a long time to accept this.
Letting go enables me to find the self-knowledge I seek, when I stop fighting it.

Here is a wonderful reminder about controlling our emotions – from Napoleon Hill –  I found it in my mailbox on exiting the “cave” (bedroom) of my self-imposed exile. Synchronicity at work, for sure!

He clearly explains what I was living and what I needed to grasp about an extremely unhappy and tortured soul – my birth mother – who was pursuing with zeal her latest attempt to bring me (me!) under her control once more.

You can't control others’ acts, but you can control your reaction to their acts, and that is what counts most to you.

No one can make you feel any negative emotion -- fear, anger, or inferiority -- without your express permission.

There will always be people who find perverse enjoyment in upsetting others, or who simply play upon your emotions so that they can use you for their own selfish purposes. Whether or not they are successful depends entirely upon you and how you react to their negative behaviors.

When you are forced to deal with such people, recognize from the outset that they are trying to upset you, not because of something you may have done to them, but because of some problem they have with themselves. Tell yourself, "This isn't about me. I will not allow this person to upset me. I am in control of my emotions and my life." 

Synchronicity always shows up to say "you are on the right path" and I am so damn grateful to the Universe/Source for that!

I am learning how to let go and allow others to do, say or have whatever they want without letting it get to me and  EFT tapping with Carol Look provided me with five keys.

The five “keys” that cleared my energy blockages and allowed love to reign in my world were:

March 13th at the Reykjavik Botanincal Gardens.
Flowers of Spring (Wikipedia)
1– seeing the energetic invitations as occasions to transform my conflicts into opportunities;

2– admitting my impatience with what is not happening fast enough for me (instead of stifling it) – thus releasing the energy blockage;

3– completely accepting yourself and everything as it is right now;

4– learning how to send love now to my problems – be they people or situations – especially when I/we don’t want to; this is another form of acceptance.

5– learning to fall in love today (with something or someone) that is creating the problem. This is particularly powerful.
Abundance is mine (and yours) by right — I hope you all know that — and I am not just talking about money. We need it but it makes up only a small fraction of abundance!

I am very grateful to Gary Craig, founder of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).  I would not have made this transformation without it.

It is very important to offer gratitude for what’s good in your life. Remember that!

The outcome of my two week "workshop" on matricidal thoughts, resentment and emotional self-flagellation can be boiled down to this:

~Criticising someone means you are really criticising yourself. You will never get clear of those thorn bushes until you shut up mentally, stand still and stop fighting.

~Going within to stillness and laying down the burdens of your heart mutes the noise. A wonderful silence resounds from which arises the only thing that is important – the beating of your heart pulsing in rhythm with Source.
~When you become one with all that is in the quiet moments between the beats, everything else becomes irrelevant. The more often you retreat to the cathedral of your heart, the less important who says or did what becomes.
~We are all here to learn and trespassing those silently forbidden family barriers erected in childhood and facing and accepting them is essential.

~We are always too close to the issue when it is personal. When you step back, you see with such clarity that you are able to drop the defensive posture because you have nothing to defend yourself against. There never was! The crappy false beliefs embedded in your subconscious were running the show.
~Defensive re-actions fall by the wayside when you then act in line with your soul's desires i.e. with love and integrity in every area of your life.
~Accept responsibility for yourself and your actions — that is all that is required — and contentiousness melts away. The ego does not give up that easily eh, so be prepared for the old nagging thoughts to cross your mind now and again.  Ignore them and they fade away or thinking of something else works just as well.

And I don’t care what anyone says, feelings come before the thought because it is your soul talking. As David Cameron Gikandi says in A Happy Pocket Full of Money, “there is a big difference between emotions and feelings” and you must learn the difference.

If you can remember just one thing from this post, it should be this: Not only does what we resist persist but also, whatever we do that goes against our character and natural generosity hurts us when we resist it.

Think on this today.  

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6 Apr 2011

Did You Know That Green Balances Our Energy

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Spring BudsSpring bud by _val_
Did you know that... the colour Green balances our energy so that when looking at it we feel confident that growth is inevitable. 

It also gives us the energy to contribute to the process of growth, to nurture ourselves appropriately, without becoming overly attached to our part in the process. 

Green reminds us to let go and let nature do her work, while at the same time giving us the energy to do our own. 

Read the rest of the article about the unifyer of opposites the colour green. ~DailyOM
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4 Apr 2011

13 Simple Empowering Coping Skills To Power You UP The Next Level

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Magic flowerMagic flower by Scarlet_rose

Here is a roundup of 13 simple empowering coping skills to power you up the next level, a few of which (four) were previously published, to add to your repertoire.

They are meant to make you feel great while being effective at the same time!

The reason that problems appear to persist through time is that whenever they are not here in this moment, we go looking for them. ~Hale Dwoskin

One (author's name forgotten)

Use the following questions as your guide when you feel stuck and need to act but don't know what to do. Ask yourself:

1- What (emotions) do I feel?
2- What do I want?
3- What inspired action (based on responses from the previous two questions) can I take?
4- The result points the way.

Two ~ Napoleon Hill

You keep being drawn into somebody else's drama or they keep pushing your buttons. It is time to:

Tell yourself, "This isn't about me. I will not allow this person to upset me. I am in control of my emotions and my life."

Three ~ Sonia Choquette

When everything feels same old, same old it is just an illusion fostered by your mind because it most definitely is not! 

Start looking for what's different (and say thank you out loud when you see something "new")!

quinta Power-flowerQuinta Power Flower by Ana_Cotta

I kid you not. This expands your awareness and you begin seeing and appreciating what's been right under your nose all along!

It is happening to me and I am amazed and gratified.

When you ask "how" you know you're in a trap because "how" is the mind's way of blocking action now.  ~Christian Pankhurst

Four ~ Eli Davidson

When your emotions are getting the better of you use the following two-step process in this Turnaround Technique to get it out of your system safely.  The Technique was developed by Eli  and is described in 3 Turnaround Techniques to empower you.

First » Say loudly and forcefully (shout!) FUNKY, FUNKY, FUNKY, FUNKY, FUNKY  (5 times).

It is close enough to "fuck" to give you visceral satisfaction without actually using the word.  

Next » Standing tall with arms outstretched to the skies, say in a loud and passionate voice:

The idea is to express yourself using the force of your anger and short-circuit the emotion, tricking your brain by repeating words with completely different meanings.

I have used this technique. Love it! It works!

Five ~ Carol Look

Get those feel good hormones flowing ladies (Oxytocin). Write daily lists when you need to give yourself a boost. This is yummy...

  • 10 things I love about my life
  • 10 things that make me feel wealthy
  • 10 things to offer my soulmate  

Consciousness is destiny. ...Instead of being dictated to by your genes and chemical processes in the brain, it may turn out that you are the author of your own life — capable of change, healing, creativity and personal transformation."  ~Deepak Chopra

Six ~ Ed and Deb Shapiro
fioreFiore by pietro_C
Develop loving kindness and compassion toward others particularly when the relationship is rocky. 

Breathing into the area of the heart, silently repeat, "May I be well, may I be filled with loving kindness. May all beings be well, may all beings be filled with loving kindness."

This meditation technique pays off.  Five to twenty minutes every day is perfect for keeping you grounded and maintaining a calm centre in the face of turmoil around you.

Seven ~ Rick Collingwood

The most powerful thing you can do for yourself when you wake up.
Look at your face in the mirror every morning and say — for 10 minutes — at the top of your voice:

I want the circumstances today that make my day fantastic!

Eight ~ Rick Collingwood

State your demands for the day in front of a mirror. This reinforces and fuels your goals and ambitions and you develop your focus and intent for the day.

  • Repeat 10 times – out loud – what you want to achieve today.
  • Repeat 10 times – out loud – what you want to achieve in your life.

Myths we hold are myths that hold us back. ~Christian Pankhurst

Nine ~ Sonia Choquette

Boosting your self-esteem:

Tell yourself every day – out loud – what you love about your spirit.

Power FlowerImage by Dawn Endico via FlickrFor example, "I love my sense of humour";  "I like my buck teeth"; "I love my laugh even if others don't", and so on.

Ten ~ Sonia Choquette 

Start paying attention to the guidance you receive.
  • Give it seven days, and
  • Notice when things start falling into place for you.
  • At the end of each day journal the event and be sure to say "Thank You, Universe", out loud!
Sonia says when "magic" happens it's important to acknowledge it, and she's right.

Eleven ~ Jo Dunning

How to get rid of a cold or flu. This one is fascinating. I have seen it time and time again between couples and others who get really angry at someone but rarely express their deepest feelings.

They keep it superficial and come down with the flu time and again or have an "accident" (gashing a hand, spraining an ankle, and crap like that). I usually see women manifesting these external changes. Jo says:

Look at the "bump" 5 to 7 days before the onset of our cold or flu. We can start working on the issue and then the cold or flu starts clearing up immediately.

Watch A gift from Jo Dunning video.

Twelve ~ Dr Maoshing Ni

Release emotions and stress:

Another piece of advice from the Yellow Emperor is that your mental and physical activities should be like the spring weather, active, alive, open and not suppressed.

Many people suppress emotions in their bodies instead of releasing them through a healthy outlet.

Work proactively with your emotions by journalling for 10 minutes every day for a month.  Write from the position of an observer and record your emotions without judgment or editing.

The next step is to identify the source of any anger, sadness or other unhappiness so that you can begin to spot emotional patterns and make changes.

Deep breathing will also bring balance.

A BEAUTIFUL FLOWER, A QUIET NIGHT IN RAINImage by nelrojar / Nelson Rojas A. Sometime during your busy day, find time to close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths to restore your equilibrium. Better still, start a daily meditation program to head off emotional extremes before they begin.

Studies show that people who meditate are calm, slower to anger and better able to see through problems to good outcomes.

Thirteen ~ Hale Dwoskin

Exercise on letting go:

1- Pick up an object (a pen or pencil).
2- Hold it tightly in your hand till it hurts.
3- Lossen your grip and feel the object.
4- Hold the object loosely in your hand.
5- Open your hand and let it drop.
Letting "it" go literally releases whatever negative emotion you were holding onto. You feel it viscerally. This exercise is based on Hale's famous Sedona Method

Genes control nothing. They're just blueprints. We have the power to change our minds. If we can do that we can change our biology, our genetics and our lives. ~Bruce Lipton, Bio-Physicist

Do comment and share your coping techniques. Let me know if any of these techniques speak to you and how. 
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3 Apr 2011

3 Tips To Reawaken Within You The Knowledge of Your Purpose and Your Own Personal Power

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My special flowerImage by catlovers via Flickr 1– When you acknowledge what you do not want, and then ask yourself, "What is it that I do want?" you begin a gradual shift into the telling of your new story and into a much-improved point of attraction.

You get the essence of what you think about - whether you want it or not - because Law of Attraction is unerringly consistent - therefore, you are never only telling the story of "how it is now." You are also telling the future experience that you are creating right now.

2– When you finally get it that the Universe is only answering your vibration, then you understand that if you are victim to anything, it's only your haphazard offering of vibration.

The real desire that is being born within you is, "I want to vibrate on purpose. I want to set my Tone. I want to conclude and decide and offer it consistently and then watch the results of it." You cannot get it done, ever, and you cannot get it wrong. So you might as well relax and start having fun with this. 

3– The Eternal Laws of the Universe steadily hold the promise of expansion and joy. Understanding the Laws will reawaken within you the knowledge of your purpose and your own personal power as you remember how to access the power of the Universe that creates worlds.

If this time-space reality has within it the ability to inspire a desire within you, it is absolute that this time-space reality has the ability to yield you a full and satisfying manifestation of that same desire. It is Law.


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2 Apr 2011

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Using Them As Your Excuse To Not Feel Good

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Happy FlowersHappy flowers by rkrichardson
Tell everyone you know: "My happiness depends on me, so you're off the hook." And then demonstrate it.
Be happy, no matter what they're doing. Practice feeling good, no matter what. And before you know it, you will not give anyone else responsibility for the way you feel -- and then, you'll love them all.
Because the only reason you don't love them, is because you're using them as your excuse to not feel good. ~Abraham
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