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30 Nov 2010

Breathe Your Way Into Alignment With Your Source

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The first Earthrise photographed by humans
The First Earthrise
The stability of your Earth exists because its change and expansion does not outstrip its ability to find balance.

It is not only Earth’s size and the laws of physics that are of enough significance to absorb the shock of any change, but also Earth’s Vibrational nature of Well-Being.

While your Earth appears to be a geological sphere of rock and soil and water held together by gravitational forces, it is so much more than that, for within every particle of Earth’s substance is Vibrational Consciousness seeking individual balance—Consciousness aligning with a Broader Non-Physical vision of Earth’s future.

Even though the human inhabitants of planet Earth are often outside of their Vortices, in a state of resisting their personal Well-Being, the overwhelming Consciousness of your planet (in soil, in water, in flora and fauna) is incrementally finding balance every step along the way.

In time, as you relax and breathe your way into alignment with your Source, you will be able to feel the dominant Vibrational pulse of Well-Being that permeates your Earth and everything it is comprised of, for Well-Being is the basis of All-That-Is.

This is 29 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.

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The Basis of the Universe Is One of Absolute Well-Being

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Mountains of CreationMountains of Creation via WikipediaAs you were coming into your physical experience, you understood that the basis of the Universe—both physical and Non-Physical—is one of absolute Well-Being.

You felt no concern about the existence of unwanted things, since you understood the importance of contrast and variety, and you knew that more wonderful creation would be born from that variety.

You knew that your emphasis and focus would be upon the new creation that would be born from the variety, and therefore the contrast that spawned the expansion was a good thing, for not only are you creating new components to mold into the details of your life experience, but you are creating a continuing new perspective from which to enjoy them. More discoveries, more relationships, more combinations, more adventures, more awareness, more desires, more appreciation. . . .

It is always that which is new that refreshes. . . . It is in that which is new where Source dwells—offering a signal of love and joy that calls you never-endingly forward to never-ending expansion. To more!


This is 25 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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29 Nov 2010

The Basis of a New and Improved Outlook on Life

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shadows and sparklesShadows and Sparkles by dee_gee
A withdrawal of attention from the unwanted condition is necessary in order to release it from your experience, but it is also necessary to cease the resistant thought that pinched off the Well-Being to begin with.

Our guided meditation process helps accomplish both of those things, and it lays the basis of a new-and-improved outlook on life. . . .  

You will find it easier to find increasingly better things to think about. It will be easier to see the positive aspects in situations and people. You will find compliments flowing from you, and you will feel appreciation for more things.

Your physical body is truly a reflection of the thoughts you think, but not only of the thoughts you think about your physical body. And so, understanding the Vibrational basis that supports your physical body is important to your maintaining of a healthy physical body. A regimen of physical actions is not enough. Your body is a pure reflection of the balance of the thoughts that you think.

This is 27 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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EFT Tapping for More Energy

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Human Energy.Image by Elizabeth Patricia
I am a huge fan of EFT and for those of you who do not know anything about it - Learn EFT- Emotional Freedom Technique and how it could benefit you.

EFT is one of a wonderful, non-invasive and effective healing techniques out there. 

Yes, I have been using it for over two years now and the results were pleasantly surprising. Honesty with yourself and perseverance through all the emotions which arise is key.

And you know what else, it does not require that you believe it will work. EFT is a tapping technique for healing almost anything traumatic.
The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results.Tony Robbins 
Here is a script for how to tap for more energy from one of my favourite EFT Experts - Magnus.  So go ahead and boost your energy people! 
However, if you are new to EFT this is not where you should start. Follow the Learn EFT and How It Could Benefit You link instead because EFT tapping brings up unresolved emotional issues of which you may be unaware and if you are not prepared to take responsibility for dealing with them, do not start.
You can find out how tapping works from him as well and he has some great videos on his site, and so does my all-time favourite EFT expert Brad Yates!

What if we viewed every conflict that came into our lives as an "energetic invitation" to clear our own energy? Carol Look, EFT Master, asks this question in her newsletter Energetic Invitation and lays it all out. Yep, she is another of my favourites.
Magnus says:

I want to share with you a script I created for a friend who has 'M.E.' or 'Chronic Fatigue'. In creating it and tapping it myself I found that my own energy and motivation increased hugely.

If you have any energy challenges, I would like to hear how you get on with this script.

It's best to tap these phrases with the FULL round of EFT, including the 9-Gamut (the eye-rolling, counting bit). If you're not sure, follow my front page video on

PART 1: Thoughts that destroy Energy

Start on the Karate Chop Point, and read aloud as many of these phrases as you like:

"Even though I Feel Poorly..."
"Even though I Am in a Bad Mood..."
Energy Arc, central electrode of a Plasma Lamp.Image via Wikipedia"Even though My Emotions are Bad..."
"Even though it's True that I Am Sick..."

"Even though I Feel Nothing..."
"Even though I Have Poor Thoughts..."
"Even though I Have Poor Feeling..."
"Even though sometimes it's good to be sick..."

"Even though I Hate Others..."
"Even though I Hate Myself..."
"Even though I Hate the Laws of the Universe..."
"Even though Everything Deteriorates..."

"I DEEPLY, and COMPLETELY... Love and Accept Myself."

Now say "I Love and Accept Myself" as you tap all the points: Eyebrow, Side of Eye, Under Eye, Under Nose, Chin, Collarbone, Below Nipple, and Under Arm.

Then do the 9-Gamut as in the video on the front page, and tap all the points again saying "I Love and Accept Myself".

You can use all 12 "Even though..." phrases in one tapping round if you want, or do them one at a time, it's up to you. Make sure you get through them all eventually.

PART 2: Deeper Questioning

Tap the Karate Chop point and say: (don't worry about answering each question)

"How do I Feel?"
"How is my Mood?"
"How am I Poor?"
"What is my Message to the World?"

"What stops me feeling things?"
"How do I feel about my Thoughts?"
"How do I feel about my Feelings?"
"What have I learned about being sick?"

"What do I Hate about others?"
"What do I Hate about myself?"
"What do I Hate about the Laws of the Universe?"
"Why must things deteriorate?"

You don't need to deliberately answer these questions, although you can if you want and if you notice anything you want to tap then go ahead. 

Otherwise it's just to acknowledge whatever answers are there at the back of your mind.

Still on the Karate Chop:

"I Deeply and Completely Accept Myself, and I release anything that doesn't create more energy for me."

On all the other points:

"I Release anything that doesn't create more energy for me."

Then do the 9-Gamut, and again tap the other points.

PART 3: Positives :)

On the Karate Chop:

"I Feel Life in me..."
"There is Life in my Mood..."
"I Have Happy Emotions..."
"I want to tell the world I am healthy and worthy..."

"What I feel is just feelings..."
"I Have good Thoughts..."
"I Have good Feelings..."
"I know it's best to be healthy..."

"I Love Others..."
"I Love Myself..."
"I Acknowledge the Laws of the Universe..."
"Everything is Alive..."

"AND... I Deeply and Completely Love and Accept Myself."

Now tap through all the points:

"I Love and Accept Myself."

Then do the 9-Gamut, and again tap the other points.

After tapping this a few times, you might start to get a feel for what thoughts create energy and what thoughts destroy it. When you notice them don't judge yourself (that in itself destroys energy!), just tap them!

I have this script on my wall and have been tapping it daily. There are certain ideas that can apply to anything and everything and this is one of them.

That's all for now, Keep Tapping!


The energy of the mind is the essence of life. Aristotle
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28 Nov 2010

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Concentrate on YOU Today

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PeacefulnessImage by zenera          
Engaging in activities that foster a peaceful state of mind can help us calm unsettled emotions and achieve a greater sense of contentment in our lives. 

Because our emotions can be subtle, we might find ourselves feeling upset or moody without having a clear understanding of why we feel the way that we do. 

Being willing to explore our feelings in a quiet setting can often give us the insight we need to determine why we feel so unsettled. We are then able to resolve any emotional issues that may be upsetting us or simply focus on embracing a more peaceful mind-set. Our emotions become calm, and we start to feel more positive about our life circumstances. 

Devoting some quality time to yourself today will allow you to work through your emotions and bring a greater sense of peace and balance into your life. DailyOM

In other words, become a well of stillness and plumb your own depths!
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27 Nov 2010

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Practice Asking Your Heart Before Asking Your Mind

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HeartImage via WikipediaI have been receiving Morning Messages for a while now – there are 88 – and the 18 November 2010 message really struck home as my life is nothing to write home about. 

One of my Twitter pals tuned me onto Morning Messages and I am so grateful he did.

I strongly suggest that you subscribe. The Messages are so very uplifting.

Here's the particular paragraph from the 18 November 2010 message that got to me. This is my thought for today.

It is the intelligence of the heart that will guide and uplift you in all your actions.  Practice asking your heart before asking your mind. Practice bridging and connecting the heart's intelligence with the brain's intelligence.  Practice radiating unconditional love, joy, gratitude, and appreciation from the heart, not from the mind. Practice sending your love and gratitude to the planet. Practice sending gratitude and appreciation to any challenge or situation you desire to transform. Allow yourself to see and experience your sacred heart space as spacious, infinite, expanded, and whole. 

©2010 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.

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25 Nov 2010

The Infinite Resources Of The Universe Are At Your Disposal

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Inspiration PointInspiration Point by James Marvin Phelps
The expanded quote below from Abraham's new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide is precisely why I have been saying for some time now that pitying someone does them a disservice when you want to help them.

Helping someone you feel sorry for makes them beholden to you and places you above them! Only negative results come from such a setup.

When you are feeling the discomfort from seeing other people in a lackful or needy situation, and you decide to help them from your place of discomfort, no lasting value ever occurs, for two important reasons: first, you are not in alignment with the Energy of your Source, and so you have no real value to give; and second, your attention to their need only amplifies their need.

Of course, it is a wonderful thing to help others, but you must do it from your position of strength and alignment, which means you must be in alignment with their success as you offer assistance, and not in alignment with their problem.

When your awareness of their situation makes you uncomfortable and you offer help to make them feel better and to make yourself feel better, you are not in the Vortex and you are not helping. 

When you feel an inspired eagerness to offer something because you want to participate in their happy, successful process, your attention to their success harmonizes with the point of view of your Source; and the infinite resources of the Universe are at your disposal. And that does help.
— Abraham 

This is 24 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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24 Nov 2010

Embrace Wholeness: Release Resistance and Return To Your Natural State of Well-Being

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wholenessWholeness by TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³
In your world today there are countless action remedies, medicines, surgeries, and exercises offered—but there are not enough actions in the world to compensate for Vibrational resistance.

Our daily meditations will provide a basis, or nucleus, for physical improvement; and it will also enhance any other treatments and remedies that you may already be involved in.

Since every disease or unwanted condition exists because Well-Being is being disallowed, then, in the absence of that disallowance, Well-Being will return.

It is a common thing for people to begin to lean in the direction of recovery, only to stop and take score too soon. And when they still find unwanted symptoms or conditions, they then offer resistant thought and lose the improved ground they have gained. 

With consistent releasing of resistance, all unwanted conditions will subside, returning you to your natural state of Well-Being.


This is 23 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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When Your Resistance Stops, Your Abundance Will Come

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Mahonia - ‘Golden Abundance’ is a cross betwee...Golden Abundance via Wikipedia
Many people are approaching life from the flawed premise that if they work hard and struggle long and pay a big enough price, they will then be rewarded with financial well-being.  

And since they do not realize that in their struggle they are denying themselves alignment with the abundance they seek, when the abundance does not come, they attribute it to luck or favoritism that is being directed away from them and toward another.

But there is no luck or favoritism. There is only allowing or resisting, letting in or keeping out the abundance that you deserve.

As you gradually train your own thoughts into those of positive expectation, as you align with thoughts of worthiness and Well-Being, as you align with your true power by seeking good-feeling thoughts—you will no longer offer resistance to your own abundance. And when your resistance stops, your abundance will come. A flood of good-feeling ideas and possibilities will flow to you. 

Opportunities and propositions will be plentiful. And soon you will stand in knowing amusement that all of this was always there within your reach, but in your resistant state of attraction, you were not yet able to experience it . . . but then, it came—not because of your struggle but because of your ease.

This is 22 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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23 Nov 2010

A Delicious Co-creative Dance of Deliberate Creation

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solor system creationImage via WikipediaThe perfect contrast of your time-space reality will continue to stimulate your thirst while also holding the promise to fulfill every desire that has been inspired.  

And so, whether you are focused upon contrast in this moment—and so, are in the process of asking for more—or whether you are focused on your breathing in this moment and are allowing what you have asked for, it is all part of the process, and it is all on your path.

Your repeated listening to our meditation recording will allow any problems to move into the background, and the solutions to move into the foreground.

Over time, your appreciation for the question will become equivalent to your appreciation for the answer, and your appreciation for the problem will become equivalent to your appreciation for the solution. 

And in your newfound ease with what-is, you will find yourself in the state of allowing what you truly desire. And then, all manner of cooperative components will reveal themselves to you in a delicious co-creative dance of Deliberate Creation.

This is 21 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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Attention To Obstacles Makes Them Bigger

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overcoming_obstacles_large_picOvercoming obstacles by IHEARTHIPHOP
From your human perspective, you often believe that you must work hard to overcome obstacles and satisfy shortages and solve the problems that are before you; but often, in that attitude or approach, you work against yourself without realizing it. 

Attention to obstacles makes them bigger and more stubborn; attention to shortages makes them bigger and prolongs them—and attention to a problem prevents any immediate resolution or solution.

As you listen to our guided meditation recording, giving your attention to your breathing and to the natural rhythm of your body, any problematic Vibrational activation will simply cease to be. And, in the absence of that resistance, your Vibration will naturally begin to rise until it will align with the higher Vibration of the very solutions you have been longing for.

In the absence of longing, in the absence of doubtin the absence of obstacles and shortages and problemswill be the solutions and abundance that you seek. And the evidence of your Vibrational shift will become obvious in two ways: 
first, you will feel better; and next, physical evidence of financial improvement will begin flowing to you from a variety of different directions.

This is 18 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.

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22 Nov 2010

Flip The Switch for Absolute Physical Well-Being

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DSC_9255-3Image by 吳姐夫 
Through our daily process of focusing upon your breathing, you will progressively breathe your resistance away, causing a gradual shift in your Vibrational point of attraction. 
And then, you will begin to feel a strong resonance with the words that we have been speaking to you. 
When that occurs, the Vibration of your physical body and that of the Source within you will be at the same Vibrational frequency; and when that occurs, your physical body will benefit.
In the same way that a complete understanding of electricity is unnecessary in order to flip the switch and receive the benefit of it, you do not need to understand the complex inner workings of your physical body.

You only need to understand the simple process by which you allow your intelligent cells to do their work.
As you find and practice resonance with the Vibration of the Source within you, communication between the cells of your body flourishes, as does your entire physical body. 

And it all begins with the simple focusing upon your breathing to flip the switch” of absolute physical well-being.
This is 15 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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Make A Decision To Look For The Positive

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Meditation's november...!!!Meditation's November by Denis Collette...!!! 
Your improved state of emotion will not be limited only to the 15 minutes that you are participating in the guided meditation, but will extend into many of your other waking moments.

When you make a decision to look for positive aspects in the experience that is unfolding right now, you will create an expectation that will allow an immediate manifesting of evidence to support that Vibrational shift. In other words, the more you look for positive aspects of your current life, the more positive aspects will step forward to reveal themselves to you.

During your 15-minute guided meditation process, you will have found a way to feel abundance without the need to see evidence of it. But, over time, you will be able to see what you were not able to see before. And with a bit more time, you will become completely expectant of good things to come into your experience.

The fastest way to bring more wonderful examples of abundance into your personal experience is to take constant notice of the wonderful things that are already there. The abundance that you allow is always a perfect match to your expectation.

This is 14 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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21 Nov 2010

Generating Compassion For Others

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togethernessImage by youngdoo
When we take the time to look after our relatives, we learn to ultimately care for our human family. 

Because of our closeness with our family members, we tend to have more empathy for their struggles. This intimacy in our families in turn provides the context for generating compassion for others. 

As we learn about unconditional love through our family members, we notice that this love grows and naturally begins to flow to others. 

We see that because of our humanity, all of us are related in some way and our family in fact reaches beyond our relatives. 

By demonstrating kindness and love to your immediate relatives today, you will find a greater interconnectedness with your human family.DailyOM
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20 Nov 2010

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Our Thoughts Do Not Reflect Reality

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c. 50Image via Wikipedia
When we are engrossed in thoughts that seem serious, it is important to tell ourselves that very little in life is a crisis. 

Our minds have the tendency to convince us that certain thoughts are of the utmost importance and that we need to act apprehensively because of them. 

Once we realize that our thoughts do not reflect reality, we can more easily cope with the feelings they stimulate. We give our thoughts less power to occupy our minds, and as a result we make decisions that are based on our true intuition and reason and not caution. 

By reminding yourself that nothing is as critical as it seems today, you will make your life seem lighter. —DailyOM
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19 Nov 2010

Celebrate Your Accomplishments Today!

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Rainbow flag flapping in the wind with blue sk...Image via WikipediaAcknowledging our accomplishments is an important part of growth and forward movement as well. 

If we cannot admit to ourselves that we have reached a certain level in our work, we won't be able to move to the next level. 

Giving yourself praise doesn't mean that you stop working, even if you have reached a goal. It means that you give yourself a moment to enjoy having reached that goal before you move on to the next one. 

Celebrate your accomplishments today by really feeling the pride that you deserve.
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18 Nov 2010

Happiness is Something You Want to Feel All The Time

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Bring Back My Happiness
Image via Wikipedia
Everyone holds a mix of opinions, beliefs, and expectations on a myriad of subjects.

When you give your attention to something, that Vibration becomes activated and comes to the forefront.

And the more often you focus upon it, and cause it to come to the forefront, the more dominant it becomes.

You have the option of making a good-feeling aspect of another person dominant in your Vibration or of making a bad-feeling aspect dominant, and whatever aspect you regularly choose will become the Vibrational basis of your relationship.  

When your happiness becomes your highest priority, and so you deliberately keep active the best-feeling aspects of others, you will train your Vibrational frequency in such a way that they will not be able to rendezvous with you in any way that does not feel good when it happens.

The only way for anyone to be consistently happy is to understand that the feeling of happiness is simply about alignment with the Source within. 

When you are in your Vortex of Creation, you are lined up with all-that-you-have-become and with everything that you have asked for. There simply is no substitute for that alignment.

This is 16 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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Consciousness IS Who You Are – Embrace Your Magnificence and Bloom

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Norway Tromsoe:  blue bloom from novalis  17.1...
Image by Juergen Kurlvink
We are spirit living a physical life in order to expand our consciousness. There is no limit to what any one of us can do. There are no limits!

The fact that there are no limits is hard  to accept and the same goes for a lot of you. 

In my case, it was beaten into me literally and figuratively for years and absolutely everything was done to me to keep me in my place because I must not succeed further than the adults around me dared to imagine (which was not very far at all).

So why do we bog ourselves down with so much baggage? Because it is a learnt experience and frankly, I think it is high time that we said fuck off to  anyone who tries to limit us in any way, shape or form. Don't you? 

Since consciousness is who you really are, the only way to tap into it and step into your rightful shoes is through daily meditation.

It took me such a long time to get here and I am daring to embrace my magnificence, and meditation (when I practise) smooths the way for me to be. How about you?

Embrace your magnificence and bloom!

We like to explain that only a part of the Consciousness that is really who-you-are is focused into the physical personality that you believe is you, so that you can then begin to consciously consider the larger part of you, who continues to remain Non-Physically focused.
Night Blooming Cereus
Night Blooming Cereus
Once you remember that you are a physical extension of Source Energy, you can then begin to consider, and consciously tend to, your alignment with your larger, Eternal, Non-Physical counterpart.
As you made the decision to focus into this physical time-space reality, you understood it to be a spectacular arena of balance and variety and perfect contrast.
You understood that there is no competition for resources, but only opportunities to give birth to your own ideas—and you understood that once an idea has been given birth, the means with which to fulfill it will follow.
And now here you are, an extension of Source Energy—focused in the environment of perfect contrast and balance, just as you have intended—exploring, deciding, preferring, creating, and becoming.
This is 9 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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17 Nov 2010

Relax and Breathe Into Your Natural State of Well-Being

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hearts' empath ♥ brick-red ♥ brecciated jasper...
Heart's Empath
 Every particle of your physical world has a Leading Edge Vibrational version that is calling it forward, and this Vibrational version of what you could call your physical future holds a steady rhythm of Well-Being for you in your Vortex.

In the same way that the large and diverse variety of Vibrational components that make up your Earth assures its stability, the trillions of cells that make up your physical body do the same for you. That is the reason for the extraordinary resiliency of your physical body.

Over time, during the application of our daily meditation process, your habits of worry, concern, frustration, overwhelm, and anger will cease to be, allowing your cellular core to find its natural Vibrational balance. Day by day, as you relax and breathe, your natural Well-Being will dominate until your stable footing will become unshakable. 

Your consistent alignment with the Energy of Well-Being will cause you to see your world through the eyes of Source, and you will feel as you felt when you decided to come into your physical body: satisfied with what-is and eager for more!

This is 17 of 32 practical expanded quotes excerpted from Abraham’s new Getting into the Vortex Guided Meditation CD and User Guide that will be available everywhere on Nov. 15, 2010.
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