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29 Jan 2011

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Ensure Your Life Is Never Without Wonder

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flowr powr [flower wisdom]Image by TheAlieness GiselaGiardino²³  The awe we feel when we encounter a piece of wisdom that stirs us to our very souls can become the seed of a larger desire to expand our individual worldviews through education. 

Allowing ourselves to experience such feelings of wonderment is often the first step in a larger journey wherein we find ourselves confronted with information that broadens our minds immeasurably. 

However, revelations of this sort will seldom enter into our lives without our having invited them to do so. 

When we seek out knowledge through study, we ensure that our lives are never without the wonder that inspires our curiosity and compels us to absorb as many pieces of information as we possibly can. Take steps to expand your worldview today when you feel prompted by your awe to find out more about your world.DailyOM
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28 Jan 2011

30 False Beliefs from My Fabulous Life Metamorphic Trip

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You Know We All Hover Between Apathy and Compa...Image by Thomas Hawk
Are you afraid of being kind, showing tenderness and caring? It does not make you weak; I can attest to that. 

For years growing up, I abhored showing any kind of emotion. I did not realise it was because my good nature was always abused.

Anger was okay. I needed the outlet anyway to deal with the dysfunctional environment in which I grew up.

That blockage stayed with me for decades. Obligation, responsibility and pay back have always been the watch words in the family house. It replaced love and caring.

Because of this dysfunction, I thought romantic movies were sappy and fake, which they were, but my judgement applied to real life as well. Love did not exist. Screwed up, I certainly was.  

Openly showing kindness spelt weakness of the worse sort. Any kind of giving was out of the question! 

Yet, I gave of myself unstintingly to everyone. It was natural but bizarrely I never considered that. If someone is in difficulty, it is normal for me to offer my assistance whether I like the person or not. That is what human beings do.

I have been told that I am kind, that I have a kind heart, but I find that hard to accept because it is still in me that being called kind is equated with being weak! Stupid, I know.

My point is that I did not know what to believe about myself. Actually, I did not know my Self at all. 

I understood decades later that those feelings were linked to my mother forcing me to give up whatever I owned (including my too small clothing) to my younger siblings whenever they demanded it. She said it was to "keep the peace".

It set up a pattern in later years where all they had to say was "I want that" — something of mine and I would automatically give it because I felt I had no choice in the matter.

This woman set me up for a life of deprivation with the message "you do not have the right to succeed". How can anyone do that to a child? She was obviously coming from a place of painful lack herself.

She has no generosity of spirit. Everything is a payback and as she grows older, gives less and less, hoards more and more, demands more and manipulates her children to get it.

She does not like anyone, not even herself.

She is a bottomless pit of need which is a shame because she has a pleasant, child-like quality about her which attracts people to her. I think that comes from her lack of emotional growth.

However, she is her own pity party; deliberately creating diseases and other ailments to get attention and starting her own emotional infernos to get a reaction (from yours truly). It is all she has now.

Nothing is ever her responsibility and in the four plus decades that I have known this woman, I have observed one significant change. She says thank you now. That is major!

She also helped me out financially in a significant way in 2010. I was shocked and grateful at the same time. I also understood later on that it was payback to me, on an energetic level. 

Sweet Flower of LoveImage by Images by John 'K'For the first time in memory, my family helped me and for that I was prepared to give  selflessly in return.

All I asked in return was kindness, and understanding while I found my feet, on my return to the Caribbean.

Instead, they proceeded to rip my heart out.

They recognised you see that I had irrevocably changed in my twenty-four year absence. The new me had limits and that was not appreciated.

My mother was particularly incensed about that and decided to get her pound of flesh.

So, what false beliefs did this human embed in my psyche through this scarification process (emotionally and physically) that really pertained to her, and which I had absorbed and need to clear decades later?
  1. I come first.
  2. I am stupid.
  3. You have a nobody.
  4. Love does not exist.
  5. I have no self-worth. 
  6. I do not have enough. 
  7. Getting money is hard.
  8. Don't be stupid like me. 
  9. Buy cheap and make do.
  10. Only my feelings matter.
  11. You must take care of me. 
  12. You are no better than me.
  13. Abundance is for high class people.
  14. You must work hard for little reward.
  15. You do not have the right to succeed.
  16. I am not okay and neither will you be. 
  17. It is normal to encounter difficulties in life.
  18. I am not responsible for anything I do or say. 
  19. You must do it all perfectly, no errors allowed.
  20. Money is for scraping by; saving is for rich folk.
  21. Denigration and moral self-immolation is normal.  
  22. You do not have the right to have more than I did.
  23. I knew nothing better and this is the best I can do.
  24. You have to work hard for your money but it doesn't last.
  25. Abundance is for other people, not me, and certainly not you. 
  26. Do not admire what others have, you don't know how the got it. 
  27. When I do anything for you, you must repay it in cash or in kind.
  28. If you ever have more money than you need, you do not deserve it and must get rid of it.
  29. It is my right to demand that you take care of me. That is why you received a minimum education. 
  30. I am not responsible for anything I do or say and I will never apologise or acknowledge your feelings. 
It took me a long while to get here people and I guarantee you, I ain't going back there. I am naked now, scars showing and it's all good.

Although I knew a lot of this, this wonderful woman launched into a diatribe against me today during one of her vitriolic ego trips, and clarified everything I have written here.

I had to put it down for posterity immediately; the words just flowed. She is nothing but pain.

I used to think of her, her daughter and son-in-law as beasts; wild, ravaging animals throughout 2010 because they hurt me so bad. That, of course did me no good because I got it back in spades. That was the law of vibration at work people.

Now that is gone. Even though I still live in the same house, I rarely think of them even when I see them. They are just lost, confused and very, very small. 

It does not mean they don't tick me off at times; they do but I do not show it.

It does not mean that their deliberate wounding words and actions don't make my heart ache sometimes, they do; but I refuse to show that! 

Our Love FlowerImage by thenemrel No matter how choked up I get, I intend to be kind, and honest when I feel the need to express.
Meditation and EFT tapping help me a lot here. If you are interested, learn how to tap

And here's what I learned about my Self from all this which started off my new decade in 2011 just right:

I am love, confident, resourceful, 
generous, assertive and unstoppable. 
A beacon called to share my light and talents with the world, 
and to be real, generous and inspiring. 
(Thank you Chloe Taylor Brown!)

What a fabulous metamorphic trip I am on here. I am tripping out on love and life and it does not get any more fulfilling than this. I know it is going to get even better!

I am grateful to my mother in all her dysfunctional glory. Marian, I love you so much and thank you! I could not have made it here without you!

After all, life is about loving.

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27 Jan 2011

Speak Your Mind Freely

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Masdevalia                           Image via Wikipedia
Our overall fluency and willingness to speak our minds freely can be a boon to us when we are called upon to interact with our peers in either a personal or professional capacity.

Whether the individuals engaging us in conversation are well known to us or are strangers, we are unafraid to articulate our thoughts and feelings in a forthright manner. 

Since we do not immediately assume others will pass judgment on our opinions or beliefs, we understand and enjoy how energizing and stimulating friendly debate can be. 

As a result, information becomes a gift we both give and receive, and we are exposed to thought-provoking new ideas while sharing our expertise with our peers in an open forum. 

The conversations you most enjoy will help you form connections with individuals who inspire you to broaden your intellectual boundaries. —DailyOM

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26 Jan 2011

Take The Next Turn Into Your New Life – Imagine Your New Life Into Being

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Mind creates lifeImage via Wikipedia
Hybrid Mom's 15 Powerful Life Lessons inspired this post. Thank you ladies!

Listen to your heart's desires. No one knows what is right for you and never will. You must choose you. Listen to your heart and let it be your guide. It always speaks true.

You may feel nervous or downright terrified at the thought of striking out on your own but that is because you are an adult. 

As a child, you trusted your instincts without fail; doubt and fear never entered your mind. So what happened?

You grew up, you say. Really! Well in that case it should be even easier to pack it all in — leave that go nowhere unexciting life you hate — because you are now in charge. You can do what you like or can you.


You have responsibilities, children, a lover, car payments, mortgage and all the other chains that bind you while as you are bashed against that rock of reality called "my life".

Little by little you are being worn down and parts of you are being whittled away, every day, by the back and forth movements of those waves of daily humdrum and lack of passion.


When do you intend to get off your arse and say "I can't do this anymore". You know what you are living is not what you want anymore.

The house, car, two point five children, loving husband and money in the bank are all irrelevant. Your culture dictated that and when your parents said "that is success" you agreed because you knew nothing else.

But now here you are, you have it all and you want something more but you do not know what that something is.

The Wind of Change...Image by SonOfJordan WHY NOT PACK UP AND LEAVE

Why not pack up and leave? Lots of people do but others cannot or are afraid of doing so. 

I have done it many times in my adult life when I decided I had had enough.

My latest escapade occurred in 2010. The only time I was forced to leave it all behind; I had held on too long. I just could not decide what to do next. That was my excuse. The truth is that I was scared shitless about taking the next step into the unknown.

I had become complacent with what I thought I had and in a final twist of irony, I ended up leaving it all behind.


It was easy to leave everything behind and I mean "everything". I realised it was all worthless and unimportant; the dollar value of the items was irrelevant. It is only money, after all.

Never ever doubt that you will receive that you need before, during and after your journey. You are richer than you think!

Leaving it all did not change me. I still have the same tastes and values but the way I see the world has changed.

We often forget, and I forgot that "things" can be replaced. When you change your life, new places and things naturally re-place what you had before but in a different way. Because you can never go back but why would you want to.


You have evolved unbeknownst to you and your wants are now different. It is a whole new ball game and you have to learn how to play. That is the purpose of change.

From Valley Of Flowers..Image by Himalayan Trails You feel stuck in a rut when you stop listening to your Inner Counsellor. 

When you do not pay attention to your own inner guidance system, you end up running off the road or you are forced to pull into a lay-by just in time where you wait for help to arrive.

Only problem with that is that no one knows where you are, and you do not know who you are anymore. You also do not know who to call!

You therefore must find your own way out into the stream of life in order to get the support you desire. I do not like the word "help" because it sounds as if you are begging and that is incorrect.


So, you insist that you just cannot pack up and leave, have you started dreaming yet. 

Yes, you can dream your new life into existence. Design it in your mental workshop. After all, results are ninety percent thought and ten percent action.

Use your own visualisation technique if you have one.

Give yourself thirty minutes every day to just sit and relax quietly and open yourself up and see what comes. Imagine your new life into being. Your need is already present so no effort is needed. 

Ideas will come to mind. They may pop in out of the blue or just stream by in quick succession. Regardless of how it happens, one of them grab you.

When that happens, pursue it. Play with it and see what develops. An image or scene may surprise the hell out of you, maybe even shock you, but do not, I repeat, do not let the feeling of "but I couldn't possibly do that" or "but I..." stop you from fleshing it out to suit your needs.

1/365: If you don't like something, change it....Image by julesreyes It is all in your mind anyway, right. Here is an update baby, that is the soul's desires calling and at this juncture, you have no choice but to go forward.


Listen to me here now, this is a very easy process. Never ever force the process by trying to add what you think should be there. 

You will only end up frustrating yourself and defeating the purpose of designing your new life in your mental workshop. It will feel wrong and you will eventually find yourself returning to the point where you went off track.

When this occurs it is simply an indication that your logical mind and ego are present, most likely invited by your fear and worry about how good (and silly) you feel imagining non-sense and perhaps even intimidated by the "grandeur" of your imaginary project.

But it feels right, doesn't it. When something makes you feel so good inside there is no way it could possibly be wrong!


My advice to you from this point on is to go with the flow. When you are ripe with excitement about your new project, coincidences — which do not exist — will begin to occur.

Synchronicity is at work, you see. Pat yourself on the back because you attracted it.

Accept the events, thank them for showing up; confirming that you are on the right path and always, always take it one step further, immediately!

In other words, take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself; strike while the iron is hot! Do not worry if you feel too scared to act the first time, or that you took too long "thinking it through" and "lost" it. All is not lost.

This is where men have the advantage on us women; they are natural risk takers.

Miracle in a flower....Image by Himalayan Trails I promise you that other opportunities are waiting in the wings as long as you keep the energetic momentum going by taking small, concrete steps to flesh out your mental project.

When you do, you are telling the universe, I believe in this; I want it and I intend to have it!


Synchronicity is the universe's (that is God to you) way of saying "we hear you; ready when you are kid". 

Listen — your mind will never conjure up images and scenes which seem so real if they were unattainable. Impossible!

This is bigger than you and it is your passion, your soul's needs that is urging you to achieve them at all costs.


The dissatisfaction you feel with your current lifestyle is the impetus required to propel you forward. 

Release resistance to these changes. You were born to do exactly what you are creating in your mental workshop. That is why you are so fired up about it and intimidated by it.

I will go further by saying it is probably the next chapter of your life's work as well. There are no accidents.

Your angst has led you to your personal crossroads and either you stay stuck right there or you take the next turn into your new life.

Which is it going to be?

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25 Jan 2011

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Accept Yourself For Who You Are

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Though the people we care about can give us the love we as human beings crave, true acceptance can only come from within ourselves.

When we believe in the value inherent in a healthy lifestyle and applaud ourselves for living in accordance with what is important to us, we tend to be less critical of ourselves and better equipped to handle criticism from outside sources.

People who disagree with our choices have little chance of influencing our behavior because while we accept their right to their opinions, we also do not rely on outside affirmation to gauge our worth.

Our ability to grant ourselves approval also provides us with the strength and self-awareness we need to create an unshakable reserve of inner strength. 

Your neediness will disappear when you make an effort to accept yourself for who you are. —DailyOM
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23 Jan 2011

THOUGHT FOR TODAY: Do Something New For Yourself Today

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Chamomile FlowersImage via Wikipedia
Introducing changes, even small ones, into our lives helps us become more engaged in what we do. 

Wanting to escape from the world is a natural reaction to the established patterns in our lives. When this happens too often, however, we avoid reality and our dreams take over our thoughts. 

Finding some way to integrate both our desire for the new and the actuality of our lives let us remain grounded in the present but also indulge our yearning for excitement. 

By doing something new today, you can change many aspects of your routine to be more meaningful and mentally stimulating for you. DailyOM
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22 Jan 2011

Have You Said Your Gratitude Prayer Today?

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Here is a little beauty I just discovered which deserves to be shared. It was included in the newsletter from The Napoleon Hill Foundation. It is his Gratitude Prayer - use without restraint. 

“My God, I ask not for more blessings, 
but for more wisdom with which to make better use of the blessings you gave me at birth—the privilege of controlling and directing my own mind to purposes of my choice.” 
This is everyday spirituality at its best people!
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21 Jan 2011

Love for No Reason - A Miracle Accessible to All

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I love you without knowing how, or when, or fr...Image by {I Was Born In August}

I was in awe after reading this story adapted from Marci Shimoff's Love for No Reason. WOW! Yes, love is a miracle accessible to all!

Direct from Bob Proctor's  Insight of the Day. Need I say again that you should sign up!?

Love for No Reason

Through the train window, she watched the villages and vineyards of the Italian countryside go by. It was 1942 and Sussi Penzias, a young Jewish woman who'd fled Nazi Germany, was traveling alone, hoping to remain unnoticed.
Since she'd arrived in Italy three years earlier, she'd been moving from place to place, staying with friends and friends of friends, hiding from the authorities. Now she was on her way to yet another safe house in a new town.

Suddenly, the door at the end of the train car swung open and two police officers came in. Sussi's heart beat wildly. They were wearing the black uniform of the Fascisti, the government police. To Sussi's horror, the policemen began making their way down the aisle, stopping at every row to examine the papers of each passenger.

Sussi knew that as soon as the policemen discovered she had no papers, she would be arrested. She was terrified she'd end up in a concentration camp, and would face unimaginable suffering and almost certain death.

The officers were getting closer, just a few rows away. There was no escape. It was only a matter of minutes before they would reach her seat. Sussi began to tremble uncontrollably, and tears slid down her cheeks.

Flower Of LoveImage by sirwiseowlThe man sitting next to her noticed her distress and politely asked her why she was crying.

"I'm Jewish and I have no papers," she whispered, hardly able to speak.
To her surprise, a few seconds later the man began shouting at her, "You idiot! I can't believe how stupid you are! What an imbecile!"

The police officers, hearing the commotion, stopped what they were doing and came over. "What's going on here?" one of them asked. Sussi began crying even harder.

The man turned a disgusted face to the policemen and said, "Officers, take this woman away! I have my papers, but my wife has forgotten hers! She always forgets everything. I'm so sick of her. I don't ever want to see her again!"

The officers laughed, shaking their heads at the couple's marital spat, and moved on.

With a selfless act of caring, the stranger on the train had saved Sussi's life. Sussi never saw the man again. She never even knew his name.
* * * * *

When Sussi's great-niece, Shifra, told me this story, I was in awe.
I wondered, What is it that inspires someone to extend himself, even risk his life, for someone he doesn't know? 

The man on the train didn't help Sussi because she'd made him a great breakfast that morning or had picked up his dry cleaning. He helped her because in that moment of heroism he was moved by an impulse of compassion and unconditional love.

“Love is the only flower that grows and blosso...Image by turtlemom4bacon via FlickrI'm not talking about Hollywood or Hallmark-card kind of love, but love as a state of being-the kind of love that is limitless and doesn't ask to be returned.
Is it possible to live in that state of unconditional love all the time?

That was the question I set out to answer when I started writing my most recent book, Love for No Reason. And what I learned through my research is that each of us can grow in unconditional love, the kind of love that doesn't depend on any person or situation.
Imagine loving people, not because they fill your needs or because their opinions match your own, but because you're connected to a state of pure love within yourself.

This simple but profound shift creates remarkable changes in every area of life. Instead of feeling a little hungry all the time-for love, security, more stuff, more recognition, more everything — people who are unconditionally loving feel full and complete.
It affects how they show up in every moment. In fact, though a person's life might not depend on making this shift, the quality of his or her life does.
When people live in unconditional love their world turns from black-and-white to dazzling Technicolor.
By Marci Shimoff

Adapted from Love for No Reason: 7 Steps to Creating a Life of Unconditional Love (Free Press, December 2010), which offers a breakthrough approach to experiencing a lasting state of unconditional love. 

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20 Jan 2011

EFT Script - Tapping for Miracles In A Brand New Year – Ask For What You Desire

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cultivated Angraecum eburneum, South Miami, FL...Image via Wikipedia
We all know that we are not alone yet many of us feel that way sometimes, particularly in circumstances where we have to do it all ourselves or feel that way.

We do not ask for help and that is a crime!

If you are like me though, you develop this terrible habit in your youth and then it takes hold and is hard to stop "doing it all yourself".
And so the habit of self-reliance set in but it is isolating and wrong. Support is always available — ask for help in your heart and it will present itself to you in the most appropriate way.
Ask out loud as well. It will not kill you and all the person can say is 'no' or 'yes'. So go ahead; surprise yourself today.

In fact, why not do it right now. Stop reading this and go ask for what you need.

This tapping for miracles script
from Margaret M Lynch, an EFT expert, covers all the basics of asking for help to remove the blockages and accept miracles. It is excellent!

I perked right up after one complete round after feeling afraid and depressed after being fired for the first time in my life in 2010. The tightening in my gut translating to "I'm scared that I won't find another job" completely disappeared.

I completed 7 rounds in both the negative and positive sections. 

Normally, I repeat each round 10 times to ensure I bring up all the garbage but this time it was not necessary. All the tears and fears came rolling on out. Wonderful!

Now, I repeat as necessary and knew, I had to share this it.

For newbies to the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) – this technique is exactly what you need when you feel separate from the whole. 

Crinum moorei Hook. f. Pearly white fragrant f...Crinum Moorei HookIn other words, when you feel unhappy for any reason. Tap as often as necessary, in the washroom at work, on the bus (saying the words in your mind) etc. 

And if you care that people look at you funny, just tell them it is a Chinese technique which technically it is — patterned after acupuncture but without the needles. So there! 

But before you do all that, learn how to tap!

Now back to Margaret Lynch's tapping for miracles script from her newsletter...

She has "tapped" into the core here with this new script — fear of going forward on our own, feeling that we are alone again, hesitant about asking for the support we desire (maybe even from those who have not helped us in the past).

Subscribe to her newsletter to receive all of her offers directly — scripts and more! Here we go – enjoy tapping!
ROUND 1:  I have to make everything happen on my own (there's no support!)
Karate Chop Point:

Even though the truth is I have to make it happen,
it’s all on me,
I’ve got to do it,
I accept all of me.

Even though I have to make this happen,
I feel that pressure, that constriction,
but I can’t just let this go!
I accept all of my feelings.

Even though the truth is, it’s all me.
There's no one supporting me, no miracles showing up.
I have to make this happen.
Otherwise I will fail, and that will be all on me.
I love and accept myself anyway.

Tapping Through the Points:

It is all on me.
It’s always been on me.
I can’t just trust.
I can’t let go.
That would be slacking off
I have to make this happen,
Make it happen with my will,
With my own two hands,
My blood sweat and tears.
It’s exhausting,
But I keep doing it.
I've got to make this happen.
Not a lot of fun in that.
A lot of pressure,
A lot of desperation,
Always battling failure.
So much at stake.
I can’t just trust in the Universe
That would be crazy
I’ve got to do it
It’s all me.

WOW, that was some heavy stuff!

That likely brought up some emotion. So, now let's tap through another round...

Round 2:
  I am open to the Divine co-creating with me!
Karate Chop Point:

Even though I’ve built a life making
stuff happen and I often say, oh I’ll
just do it myself, I usually do it better,
and I do it to my standards, I’m open
to the idea that there’s a conflict in this
for me. Because I’m not very open to help.

Even though I love getting stuff done,
I love making great things happen, I’m open
to the idea, that I could be an amazing achiever,
and have an open window to streams of Divine
brilliance, Divine guidance, inspiration, even
miracles. That makes all my achieving fun.

Even though I’ve operated this way for a
long time, saying, "No thanks, I got it. I’ve
got to do it all myself." I’m now opening a window,
and I’m propping it open with a stick, so I
can’t close it easily. This window is open to
the Divine co-creating with me. I actually
don’t need to do everything myself.

The truth is I can’t always see the big
picture. I don’t really know the mind of
God. Maybe the Divine is trying to give me
more than I’ve even dreamed of.

Tapping Through the Points:

I’ve been doing it this way for a long time.
If I trust and let go,
Would I judge myself a slacker?
Or naïve?
I wonder what would happen,
If I open this window
And allowed the Divine
To stream into my life,
Bringing me more brilliance,
More inspiration,
Absolute miracles,
Co-creating with me.
I wonder how that would feel.
I wonder how it would feel in my body,
To achieve that way.
This would feel different.
REALLY different.

I surrender a bit a of my control
I surrender a bit of my old story
I surrender a bit of achieving ego
I open to help
I open to miracles
I open the divine co-creating with me!

WOW, that feels much better! 
Now, instead of saying "I have to make it happen." try saying it this way:

"I love making it happen and watching the universe line up MIRACLES to support every step I take!"

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12 Jan 2011

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Recognise The Existence of Your Personal Guidance System

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Food for thought today is about your internal guidance system. What you all your gut instinct, your knowing that you know without knowing how you know.

That still small voice which is always very vocal but your noisy mental chatter drowns it out.

It is that sublime, loving peacefulness that sweeps over you when you are connected with all that is — a joyful moment with children, birdsong, waves crashing, a loving smile, a breathtaking sunset...

All of this and more connect you with the divine which in turn harmonises your vibration; Right then you are connected — you are tuned in, tapped in and turned on. 

You are on the same frequency with your inner guidance system.

Never miss an opportunity to shut up.  
~Will Rogers

It is therefore your responsibility, right now, to take charge of your own wants and needs and own it by taking the time to listen to your instincts, gut, intuition or whatever you want to call it and do what is right for you!

Nobody is going to do it for you nor can they. And remember, what others think or say about you is their problem. It is none of your business!

Now is the time and 2011 is the year of transformation; shedding the dead skin of the previous year and moving forward listening to your very own inner counsellor.

Meditation is the only way to connect and practise increases your awareness which in turn enables you to hear the words of your Divine Self. Heed those words and feelings to the exclusion of others.

Children are perfect examples of oneness, then their parents in their woeful ignorance, deliberately distort their reality and force a change of path to match their own.

spring flowersImage via Wikipedia If you do not know who you are, how will you know when your transmutation has taken place?

It is time to shut up and listen; your Self is talking! 

We don't sit in meditation to become good meditators; we sit in meditation to become more awake in our lives. ~Pema Chodron

Other's Opinion Are Less Important Than My Personal Guidance System... You did not intend to use the opinions of your parents to measure against your beliefs, desires, or actions in order to determine the appropriateness of them. 

Instead, you knew (and still remembered, long after you were born) that it was the relationship between the opinion (or knowledge) of the Source within you and your current thoughts, in any moment, that would offer you perfect guidance in the form of emotions. 

You did not intend to replace your Emotional Guidance System with the opinions of your parents even if they were in harmony with their Emotional Guidance System in the moment of their trying to guide you. 

It was much more important to you to recognize the existence of your own Guidance System, and to utilize it, than to be deemed correct by, or to find approval from, others.  —Abraham

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11 Jan 2011

Making Friends With Illness And Live For All You Are Worth!

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Ed and Deb Shapiro wrote a stunning post Making friends with illness in 2010.

Accept it, embrace it, own it because you cannot reject what is already happening. It is a fact!

Making friends with your illness makes living so much easier for yourself, and your friends and family. You hate it, you want to reject it, how could this happen to me, and on and on it goes. 

But you must know that you cannot push it away because it is in your body. Therefore, all of your negative reactions are futile and you are only hurting yourself.

In that vein, one of the "connected" folks in the HuffPost Living community, Arithrianos, said this:

Comment from Arithrianos

making friends with illness is the only wise move, any other strategy will just produce more sickness, sick of being sick of being sick, etc etc that keeps the old ball of suffering rolling, there is no victory that way, only stale-mate, not good for anything, the live wire connection that illness presents so wonderfully and painfully is lost by separating from it, regarding it as other.

this is your bodies wisdom talking, it is out of balance already so any rocking of the boat will just capsize the whole experience, then you really have no control, you are in that ocean tossed about by the vicissitudes of whatever illness you have appointed king of your life, and this goes for all the mental illnesses as well, greed, hatred, ignorance and all the derivations.

the same taste is all i have ever experienced, it is like something wonka would make, you taste what you expect to taste, my nickname is same after all, dz. ponlop r. knew what he was doing when he called me same.

radiate is really not something that is a step on it's own to me though, it is simply what happens when you connect, there is no way to keep that tsumani to yourself, if you are connected then you will radiate, so opening is a safety measure, trying to keep cosmic love is a dangerous path, just ask any reformed black magician, trying to keep the sun in your pocket burns.

If you have an illness, make friends with it and live! No excuses. This is the dance of life you are living so give it your best shot and never give up!
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10 Jan 2011

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Visualize and Verbalize Your New Story

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Early peach flowerImage by X.u.k.i via Flickr
As you imagine and visualize and verbalize your new story, in time you will believe the new story, and when that happens, the evidence will flow swiftly into your experience. 

A belief is only a thought you continue to think; and when your beliefs match your desires, then your desires must become your reality. 

There is no physical body, no matter what the conditions, that cannot achieve an improved condition. Nothing else in your experience responds as quickly as your own physical body to your patterns of thought. —Abraham 

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4 Reasons Why Mind Movies Do Not Work

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Wall of ImaginationImage by Mubina H
Mind movies do not work!

We all know that for a fact, right. Wrong! 

We hear stuff like that then we hear others say they are getting great results, so who do you want to believe.

It is about attracting what you want and you are tempted to give it a try, why not. It can't hurt to try, can it?

But nothing happens for you so you side with the nay-sayers.

MindMovies is taking people into an area of themselves 
that maybe they've never gone. ~Bob Proctor

Michele Blood gives us 4 reasons for this non-achievement and it makes sense because I made all the mistakes she listed. 

She has teamed up with the wonderful Bob Proctor and they are promoting a Law of Attraction MindMovie and I received her newsletter in which she talks about the reasons why MindMovies do not work. 

As you will see the mistakes are obvious; I have made them because I figured it was a fad but a pretty one. I expected no results at all so of course, I didn't get any!

Here's how Michele tells it:

One of the things Bob talks about are some of the most common misconceptions about visualization, and boy can I relate. I remember when I first began exploring the Law of Attraction. I pretty much made ALL of these mistakes!

For example...

White DaffodilsImage by Rennett Stowe 1. You make some effort to practice visualizations for a few days--but nothing happens. So you decide it's a waste of time and stop. And guess what? Nothing happens. Duh.

2.  You think you have to spend hours every day intensely focused on the things you want most. You settle down in the Lazy Boy and have at it — and you either fall asleep, get a pounding headache, or start thinking about a problem you're having at work. What a hassle — no wonder you've given up!

3.  You've painstakingly glued a vision board together and you stare at it every day. You don't want anyone to know this, but you're bored. This whole activity is dull as dust and you don't feel much of anything except distracted.

4.  You're not completely sure visualization will work--so you figure it's not worth trying unless you are 100% certain something wonderful will happen.

In fact, you've perfected "why bother" into an art form. Any of these things sound familiar? Well here's the good news...

Bob's Got The Answers—And It Will Change Your Life » MindMovies. Here's one of my favorite quotes from this video...

"Even if you don't believe in it--do it anyway. My attitude is: if your way isn't working, try mine. I'm doing all right. I'm healthy, happy, and I'm wealthy. I earn more money in one hour than I used to in twenty years. So I must know something. And I know that this works."  ~Bob Proctor

Yellow flowerImage by *Brunna Peretti Loureiro* I sincerely hope you find this as encouraging as I do—because the thing is, even if you're not sure visualization will work for you and result in successful manifesting—just do it! Give it a try and see what happens.

But not for just a day or two--or even a week or two.

What you've got to do is make the commitment to spend a few minutes on this every single day—and I do mean EVERY DAY!

Maybe even morning and night—but consistently make the effort. Because according to Bob (and he should know!) it's the REPETITION of your visualizations that add up to a grand slam eventually.


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7 Jan 2011

Use Your Thinking and Your Focus To Create

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Red Tulip bud 2Image by Thor Thorsson 1 Okay, the year is still brand spanking new and we all want to continue as we have started. So your thought for today is » clean up your act « change the way you think and focus on what you really want to create.

This is always true: What I think and how I feel, and what manifests, is always a vibrational match. But here's the big kicker: What manifests isn't manifesting instantaneously. So, you've got all this buffer of time leeway that makes you sloppy... If you thought a negative thought and a brick would instantly fall on your head every time, you'd clean up your thinking. 

But you're not here to be punished about your thinking. You're here to use your thinking—and your focus—to create.
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6 Jan 2011

Allowing And Receiving Is A Direct Path To Abundance: Let It In!

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FlowerImage by bbum via Flickr
Say YES to allowing and receiving. It benefits everyone.

When you allow, you send a signal to the universe which says I am ready to receive: notice I did not say "giving" which is an outward gesture only. 

Because when you give you frequently forget to receive or maybe you simply do not think of it or shy away from the thought of getting someting back as "selfish". That is nonsense of course.

When you allow yourself to accept a gift — a smile, a compliment and so on — take a deep breath then just say Thank You.

When you allow yourself to receive, you are really saying "I am worth it" and the giver receives that message as well. Allowing and receiving is a direct path to abundance. Let it in!

Brad Yates, EFT Wizard, is here to help you remove the barrier to allowing and receiving.
Allowing and Receiving — Tapping with Brad Yates

For those of you unfamiliar with the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Learn EFT and how it could benefit you or check out Brad's website via the video.
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