Here is a roundup of 13 simple empowering coping skills to power you up the next level, a few of which (four) were previously published, to add to your repertoire.
They are meant to make you feel great while being effective at the same time!
The reason that problems appear to persist through time is that whenever they are not here in this moment, we go looking for them. ~Hale Dwoskin
One (author's name forgotten)
Use the following questions as your guide when you feel stuck and need to act but don't know what to do. Ask yourself:
1- What (emotions) do I feel?
2- What do I want?
3- What inspired action (based on responses from the previous two questions) can I take?
4- The result points the way.
Two ~ Napoleon Hill
You keep being drawn into somebody else's drama or they keep pushing your buttons. It is time to:
Tell yourself, "This isn't about me. I will not allow this person to upset me. I am in control of my emotions and my life."
Three ~ Sonia Choquette
When everything feels same old, same old it is just an illusion fostered by your mind because it most definitely is not!
Start looking for what's different (and say thank you out loud when you see something "new")!
It is happening to me and I am amazed and gratified.
When you ask "how" you know you're in a trap because "how" is the mind's way of blocking action now. ~Christian Pankhurst
Four ~ Eli Davidson
When your emotions are getting the better of you use the following two-step process in this Turnaround Technique to get it out of your system safely. The Technique was developed by Eli and is described in 3 Turnaround Techniques to empower you.
First » Say loudly and forcefully (shout!) FUNKY, FUNKY, FUNKY, FUNKY, FUNKY (5 times).
It is close enough to "fuck" to give you visceral satisfaction without actually using the word.
Next » Standing tall with arms outstretched to the skies, say in a loud and passionate voice:
The idea is to express yourself using the force of your anger and short-circuit the emotion, tricking your brain by repeating words with completely different meanings.
I have used this technique. Love it! It works!
Five ~ Carol Look
Get those feel good hormones flowing ladies (Oxytocin). Write daily lists when you need to give yourself a boost. This is yummy...
- 10 things I love about my life
- 10 things that make me feel wealthy
- 10 things to offer my soulmate
Consciousness is destiny. ...Instead of being dictated to by your genes and chemical processes in the brain, it may turn out that you are the author of your own life — capable of change, healing, creativity and personal transformation." ~Deepak Chopra
Six ~ Ed and Deb Shapiro
Develop loving kindness and compassion toward others particularly when the relationship is rocky.
Breathing into the area of the heart, silently repeat, "May I be well, may I be filled with loving kindness. May all beings be well, may all beings be filled with loving kindness."
This meditation technique pays off. Five to twenty minutes every day is perfect for keeping you grounded and maintaining a calm centre in the face of turmoil around you.
Seven ~ Rick Collingwood
The most powerful thing you can do for yourself when you wake up.
Look at your face in the mirror every morning and say — for 10 minutes — at the top of your voice:
I want the circumstances today that make my day fantastic!
Eight ~ Rick Collingwood
State your demands for the day in front of a mirror. This reinforces and fuels your goals and ambitions and you develop your focus and intent for the day.
- Repeat 10 times – out loud – what you want to achieve today.
- Repeat 10 times – out loud – what you want to achieve in your life.
Myths we hold are myths that hold us back. ~Christian Pankhurst
Nine ~ Sonia Choquette
Boosting your self-esteem:
Tell yourself every day – out loud – what you love about your spirit.
Ten ~ Sonia Choquette
Start paying attention to the guidance you receive.
- Give it seven days, and
- Notice when things start falling into place for you.
- At the end of each day journal the event and be sure to say "Thank You, Universe", out loud!
Eleven ~ Jo Dunning
How to get rid of a cold or flu. This one is fascinating. I have seen it time and time again between couples and others who get really angry at someone but rarely express their deepest feelings.
They keep it superficial and come down with the flu time and again or have an "accident" (gashing a hand, spraining an ankle, and crap like that). I usually see women manifesting these external changes. Jo says:
Look at the "bump" 5 to 7 days before the onset of our cold or flu. We can start working on the issue and then the cold or flu starts clearing up immediately.
Watch A gift from Jo Dunning video.
Twelve ~ Dr Maoshing Ni
Release emotions and stress:
Another piece of advice from the Yellow Emperor is that your mental and physical activities should be like the spring weather, active, alive, open and not suppressed.
Many people suppress emotions in their bodies instead of releasing them through a healthy outlet.
Work proactively with your emotions by journalling for 10 minutes every day for a month. Write from the position of an observer and record your emotions without judgment or editing.
The next step is to identify the source of any anger, sadness or other unhappiness so that you can begin to spot emotional patterns and make changes.
Deep breathing will also bring balance.
Studies show that people who meditate are calm, slower to anger and better able to see through problems to good outcomes.
Thirteen ~ Hale Dwoskin
Exercise on letting go:
1- Pick up an object (a pen or pencil).
2- Hold it tightly in your hand till it hurts.
3- Lossen your grip and feel the object.
4- Hold the object loosely in your hand.
5- Open your hand and let it drop.Letting "it" go literally releases whatever negative emotion you were holding onto. You feel it viscerally. This exercise is based on Hale's famous Sedona Method
Genes control nothing. They're just blueprints. We have the power to change our minds. If we can do that we can change our biology, our genetics and our lives. ~Bruce Lipton, Bio-Physicist
Do comment and share your coping techniques. Let me know if any of these techniques speak to you and how.
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