On reflection, I had to revise the opening lines of this post and its title when I understood on this first day of Spring that it is a sign of good things to come.
Cannot believe I didn't see that earlier.
Gotta clear out the garbage first in order to make space for the good stuff, right!
I need to let go of everything when this stuff hits the fan which includes my beautiful blog and just stick to the basics of eat, drink a lot of water, toilet stops, sleep, and a lot of meditation. It has taken me a long time to accept this.
Letting go enables me to find the self-knowledge I seek, when I stop fighting it.
Here is a wonderful reminder about controlling our emotions – from Napoleon Hill – I found it in my mailbox on exiting the “cave” (bedroom) of my self-imposed exile. Synchronicity at work, for sure!
He clearly explains what I was living and what I needed to grasp about an extremely unhappy and tortured soul – my birth mother – who was pursuing with zeal her latest attempt to bring me (me!) under her control once more.
You can't control others’ acts, but you can control your reaction to their acts, and that is what counts most to you.
No one can make you feel any negative emotion -- fear, anger, or inferiority -- without your express permission.
There will always be people who find perverse enjoyment in upsetting others, or who simply play upon your emotions so that they can use you for their own selfish purposes. Whether or not they are successful depends entirely upon you and how you react to their negative behaviors.
When you are forced to deal with such people, recognize from the outset that they are trying to upset you, not because of something you may have done to them, but because of some problem they have with themselves. Tell yourself, "This isn't about me. I will not allow this person to upset me. I am in control of my emotions and my life."
Synchronicity always shows up to say "you are on the right path" and I am so damn grateful to the Universe/Source for that!
I am learning how to let go and allow others to do, say or have whatever they want without letting it get to me and EFT tapping with Carol Look provided me with five keys.
The five “keys” that cleared my energy blockages and allowed love to reign in my world were:
Abundance is mine (and yours) by right — I hope you all know that — and I am not just talking about money. We need it but it makes up only a small fraction of abundance!
1– seeing the energetic invitations as occasions to transform my conflicts into opportunities;
Flowers of Spring (Wikipedia)
2– admitting my impatience with what is not happening fast enough for me (instead of stifling it) – thus releasing the energy blockage;
3– completely accepting yourself and everything as it is right now;
4– learning how to send love now to my problems – be they people or situations – especially when I/we don’t want to; this is another form of acceptance.
5– learning to fall in love today (with something or someone) that is creating the problem. This is particularly powerful.
I am very grateful to Gary Craig, founder of the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). I would not have made this transformation without it.
It is very important to offer gratitude for what’s good in your life. Remember that!
The outcome of my two week "workshop" on matricidal thoughts, resentment and emotional self-flagellation can be boiled down to this:
~Criticising someone means you are really criticising yourself. You will never get clear of those thorn bushes until you shut up mentally, stand still and stop fighting.
~Going within to stillness and laying down the burdens of your heart mutes the noise. A wonderful silence resounds from which arises the only thing that is important – the beating of your heart pulsing in rhythm with Source.
Peony by Bill Barber |
~When you become one with all that is in the quiet moments between the beats, everything else becomes irrelevant. The more often you retreat to the cathedral of your heart, the less important who says or did what becomes.
~We are always too close to the issue when it is personal. When you step back, you see with such clarity that you are able to drop the defensive posture because you have nothing to defend yourself against. There never was! The crappy false beliefs embedded in your subconscious were running the show.
And I don’t care what anyone says, feelings come before the thought because it is your soul talking. As David Cameron Gikandi says in A Happy Pocket Full of Money
If you can remember just one thing from this post, it should be this: Not only does what we resist persist but also, whatever we do that goes against our character and natural generosity hurts us when we resist it.
Think on this today.
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