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Visions of another world by Judith+Jean Baptiste Source:4.bp.blogspot.com |
We all want to live the life we dream of early in life but somehow most of us fail to get there.
Our dreams get put on hold for various reasons and most of us end up never doing anything about it - that's what that mid-life crisis is all about.
My experience tells me that we stop short of our goals every single time because we are discouraged by others and most of all our own little selves.
We don't have faith and family and friends don't want us to change. In fact, they don't want anything to change. Fear is the most powerful motivator and so, we cave in time after time and stay stuck right where we are.
I mean, me, a grown woman with responsiblities and never enough money and too much to do, waste time creating a vision of a new life for myself. Something I can't eat and it can't pay the damn bills either.
Nope, never happen, don't waste my time. Yeah, right!
I decided because I had had it up to here with the one-way track to nowhere, fast, and no job plus a man who is afraid to live and be who he is really, to create the life I want for me, starting with moving into my own beautiful apartment.
And that's where I kept getting hung up because I had no money, and guess what...
A mad woman, I mean a medically diagnosed and violent schizophrenic under heavy medication in the Shelter where I live, gave me the answer. Catherine, she said to me out of the blue one week ago, you can dream whatever you want into being and here're some tips to get the money. Win it in small amounts in lotto. Develop a plan to play $1 to $5 for "small" amounts (like $150,000), write out exactly how you intend to spend the money and most of all, BE HAPPY doing it.
And they say that people like her who hear voices and see imaginary things, many terrifying, are crazy! That encounter humbled me particularly since I had been very unpleasant to her, before she was diagnosed, when she kept verbally attacking me in a very violent manner.
Would you believe my life and now my expectations changed like magic from then on with everything falling into place like stepping stones. I knew about visualization. I used to coach people on it and was actually in the process of teaching someone about it but I wasn't walking the talk.
That was a huge miracle right there. I actually dreamt that I won the first small lotto two days later, started dreaming of a particular apartment with the rent I desire that I paid the first year in full to my wonderful landlady and everything else took off from there.
How amazing is that?
But listen to this, I started feeling a tightening in my gut which went all the way up my throat. That was fear - false evidence appearing real - at my newly increased fortune and circumstances. It was embedded early in childhood by my mother who had a very hard life as a child, wanted for most things we take for granted today, like going to school and whose self-esteem was in the toilet. That turned her into a cruel abuser of her eldest, me.
The good news is once you recognise and acknowledge the fear - it's really fear of the unknown - ignore the bitch and move on. That old tape will only have power IF you pay attention to it and stop. Then, you'll be dead, again and maybe this time forever.
The trick is perspective. We women do not put ourselves first in anything and we must. When we don't, those we love and cherish will never benefit from what we can really provide. It doesn't take much of a push and all you need ladies (and gents) is the desire to have what you want, the intention to go after it no matter what - don't tell anyone until you've done it - and a quiet, 30-minute break for yourself.
If that's not possible, do it lying in bed morning and evening and watch your dreamworld take over and do what you have to do in the real world to make it happen. This is attracting abundance and the law of attraction at work.
It's that simple.
I only needed five dollars to play scratch lotto and I didn't even know where I was going to get it after I decided to play different ones every ten days, yet out of the blue, I did. My faith was kinda shaky and my doubts even appeared in my visualization as wrought iron bars blocking me from my garden but I recognised where it was coming from. Nothing is going to stop me now.
The first article to jump out at me when I opened my mail from Evolution Ezine was Create a Vision for Your Dream Life by Dr. Joe Rubino. It provides you with a blueprint to follow to create the best life for yourself. Coincidences like that still catch me off-guard sometimes.
I have deliberately not recopied the entire article because I really want you to go to Evolution Ezine , where you will find the rest of Joe's article, as well as information to enrich and empower you on on your own spiritual evolutionary path.
A Quiet Place by Thorsten Scheel Source: 3.bp.blogspot.com |
This is the kind of stuff miracles are made of - every good little thing that happens - are all part of what I call everyday spirituality.
Get on Board!
Create A Vision for your Dream Life by Dr. Joe Rubino
Dreams do come true. However, if your self-image is tarnished, your expectations of participating in all the great things that life has to offer are likely suffering as well. Perhaps, low self-esteem’s greatest cost is the resulting resignation it fosters. We die inside a little more each day. Before we realize what is happening, we have sold out our dreams for being all we can be, having those things we deserve and living a life fueled by our passions.
We get what we expect. If we expect that our lives will be marked by rich relationships, abundance, fun and adventure, we will generate an intention to make it so.
Our intention will create a drive within us to accomplish those actions necessary to manifest our vision.
Likewise, if low self-esteem results in anticipation of pain, loneliness, suffering, struggle, broken relationships and poverty, we will see these results in our world.
We unintentionally sabotage our efforts at achieving those things we want most because we do not believe we are worthy of receiving them. Every time things begin to look up, an invisible self-defeating inner thermostat kicks in, ensuring our low expectations become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
The good news is that you can retrain your thoughts and intentions to manifest what you want to have appear. Train your mind to become an ally in your quest for high self-esteem by creating a vision that honors your values, aligns with your passions and encompasses the qualities you are committed to fostering.
This new and empowering vision will replace the current dim vision that is neither serving your magnificence nor fueling your self-esteem.
Take an 8-ounce glass filled with coffee. This represents your low self-esteem. It is murky, dark and does not transmit light. Now take a large pitcher of crystal clear water. This represents your new empowering vision. Pour the water from the pitcher into the glass. The water from the pitcher flows into the glass, causing the glass to overflow.
The first few ounces have little obvious effect on the color of the liquid in the glass. However, as you add more pure water, the content of the glass gets lighter and lighter. By the time you have poured the entire pitcher out into the glass, you will notice all discolored liquid is gone and only pure, translucent water remains.
The same holds true with regard to your mind. As you replace cynical, self-defeating thoughts that crush your self-esteem with a positive, empowering vision that feeds your magnificence, the power of the new thoughts eventually replace the old.
This elevates your esteem and dilutes the thoughts that previously consumed your attention. The power in realizing this transformation comes from the magnitude of new positive energy that far surpasses the old negative force.
Source: Koaslakkja.blogspot.com
To mold your new life vision, emclose your eyes and imagine that a genie has just appeared before you. This genie has offered to grant your every wish, provided you have the courage to envision it, believe it will happen and pursue it.
In order to create this vision, you need to temporarily suspend any self-defeating thoughts that you will only have in your life what you have always had. The past does not need to be a harbinger of the future.
Keep in mind that we will be developing a specific plan of action to address the question, “What exactly will it take to manifest this vision?”
So, create your dream vision with the expectation that we will be designing a plan to bring each aspect of it into reality.Let’s start by revisiting what values your vision will honor. These will form the fabric that will weave throughout your vision. Next, review the qualities you previously recorded that you will enhance and further develop. These qualities will speak to who you are being as you construct your dream life. And lastly, make a list of your passions.These are those things you love to do and would gladly look forward to doing every day for the next 50 years. Your passions make life worthwhile.Think of this vision as a movie script you will watch play out before you on the silver screen as you take your seat in the theater featuring your life story. Write your vision in first person and present tense as if you are describing a scene from the movie as it happens.
Create a vivid mental image with as much detail as possible to bring your vision to life. Utilize all your senses in describing it — sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. See your vision as an already accomplished reality in the present, not merely as something you want or hope to have happen.If you construct your vision as something you hope to have, the wanting, desiring and not having of it will manifest instead of the realization of the vision itself.Continue reading Create a vision for your dream life.
And if that doesn't give you a kick, here is the beginning excerpt of Joe's own vision for his future, as an example. If he can do that and in such detail, so can you and I:
It is September 21, 2016. My wife, Janice, and I are celebrating my 60th birthday at our winter estate in Hana, on the island of Maui, Hawaii, by hosting a party attended by a thousand of our closest friends. Our waterfront property spans several acres marked by waterfalls and lush greenery, home to hundreds of magnificent tropical birds. All our family and the close friends we’ve made over the past 40 years are here. Our friends look to our Hawaiian home as a place for them to relax, rest and recharge their bodies, minds and souls. Our doors are always open. We enjoy each other’s company all year long during their frequent visits. We divide our time between our winter home in Maui and our spring, summer and autumn homes in the scenic White Mountains of New Hampshire and the wonderful woods of rural Massachusetts.
Our lives have become totally devoted to contributing to others and discovering more about reaching our personal magnificence. Our company, The Center For Personal Reinvention, has impacted more than 20 million people to live rewarding lives based on choice, contribution and empowerment. People hold the center as one of the foremost organizations in the world that supports people to live lives that work optimally, in peace, harmony and happiness. We spend a large amount of time speaking, writing, coaching and inspiring others to live lives of possibility. Our goal is to kill off the resignation that consumes all too many people’s lives.
Dr. Joe Rubino is an internationally acclaimed expert on the topic of self-esteem, a life-changing personal development trainer and success coach and best selling author of 12 books and several Audio sets on topics ranging from how to restore self-esteem, achieve business success, maximize joy and fulfillment in life and productivity in business. An acclaimed speaker and course leader, he is known for his groundbreaking work in personal and leadership development, building effective teams, enhancing listening and communication skills, life and business coaching and optimal life planning.
Dr Rubino is the CEO of The Center for Personal Reinvention, an organization committed to the personal excellence and empowerment of all people. He has impacted the lives of more than 2 million people through self-esteem work, life and business coaching, and personal and leadership development. Dr. Rubino was featured on the cover of Success Magazine and in their cover story, “We Create Millionaires” for his ability to impact people’s lives. His vision is to personally impact the lives of twenty million people to be their best and to shift the paradigm around resignation – that is, that anyone can affect positive change in their own lives and in the lives of others – if they believe they can.
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