Best Blogger Tips

16 Apr 2014

Increase your Happiness - Use this Happiness Secret for 21 Days

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Best Blogger Tips
Because I feel I'm in a slump and am finding it difficult to let go - as usual - which I am being forced to again by circumstances as I have reached another level in my evolution, the Universe guided me to the wonderful Jo Dunning's site that I haven't visited for a while. I found one of Jo's Gems, the Happiness Secret.

This feels right as so much is not turning out as I expected and the only thing that's keeping me going is my daily gratitude list where I write down one thing each day for which I'm grateful or happy.

It's great to remember that we create our own happiness but I think, in fact I know, that we forget that, often. This is one way of showing love to your Self by pursuing this one simple act of jotting down quick notes about what makes you feel happy or grateful. This is not journaling, that's completely different.

You probably know but I'll repeat just in case. The 21-day duration is necessary as that is how long it takes to develop a new habit. Repetition rewires the brain.

I strongly advise that you to also check out Jo's The Wish Project.

Happiness Secret

If you would like to increase your level of happiness for the next 24 hours here is a simple little secret you can use that only takes 30 seconds.

The first thing when you wake up, write down 5 things that make you feel grateful or happy. This simple act will increase your happiness biochemistry for the next 24 hours! This gives you greater happiness, better problem solving, increased memory, greater insights, more energy and a much improved experience of life.  
If you are unable to write down the 5 things then just thinking about them will also help. Writing is more effective because it involves more of your senses and more brain activity than just thinking.

If you choose to use this Happiness Secret for 21 days in a row, it will increase your biochemistry for happiness and higher consciousness functioning for the next 6 months!

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