I had a flash of insight during a lucid dream one night after watching the movie Inception.
In the dream, I was sitting on a sparkling white horse - my totem animal in real life - in the midst of a muddy, tumbling, raging river infested with crocodiles and it's at that point that my lucid dreaming started. In other words I "woke up".
My trusty steed crushed the head of the nearest monster croc and that made the others glide away in fear. We then leapt up onto a ledge of ruined houses of out harms way.
My Vantage Point
I was so glad to be safe from my vantage point up above because when I looked down below at the raging river waters and monsters, I was stumped for what to do next. There was nowhere to go from the ledge except across a yawning, bottomless-seeming depth in front of me.
How the hell was I going to get over there? It seemed uncrossable from the ruins where we stood but I had to get over there, somehow.
My Leap of Faith
I had to take that leap of faith because I had no other choice. I could not stay stuck up there. It looked impossible and I had no wings, so I let go and allowed my horse to take charge.
He (his name is private) leapt into the air and I, like the coward I am, closed my eyes and held on. The ride seemed to take an awful long time so I had to open my eyes to see. We were in mid-air and my horse had grown wings on its hooves; now how fly is that!
My flash of Insight
It was as if all I had left behind (my past) was unimportant, gone. It had no shape, smell or substance. It seemed to have become illusory.
Sure, I could imagine what was back there because I had lived it and I could add on a lot more crapola and really turn the screw on myself as all we masochistic humans do but it would still only be in my head.
The fact was that my particular trials had ended - I left it behind by taking that leap of faith - and looking back served no purpose at all. It was a waste of time.
What do you think? Have you had dreams like this or insights which really "woke" you up? Do tell.
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