Best Blogger Tips

17 Jan 2012

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Choose To Change Your Mind

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Best Blogger Tips
It is time to Be The Change people. It starts with me, how about you.

I had a startling realisation just now about all that lovely money that I thought I always wanted to make and it surprised me.

I thought for the past fifteen years that I had to make it i.e. become stinking rich as the saying goes and it is only in this past two weeks I realise that 1) that adjective "stinking" is very negative, 2) I love feeling wealthy because money has no smell, and 3) I had it, I lost it and thought I had to keep striving again to get it back.

Yet this word "striving" also connotates negativity. Plus I kept feeling irritated whenever I would receive mail about making more money only to realise today that I find such feelings connected about all this marketing strategies very tiring.

So what does that signify for the wealthy lifestyle I no longer enjoy and want to experience again? I have no idea but I feel relieved and nervous at the same time At the same timeit is a great way to begin 2012 by figuring out what I really do want in my life.

On the heels of that aha! moment came the following quote from A Course In Miracles which I find very apt indeed. Check out the hardcover edition on Amazon.

"Seek not to change the world, but choose to change your mind about the world. What you see reflects your thinking. And your thinking but reflects your choice of what you want to see."


Jordan said...

There is some great advice here. We are what we choose! All we have to do is choose to have a great life! Thanks for sharing!

Intuitive Catalyst Conduit said...

Jordan, Yes, if we would just remember that everything we do is a choice it would all be so much simpler which by the way does not mean easy. Here's to sharing buddy.

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