Best Blogger Tips

30 Apr 2012

Let Go of Your Old Patterns - Release Resistance

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Best Blogger Tips
I am calling this my Shakti Gawain period. Just discovered one of her Reflections in the Light, Daily Thoughts and Affirmations and it is definitely food for thought.

As I peruse the book, I find simple affiirmations which go to the heart of the matter - they always follow the passage for your daily reflection.

We all know as well that when our life starts falling apart, our instinctive re-action is to grab onto whatever it is and hold on tight with a death grip. I am here to tell you from my experience, that as incredibly painful as letting go may be, you have to release resistance in order to rebuild.

Let things fall apart

As you strengthen the commitment to trusting yourself, everything in your life may change. At first, as you begin to let go of your old patterns, it may appear that things in your life are falling apart. You may find that you have to let go of certain things you've been attached to.

Of course, these changes can be upsetting and frightening. Over time, however, you will find that this is all part of the transformation you are going through. As you learn to be true to yourself, you will find that you attract people, work, and other circumstances that reflect your evolution and development.

I am letting go and staying open. 

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