Best Blogger Tips

24 Aug 2012

Hope Is The Magic Ingredient - Empower Yourself!

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Best Blogger Tips
Motivate Yourself and Others by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone with the magic ingredient. What is the magic ingredient? One man, in particular, found it and here is his story.

Motivate Yourself and Others
Some years ago, this man, a successful cosmetic manufacturer, retired at the age of sixty-five.

Each year thereafter his friends gave him a birthday party, and on each occasion they asked him to disclose his formula. Year after year he pleasantly refused; however, on his seventy-fifth birthday his friends, half jokingly and half seriously, once again asked if he would disclose the secret.

"You have been so wonderful to me over the years that I now will tell you," he said. "You see, in addition to the formulas used by other cosmeticians, I added the magic ingredient."

"What is the magic ingredient?" he was asked.

"I never promised a woman that my cosmetics would make her beautiful, but I always gave her hope."

Hope is the magic ingredient!

Hope is a desire with the expectation of obtaining what is desired and belief that it is obtainable. A person consciously reacts to that which to him is desirable, believable, and attainable.

And he also subconsciously reacts to the inner urge that induces action when environmental suggestion, self-suggestion, or auto-suggestion cause the release of the powers of his subconscious mind.

His response to suggestion may develop obedience that is direct, neutral, or in reverse action to a specific symbol. In other words, there may be various types and degrees of motivating factors.

Every result has a given cause. Your every act is the result of a given cause - your motives.

Source: Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1960. Pgs. 102 & 103.

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