Best Blogger Tips

27 Sept 2012

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Meditation is Medication

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Best Blogger Tips
Temple in the Sea, Waterloo, Trinidad
Meditation is medication. I heard myself say that one day as a slip of the tongue while doing The Work from Byron Katie's Loving What Is and it stuck with me.

On reflection, I understood how true it was - when I take my medication/do my meditation I feel solid and centred. Meditation seems to clear away the cobwebs, giving me a clearer frame of mind to face my challenges.

Byron Katie's statement made no sense at the time when I began The Work i.e. there's only ever one thing to do which in fact is the next action you take, even if it's cleaning up after someone at home or at work. Now it does

What you resist persists.

Think about it, you come home and there's a mess made by... and you refuse to clean it up. It's one of your gripes and everytime you see the mess you become more angry until it seems to take over your thoughts.

This is where meditation comes in. It's a perfect companion to The Work. Once you get yourself sorted you will see that it's not a big deal to clean up the mess and get it off your mind!

Meditation provides you with a solid foundation on which to ground your daily activities. Let it become part of your life. You will never regret those daily 5 - 15 minutes of calm. Try it.

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