You will observe that neither success nor failure is the result of luck or chance. I warn you, before you read further, that the knowledge you are about to receive will forever deprive you of the privilege of resorting to alibis to explain away your failures.
I warn you, too, that you will never again be privileged to say truthfully that life never gave you an opportunity, for you will know definitely that as long as you have the right to form and express your own thoughts you have the potential power with which to change the circumstances of your life to whatever you wish them to be.
If your life is not what you wish it to be, you can truthfully say that you drifted into your present unhappy condition through the irresistible force of Cosmic Habit-force, but you cannot stop there because you shall know presently that time and Definiteness of Purpose, backed by Cosmic Habit-force, can give you rebirth no matter who you are or what may be your circumstances.
If you don't like the life you live then change your thoughts. Bob Proctor
You may be in prison, without friends or money, with a life sentence hanging over you, but you can walk through the front gate and back to the outside world a free man, if you adapt yourself to this force in the proper manner. How do I know this can be done? Because it has been done before. Because your common sense will tell you that it can be done once you understand the working principle and catch the full significance of its relationship to time and Definiteness of Purpose.
You are going to make another outstanding discovery in connection with this force. You are going to learn that “every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent advantage.” You are going to discover, beyond any room for doubt, that every experience, every circumstance of your life is a potential stepping stone or a stumbling block, due entirely to the manner in which you react to the circumstance in your own mind.
Source: The Wisdom of Andrew Carnegie. The Napoleon Hill Foundation. 2004. Pgs. 290-291.
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