It is the culmination of a few weeks introspection in my metaphoric cave (bedroom) followed by an intensive energetic process with Jacqueline Joy's Diamond alignment and Jo Dunhill's Abundance broadcast on World Puja Network and elsewhere.
It felt like the petals of my mind were unfolding and expanding after reading Natasha Dern's What is spiritual transformation? It happened in an instant just when I caught myself yearning for the man in my heart whom I thought was far away.
Yes, a lot preceded this but I don't know how to put it all into words just yet! Here's what I know now:
When you realise the "I Am" and understand that all you desire is already contained in the very essence of your being, you don't want anymore. Wonderful eh ;))
I do not mean sitting on your arse and waiting for Father Christmas but it just all naturally flows from your inspired actions, you see.
How about you my fine folks?!
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