In the cathedral of my heart shines a light so bright, so all encompassing that it leaves me bereft of words to adequately describe it.
It fills me up and every cell of my being, my delicious temple, my body glories in its brightness.
Massive golden doors swing open automatically in welcome.
There is room for all who venture there, the angry, the thirsty, the pitiful, the disrespectful, the mighty, the small and the innocents, most of all.
The sick, the weary, the needy, feeling unworthy, drop in any time. Stay as long you like till eternity even, there is space for all.
Burdens are not mine to carry but you may lay yours on my altar and be lifted.
My laughing graceful mighty Buddha tops it all creating a back drop wise and sure. Come sit, be embraced, all welcome those arms say.
His lap is my beautiful altar made of gold, same as the three walls, door and floor. It glows a warmth that transcends all. The Venetian lace covering cannot hide its beauty, too flimsy but I love the whimsy.
His head touches the open blue sky where you see cloud puffs stroll by; a more perfect roof has never been made.
Lady Mary the wise, smiling and ever so kind circles in from time to time. I don’t know her well but graces my temple she does.
Guardians known and unknown grace my space and light up my world. Something grand is happening. All is alight and compassion is its name.
The first time I saw those massive golden temple doors I wondered, Is this a game? It seemed insane but in I went; it is my space after all introduced to me by Jennifer McClean’s Soul Song 2011 with Body Dialogue so it's mine and I'm staying!
It belongs to me lock stock and barrel and I commune every day bringing the needy to the pool of healing. All who hurt me deliberately or not are especially welcome because they teach me something new every day.
So come one and all, heart gate open to all.
This is not egotistical but vibrational. I share what I must because it is part of me. So today, yesterday and tomorrow I offer this love sublime that is all mine.
Just wanted to share that today.
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