Falling in love with you, falling in love with me, falling in love with life is a magnificent act of Being. How many of you have fallen in love with yourself and life today?
It is essential to human growth you know. It is the best growth hormone around! Ask any child. In fact, watch a child and you will see the truth of it.
Your love is the lantern which lights the way through the Darkness. You are the best Love Project around. ~Cara Barker
Love is essential for growth, aging and staying power. You and I have things to do here!
Have you grasped that the inspirational wave including affirmations, success strategies, coaching "gurus", channelling, motivational speakers, and the like all have only one goal in common.
It is to bring you and only YOU into alignment with your centre, your inner world, your spirit; in other words to make you fall in love with your Self.
We Are The Abundance Project
I listened to Jo Dunning on World Puja Network Radio – I discovered her and the freely offered Abundance Breakthrough Project through Jennifer McLean's Healing With the Masters programme — and when she said "we must be aligned with who we are to assist the earth in her alignment" those words resonated like a temple gong inside me.
We are spiritual beings of light living a human existence. We are here to go beyond our self-imposed human limits. Thus, the devastation created by volcanoes, tornadoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and earthquakes in the last fifteen years up till now and the significant physical changes they created make sense.
One by one, group by group, gardener by gardener, we are falling in love with life because as Eckhart Tolle said, "We are life". When that happens we fall in love with one another, with all that is.
Things are speeding up. It is time to step up to the plate and take your turn to bat! It is time to pierce those mental limits and take your turn to bat.
We are the abundance project for this planet! We are the ones we have been waiting for!
We are hard-wired for love. When someone takes the time to remember connection, everyone awakening benefits. ~Cara Barker
Mother Earth Is In Transition
Jo also mentioned during the Abundance telecast on World Puja Radio that the people who died during the cataclysms – Japan and elsewhere – willingly gave up their lives (lights) to assist Mother Earth in her transition. That statement left me breathless and it feels right as well.
Don't religious folk and insurance companies call natural "disasters" and such "acts of god"? That is one way to put it, for sure.
As I heard a wonderfully wise minister say on Oprah's Spirit channel, religion is the conduit to spirituality; that sounds right to me.
And keep in mind that when you hand over your power to someone else, you no longer think for yourself. You will therefore be unable to witness with clear vision the magic taking place in our world.
Experience The True Bliss of Our Humanity
As Jo Dunning and others have said we are three-dimensional beings. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that we harmonise our inner and outer lives in order to experience the true bliss of our humanity, walking this magnificent world of ours.
There is only one like it in all the galaxies and we damn well better cherish it, stop abusing her and the children that we call animals. If we do not, they are going to disappear into another realm and it will be our loss and that of future generations.
This blue world of ours — even while is seems to wreak havoc is magnificent. We are its caretakers so let us start acting like it!
We are connected after, all. You and I are intertwined with natural elemental forces, as part of Creation's tapestry. We are interwoven with one another. If I neglect you, I break faith with all that is most essential to the heart. I sever connection with the advance of humankind toward its own best unfolding. If I break faith with you, this pretending we are not brothers and sisters brings devastation to our greater family. ~Cara Barker
It Is Not Revenge
There are people full of fear out there in the the "real" world who say that Mother Earth or Gaia as some call her, is taking "revenge" upon us for our sins. That is absolute garbage!
While nature has taken her course well before, I feel that things are speeding up. That means that lots of other physical changes have already been wrought which we will hear about in due course.
The Physical World Is Changing
Maps have to be redrawn and instruments re-calibrated but not too hastily because... the North Pole is moving – perhaps as Jo Dunning said to switch places with the South Pole – glaciers are melting and moving and they are unstoppable; ice caps are melting, new unexplored lands are being revealed and other land masses are inexorably shifting metres every year, as well.
Don't you feel excited about all these changes? I certainly do!
The face of the earth as we know it is becoming unrecognisable. I have only 52 years and do not know if I will be alive to see the spectacular changes but I am looking forward to the new discoveries.
I too am changing after cataclysmic personal events.
I rejoice in life for its own sake. Life is no "brief candle" to me. It is a sort of splendid torch which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations. ~George Bernard Shaw
A Clash With Two Vipers
A while back, I felt buoyed up during the day by a diamond alignment session with Jacqueline Joy and soon after a distant relative attempted to crush me. It was stand up for myself or suffer, again.
I am thought of as the emotional sucker in the family. The one who will clean up, clear up, fix up and be fucked up and take it all silently or laughing. Despite the fact that these people's memories of me is twenty-five years out of date!
So, I had to verbally smack down my birth mother — it was the first time I did it out loud — and listen up now, this is not to describe the event in detail, that is old news and a closed subject. I bring this up to share the resulting growth lessons in those very long and fiery five minutes.
They say "you never get more than you can handle", well I handled it impeccably. It was perfect.
Forgiveness occurs when we realize that forgiveness isn't even necessary. ~Neale Donald Walsch
Later that night I received a magnificent energetic boost from Jo Dunning's Abundance broadcast that cleared away the scum, and all is well.
Upheavals And The Human Spirit
Upheavals impact us all but the human spirit is strong and vibrant when we are tuned in, tapped in and turned on to who we are. When we are connected with our Higher Self — whether you call that Universe, God, Source or whatever, as they say in the Caribbean anything could play and we would be "up for it".
We are here to help one another out of the cracks, crevasses and rubble in which they may find themselves. Those we cannot assist or who do not want our support must be left to their own devices. They have their own road to hoe and will meet someone else offering the same assistance.
Growth Lessons and Gifts Received
- I found my authentic voice in those five minutes. I have never felt such a powerful force emanate from my gut, up my throat and out my mouth. The inside of my throat was temporarily "on fire".
- I am truly in control of my thoughts! There were no mental aftershocks or ridiculous mental arguments (of which I am a champion) of "how dare they, who the hell..., how could they treat me like this..." and all that shit I lived in 2010. Caving in was not an option!
- I am firmly anchored in the reality of what is – my seat of power. My outer world felt shaken for a few minutes afterward but my inner foundation stayed rock solid. A love song started playing in my head when I thought of them.
- I am very grateful to those two mindless vipers. Jo Dunning suggested we feel gratitude for people like that in her Abundance message on 17 March on World Puja Network and I vibe with that. Can you imagine what it must be like living in their bodies, with their personalities? I am so glad it's not me!
- I discovered how strong and powerful I really am. I feel as if I could lift the earth by myself – okay maybe just a sprawling ranch-type multi-level house:))
It is a fabulous day today... I feel so blessed and I am grateful for love this day. Be blessed!
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