This is part two in my three-part series on Fertilise the Garden of the Mind - Concentrate on your Burning Obsession and Nourish It with Passion.
It's on Chapter 4 of Napoleon Hill's Auto-Suggestions in Think and Grow Rich
. Part one is Auto-suggestion is the key to your subconscious. I'll start as I ended the last post :
It's on Chapter 4 of Napoleon Hill's Auto-Suggestions in Think and Grow Rich
Your ability to use the principle of auto-suggestion will depend, very largely, upon your capacity to concentrate upon a given desire until that desire becomes a burning obsession.
It's not about the money
Think and Grow Rich teaches you, step by step, how to acquire the riches you want by tapping into your subconscious mind and allowing it to work for you. There are other very important messages in the book as well.
- It is not about the money. It's about how you think about money and how those thoughts affect your life.
- Riches do not necessarily mean money. The thirteen principles outlined in the book can be used to achieve any goal imaginable.
- Money is an intangible. The coins and notes represent a medium of exchange. Focus your passion on what you love and the money will come. That's a given when you follow Hill's advice to the letter.

You are already rich beyond imagining! When you tap into your inner wealth, you are tuned in, tapped in and turned on as Abraham/Hicks describe it.
You'll be in the vortex and flowing downstream all the way; nothing can withstand you. You become a force of nature.
From within your inner kingdom, focus on what you desire and with seemingly effortless effort - because your subconscious is doing most of the work - solid plans take shape which would allow you to produce tangible results if you follow them. Success is eighty percent thought and twenty percent action.
Our brains become magnetised with the dominating thoughts which we hold in our minds... these "magnets" attract to us the forces, the people, the circumstances of life which harmonise with the nature of our dominating thoughts.
In order to use auto-suggestion effectively (self-suggestion or affirmations), concentrate on what you want to the exclusion of all else. Concentrate on your burning obsession; it must be what you want above all else if you are to succeed.
How to concentrate more effectively
Follow the Six steps to become rich and prosperous from Chapter Two on Desire. If you want to achieve your life's goals, following these steps are essential. along with Hill's suggestions on how to concentrate more effectively.
How to concentrate more effectively
Follow the Six steps to become rich and prosperous from Chapter Two on Desire. If you want to achieve your life's goals, following these steps are essential. along with Hill's suggestions on how to concentrate more effectively.

2 - My two posts Have faith and get what you desire and Faith is the key that unlocks the door called desire on Chapter 3, Faith, offers tips on how to trick your subconscious into making it believe you have faith.
My all-time favourite quote from Napoleon Hill says it all:
My all-time favourite quote from Napoleon Hill says it all:
Faith is the eternal elixir which gives life, power and action to the impulse of thought.
How to talk to your subconscious
When you tell your subconscious to do something - it's a calm, clear, focussed and unambiguously forceful thought. There is no desperate need or mental shouting. It starts working immediately to bring you what you want.
You have to constantly repeat what you want in absolute faith before it is fully realised by the subconscious mind. Like everything else, it must manifest on the emotional plane first before taking shape in your physical reality.

It has been my experience that the bigger the challenge, the clearer we must be because we feel what we want is too big.
As a consequence, both negative and positive thoughts on the subject are jostling for position in our minds. Start small to build up your confidence.
As a consequence, both negative and positive thoughts on the subject are jostling for position in our minds. Start small to build up your confidence.
3 - The subconscious responds to commands because the power of your desire is behind it which is what gives it strength.
Demand that it provide you with the plans needed to acquire the money which is yours by right. You have to believe it! This is serious kick-ass stuff people and it works! I say "demand" because your subconscious is at your command. Never forget that.
Demand that it provide you with the plans needed to acquire the money which is yours by right. You have to believe it! This is serious kick-ass stuff people and it works! I say "demand" because your subconscious is at your command. Never forget that.
Start a creative workshop
4 - Spend twenty minutes every day in your "creative workshop" imagining and visualising that lovely money you intend to acquire.
Observe how your mind reacts with images, thoughts, and possibilities when you give your imagination free reign. It's an exciting process and a sign that your subconscious mind is part of the game. Make it fun.
Observe how your mind reacts with images, thoughts, and possibilities when you give your imagination free reign. It's an exciting process and a sign that your subconscious mind is part of the game. Make it fun.
Do not waste time wondering "how"

Here's why - I finally got this from constant re-reading of this chapter - visualising and imagining what your want are an integral part of the planning process.
Live your passion mentally with your new-found wealth as if it has already happened in order to imprint it on your subconscious mind. It doesn't think, it reacts to thoughts and images.
The more powerful the thoughts, the faster the images would be recorded encouraging the formation of ideas and plans. This is where a mastermind group would be extremely beneficial. Two plus heads are always better than one.
Nothing happens in a vacuum and this is the part you have to play. You must flesh out what you want in exquisite detail. And you don't have to know. That's where your subconscious comes in.
Act at once when ideas and plans come to mind
6 - Be alert for plans when they appear and act at once. You may have a flash of insight through various means which would inspire you to act. Seize it and act immediately. Napoleon Hill says it's a "direct telegram" from Infinite Intelligence. I say it's the universe talking.
Failure to act will be fatal to your success. And I have had lots of experience here too. Sometimes:
- Ideas seem too far-fetched or unconnected to your goal;
- You wonder about "how". That's just the mind talking. It's trying to make sense of the plan based on you experiences, knowledge and habits. It's just trying to keep you safe by encouraging you to react in the same old way. Which I did many times.
Let me tell you right now, doubts are fatal and break you down before you get properly started. Logic has nothing to do with this process.
You cannot get something for nothing
Here is one final note which is extremely important; visualise yourself rendering the service or delivering the product you intend to provide during your creative workshop, in return for the money you want.
Getting something for nothing does not exist. Concentrate on your burning obsession and nourish it with passion and you will get there in the end.
What we are trying to do at this point in life is to optimize the health of each woman for the next 40 years. This is best done as a joint decision between a woman and her physician.
Each kid is different and therefore even their reaction to a situation is unique as the individual is; therefore, parents cannot expect the same response to a difficult situation from 2 different kids.
Therapy4help - although your comments are off-subject and do not pertain directly to the subject of the post, you raise an important issue about women and children and their health. They are:
1) You cannot help those who do not want help. Forcing help on adults is a lost cause unless there a real glimmer in the depths to which we humans tend to sink.
2) Feeling sorry for someone does not help the person or situation.
It is demeaning and a low vibration and accomplishes nothing except a feeling of self- agrandissement for the so-called helper or "person with a good heart".
Compassion comes from the heart, and pity comes from the ego.
3) When a physically ill woman (or man) is unable to change her or his way of thinking, they will never be healthy despite their lifetime subscription to big pharma.
As Marianne Williamson said "health is not the absence of disease".
Dis-ease starts in the mind and over time, manifests in the physical body and becomes a disease.
4) children mirror back at us what we put into them by our negative thinking, dysfunctional environments, destructive attitudes and habits.
5) Parents force their children into a role from the time they are born and fashion them in their own image; forcing them into a mold which does not fit.
They are obliged to play the game which contradicts what their inner compass tells them is right.
6) The time always comes however when the kids must "break out" and that's when the ignored signs bloom into all out self-destruction.
Assuming you are aware of these points as seems to be the case from your comments, I congratulate you.
Have a grateful day.
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