The lovely Magnus as I like to call him at sent us this superb script for Connecting to your highest wisdom by tapping on your third eye, the Ajna chakra.
I'm practising it and it is superb. Here's what Magnus says about it...
Last year I attended a 5-day course in Psychosynthesis. The big takeaway for me was insight into how our openness to experience determines the number of possibilities available to us.
I'm practising it and it is superb. Here's what Magnus says about it...
Last year I attended a 5-day course in Psychosynthesis. The big takeaway for me was insight into how our openness to experience determines the number of possibilities available to us.
This makes perfect sense if you think about it - the most we pay attention to our lives and the world around us, the more we notice opportunity.
Then just recently a friend of mine was talking with me about the 'Ajna' chakra that she did an energy healing day on. It sounds to me like the Ajna works as a valve, determining the level of experience available to the rest of your Chakra system.
I kept playing with this concept and related concepts, and the idea grew. It started with the idea of opening to Experience, and then Love, and then opening your Eyes, and eventually I arrived at the concept of being fully open to your own Wisdom.
I always look for the tapping phrase that contains and owns all others, and in this case the concept of Wisdom includes all the others, so we can save ourselves a lot of time and just tap on that.
In this script, our definition of Wisdom is the best available knowledge you personally have. It may not be necessarily infallible, or certain, or even true - it's just your wisdom, at whatever level of consciousness it may be. Whatever level that is, it will grow with tapping this script.
"I Connect Now to the Highest Wisdom."
"I Allow this Wisdom to flow through me."
"I Connect Now to the Highest Wisdom."
"I Allow this Wisdom to flow through me."
"I Connect Now to the Highest Wisdom."
"I Allow this Wisdom to flow through me."
Now tap on the Karate Chop point:
"I Release Resistance to Knowing about my Wisdom."
"I Am Good even if My Wisdom seems Bad."
"I Release Resistance to Knowing about my Wisdom."
"I Am Good even if My Wisdom seems Bad."
"I Release Resistance to Knowing about my Wisdom."
"I Am Good even if My Wisdom seems Bad."
Now tap on the Third Eye - not the Eyebrow points but directly in between:
"I Release that I Am Nothing in the face of Wisdom."
"I Release that I Am Dead to Wisdom."
"I Release that I Fear Wisdom."
"I Release that I Hate Wisdom."
Keep going on the Third Eye:
"I Acknowledge My Wisdom."
"I Acknowledge that I Acknowledge My Wisdom."
"I Agree with My Wisdom. I Agree that I Agree with My Wisdom."
"I Understand My Wisdom. I Understand that I Understand My Wisdom."
"I Love My Wisdom. I Love to Love My Wisdom."
"I Know My Wisdom. I Know I Know My Wisdom."
Now back to the regular tapping points:
EyeBrow: "I Accept My Wisdom."
Side of Eye: "I Think About Wisdom."
Under Eye: "I Feel My Way to Wisdom."
Under Nose: "I Follow the Highest Wisdom."
Chin: "I Feel Good About Wisdom."
Collar Bone: "I Love Being Wise."
I recommend tapping this twice in a row, and then again a few days later. It's not a daily tapping script but you may find you want to come back to it after a few months.
The idea is that it changes your attitude to your own wisdom in a way that allows your own learning to take over.
Do send your comments to Magnus at and let him know your results, and results you will have!
Do send your comments to Magnus at and let him know your results, and results you will have!
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