Best Blogger Tips

17 Feb 2010

Feelings Pave the Way for What is to Come: Watch your Thoughts!

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Best Blogger Tips

Feelings are so much are part of who we are as human beings and yet, we abuse our own nature by refusing to be authentic. 

Far too often we refuse to acknowledge our own feelings, stifle them and take it out on others. All the while denying that we have issues. And who does that hurt in the end? Us!

Feelings pave the way for what is to come in your life so it's necessary to watch your thoughts and more importantly, honour those feelings and get them out of the way.

Feeling guilty because you believe that you should feel differently about a given issue is crap. It doesn't matter who it is that's pushing your buttons, get mad if that's how you feel and let it out.

Run your fingers through my soul. For once, just once, feel exactly what I feel, believe what I believe, perceive as I perceive, look, experience, examine, and for once; just once, understand. ~Unknown

If you're feeling disrespected, say so. Don't swallow it; that's the path to dis-ease which eventually turns into disease when it goes on for a certain period of time.

Keep in mind that people are not mind-readers. No one would know how you feel unless you speak up. Own how you feel and release it. The other person's reaction and feelings are their problem. Don't buy into it. It is all about you. 

Nobody on this planet can make you feel a certain way unless you allow yourself to be drawn into their emotional story.  And it doesn't matter if it's your mate, lover, husband, children, boss, friend, co-worker or a stranger.
Tearing away the veil of illusion: A 24-hour perspective beautifully illustrates what I'm talking about.

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action. ~Benjamin Disraeli

When that emotional dysfunction becomes a habit, it means that you are paving the way to a future full of pain and suffering and obstacles will become the norm in your life. 

Nip that crap in the bud by bringing the issue into the light and dealing with it. Make the best decision that you can and stick with it. Ignoring these words means that you are setting yourself up for more abuse down the line.

Enough is enough already. Regardless of how icky the situation may be, voluntary, decisive action clears it off the table, out of your mind and out of your psyche. 

When you stop thinking about it like a dog worrying a bone, you stop attracting more of the same. Once you've dealt with it, pat yourself on the back and say this is how much I love myself. And smile.

Change the way you react to an event and you change the outcome. ~Jack Canfield

Your ego will bring up the issue at times when you feel generally less confident. That's normal. When it happens, acknowledge it with something like "you again!" and as Wayne Dyer says move on to a better feeling thought.

Humility does not mean thinking less of yourself than of other people, nor does it mean having a low opinion of your own gifts.  It means freedom from thinking about yourself at all.  ~William Temple

Here's some more food for thought to motivate you to "start thinking right".

You can never have a happy ending at the end of an unhappy journey; it just doesn't work out that way. The way you're feeling, along the way, is the way you're continuing to pre-pave your journey, and it's the way it's going to continue to turn out until you do something about the way you are feeling. ~Abraham-Hicks

Choose to be more conscious of the words you use in everyday life as words have power. There are many troubling phrases in our language that we use without considering their full meaning simply because they have been accepted into common knowledge. Even as our ideals progress, our language maintains some phrases from our past that no longer serve us, for example: Boys don’t cry; good child; boys will be boys; problem child; illegitimate child; and many more. 
While these phrases may be used without harmful intent, they are inherently negative. Children can be especially sensitive to such phrases, which may stay with them their whole lives, adversely affecting their self-image and wounding their self-esteem. 

We can create positive change by choosing not to use these words and phrases as we come across them in our vocabulary. Language is an area where we can exercise our free will, creating positive change in the world around us by simply choosing carefully the words we use. ~DailyOM

How well do you honor your own space? How much reverence do you hold for where you live, where you pray, meditate or worship, where you work, where you eat, the planet?
So often we forget that the sacredness of any place is more about how we relate to it than about the space itself. We have the ability to bring a sense of sacredness to anywhere we are, at any time. ~Mike Robbins
I wrote this post as a "heads up" sort of thing as I've been creating some of what I don't want because I've been pouring salt in a wound I didn't know was open. 

It's a typical family dysfunction with which we're all familiar - button pushing exercises.

Instead of exercising your mind, exercise your voice instead with a peaceful intent and free your mind. That way you close the door on the old stuff and your good feelings pave the way for the bright and harmonious future you deserve. 

A perfect way to do this is to ask yourself Is this useful where I'm going. I would love to give credit where it's due for this but I cannot remember the author's name and cannot find the link to his site. The answer to this simple question has helped me clear out tons of clutter. Empower yourself to let go.

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