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29 Aug 2012

Don't Ever Lose Faith in Yourself

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Entrance to History Museum, Port of Spain, Trinidad
When you're feeling down, lost and alone after you have been trodden upon by those whom you thought cared for you, read this. Barbara Cage exhorts you not to lose faith in yourself and tells you how to keep hope alive in your heart.

Perseverence is the key. It works for me and picks me up. Russell Bishop's Soul Talk: How to find perfection in rejection helps clarify how acceptance of "rejection" helps build you.

There is a fabulous anonymous affirmation included in his article that must not be missed.

Most people think acceptance has something to do with liking your circumstances. In truth, acceptance merely means recognizing the obvious, cooperating with the reality of it, and finding ways to move forward in spite of the situation. Russell Bishop

Do The Work with Byron Katie. It is a absolutely amazing life system where you face yourself and your individual life challenges one at a time by asking yourself four questions . This is where being authentic will turn your life around.

Her book Loving What Is is changing how I see myself, my life and others, and no, I am not getting paid for plugging this book. Marvelous!

Don't Ever Lose Faith in Yourself

You may be feeling a little uncertain about your future right now
But you need to trust your decisions and feelings and do what is best for you.

The future will work itself out.
You're the kind of person who can make it happen.

Don't let anyone else's negativity influence your dreams, values or hopes.

Focus on what you can change and let go of what you can't.

You know your own worth, what you've accomplished, and what you're capable of.

Your goals may take a bit longer and be harder to achieve than you had hoped, but concentrate on the positives and combine faith with generous portions of patience and determination.

Step boldly and confidently into your future where happiness, success, and dreams await you.

You have the potential for greatness... never give up.

Barbara Cage
Soulful reading:

Soul Talk: How to find perfection in rejection, Russell Bishop
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28 Aug 2012

Freedom of the Mind is Priceless

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Mastering your thoughts and living by what you know to be true is probably the hardest feat of all. It takes courage and strength of character and formidable perseverance against huge odds, namely, your parents, teachers, friends, mates, lovers, colleagues and neighbours believe and skating along to keep the peace.

That is a tough road to hoe and worth it. Get your mind right and live the best you can by your rules is what life is all about. That's my food for thought today.

"Live free, even if your body is chained, live free, live." He touched his skull with a palsied hand. "This is the place where no man can chain you. This is the place where there are no walls. And maybe that's the hardest lesson to learn, Mikhail."

"All freedom has its price but freedom of the mind is priceless."

Excerpt from the Wolf's Hour, pgs. 396-397
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27 Aug 2012

Do Not Dwell on the Image of Illness

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Hyatt, Port of Spain, Trinidad
Our thoughts and beliefs screw us up more than anyone can, and unfortunately we learn the pattern in childhood, along with the implacable determination to harshly judge ourselves and everyone else.

I learned but I forget and get reminders in interesting ways from time to time that no one is good or bad, they just are. This does not mean condoning murder and mayhem or acts of cruelty however it does mean accepting that the heinous acts committed by others are also within each and every one of us. We simply don't act them out.

When we repeatedly think about something - usually negative - long enough it becomes a belief.

I am a good example here. I have gained at least 20 pounds over the past 5 months because I am feeling depressed about living in a hostel and being unable to find a job. I only have 53 years so how is that possible.

Because of that weight gain I've been thinking how ugly I am repeatedly. And guess what happened, the ugliest and most unexplainable pus-filled rashes have broken out all over that fat ugly body.

You think it long enough and you will create it. So think grateful thoughts about the small things in your lives when it all seems to suck. Be healthy people.

"Un-Peace" of Mind
In my sixty-odd years of adulthood I have been gratified to see that physicians give increasing attention to psychosomatic illness, or bodily illness which originates in the mind.

Since man's earliest history, however, it has been obvious that almost all of our illness is caused by un-peace of mind. Here is a very partial list of symptoms which can arise from mental conflicts, fears, and tensions:

Headache, Indigestion, Ulcers, Arthritic pains, Constant fatigue, Sleeplessness, Slow healing of wounds, Kidney trouble, Circulatory trouble, Frigidity, Impotence, Rashes, other skin afflictions, Mouth infection, Rectal disorders, Muscular cramps. . .and more. . .and more.

Then there are the many mental disorders, ranging from extreme nervous tension to outright insanity, which often are caused or aggravated by a mind which fights itself.

The list of ills to which body and mind may yield is almost endless, so let your first step toward good health be this: do not dwell upon the image of illness.

The mind tends to transmute all beliefs into their physical equivalent. Why, then, see yourself as anything but a person who enjoys good sound health from top to toe and back again?

Napoleon Hill

Source: Grow Rich with Peace of Mind, Fawcett, 1967, pgs. 51 & 52.
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24 Aug 2012

Hope Is The Magic Ingredient - Empower Yourself!

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Motivate Yourself and Others by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone with the magic ingredient. What is the magic ingredient? One man, in particular, found it and here is his story.

Motivate Yourself and Others
Some years ago, this man, a successful cosmetic manufacturer, retired at the age of sixty-five.

Each year thereafter his friends gave him a birthday party, and on each occasion they asked him to disclose his formula. Year after year he pleasantly refused; however, on his seventy-fifth birthday his friends, half jokingly and half seriously, once again asked if he would disclose the secret.

"You have been so wonderful to me over the years that I now will tell you," he said. "You see, in addition to the formulas used by other cosmeticians, I added the magic ingredient."

"What is the magic ingredient?" he was asked.

"I never promised a woman that my cosmetics would make her beautiful, but I always gave her hope."

Hope is the magic ingredient!

Hope is a desire with the expectation of obtaining what is desired and belief that it is obtainable. A person consciously reacts to that which to him is desirable, believable, and attainable.

And he also subconsciously reacts to the inner urge that induces action when environmental suggestion, self-suggestion, or auto-suggestion cause the release of the powers of his subconscious mind.

His response to suggestion may develop obedience that is direct, neutral, or in reverse action to a specific symbol. In other words, there may be various types and degrees of motivating factors.

Every result has a given cause. Your every act is the result of a given cause - your motives.

Source: Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone. Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1960. Pgs. 102 & 103.
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21 Aug 2012

You Need to become More to Have More

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Port of Spain, Trinidad
Jim Rohn's essay below The Great Challenge of Life smacked me on the forehead when it came in the mail from Bob Proctor's Insight of the Day. It was like 'well, duhh kinda obvious'.

I mean so many of us are struggling hopefully upward. We want more are always demanding more of everything and everyone but... here's the kicker if we don't do the work on ourselves we (you and me both) are not going to get anywhere.

Limitations live only in our minds. But if we use our imaginations, our possibilities become limitless. Jamie Paolinetti

Each one of us must be the change we want to see in our lives. That is how we change the world by extension.

You want riches, feel rich inside. You want respect, respect yourself first. You want others to do what's right, YOU be first in line, no preaching. Others will follow by example.

So when you feel that life is shitting on you, seemingly endless challenges getting you down, look at yourself. Focus on the crappy thoughts you think about yourself and look at your resulting actions.

I am slowly and painfully learning what the great man said, you do need to become more in order to have more (of whatever it is you want). It all starts with you (and me).

The Great Challenge of Life

Here's the great challenge of life - You can have more than you've got because you can become more than you are.

I have found that income seldom will exceed your own personal development. Once in a while income takes a lucky jump, but unless you grow out to where it is, it will go back to where you are.

Somebody once said if you took all the money in the world and divided it among everyone equally; it would soon be back in the same pockets.

However, you can have more because you can become more. You see, here is how the other side of the coin reads - unless you change how you are, you will always have what you've got.

The marketing plan won't do it. It's a good plan but it won't work without you. You've got to work it. It is the human effort that counts. If you could send a sales manual out to recruit - wouldn't that be lovely?

The major thing that makes the difference is what YOU do.

In order to have more, you need to become more. The guy says "If I had a good job I would really pour it on, but I have this lousy job so I just goof off." If that is your philosophy, you are destined to stay there.

Some people say if I had a lot of money I would be really generous, but I don't have much so I'm not generous. See, you've got to change that philosophy or you will never have "the lots of money." Unless YOU change, IT won't change.

Amazingly, however, when we throw out our blame list and start becoming more ourselves - the difference is everything else will begin to change around us.

Jim Rohn
1930-2009, Author and Speaker 

Followup reading

Meditate to boost your self-esteem, Ed & Deb Shapiro
Be the change guide, Ed & Deb Shapiro
Soul Talk: Are you suffering unnecessarily, Russell Bishop
When hope is under attack, finding guidance from soul's beauty, Cara Barker
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15 Aug 2012

Help Others Prosper - Spend Time GIving

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We quickly realize how fortunate we have been in our lives when we choose to devote a portion of our energy and assets to those whose advantages in life have been few and far between.
It is easy to feel deprived or unlucky when we only have individuals who share our relative levels of prosperity to look to for comparison.
Spending time giving aid and support to people in need provides us with a wonderful opportunity to both help others prosper as we have and gain a deeper insight into the blessings we have been afforded during our time on earth.
As we share our resources with people who will ostensibly benefit from them more so than we ourselves will, we realize that our lives are more bountiful than we ever imagined.
You will feel you have reached a place of unlimited abundance today as you do your part to lift others into the light. —DailyOM
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