Best Blogger Tips

24 Dec 2012

7 Practices for a Fresh New Year - Resolving What Really Matters and Opening The Door Within

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Best Blogger Tips
"Ai," the traditional Chinese charac...Chinese character for Love 
The loveliest lady shrink I know, Cara Barker wrote a smashing article Resolving what really matters - 7 practices for a fresh new year

I completed this immediately after I read the article  and you know what happened, a door opened somewhere inside me.

Now, I haven't a clue on that means for my future but I am game to get it on. I do believe that is love — respecting the soul's needs. That is what I feel and therefore I have no other choice.

I must pursue this, pull at the end of this string and see where it leads.

Take your time and complete each of the seven points. They will highlight, unbeknowst to you, your accomplishments — when you probably think they were inexistent —and perhaps help you to flesh out your goals...

1 - Recall the gratitude you have for what others have given. (I am grateful for Maria, Georg, Marcos, Omar, Raymond, John, and other "human angels" whom I did not know last year but who have assisted me to embrace new challenges by their example of upbeat, loving service.

I am grateful to those of you who know who you are, who have gone above and beyond to assist me to "learn to walk again" in more ways than one.) Your turn. Make your list.
 2 - Recall the personal challenges that have helped you grow.
Find compassion for the simple expressions of good that have come your way. (I am grateful for the encouragement of HuffPost readers, and your compassion as you claim your right to grow together, taking the time for outreach when it's impractical to take your time to do so.) Tell those who've assisted your unfolding.

3 - Recall moments of beauty. Beauty comes out of chaos. (I am grateful for the forest outside my window, the pond beside the forest, the hummingbirds at the feeder this December.) Share the memory with someone you love. Ask them theirs.

4 - Recall the new people, places and things you discovered that touched you most. (I am grateful for connecting with others who care about what's most important to the heart as we grow together, even while limping!) Write a thank-you notes in three sentences or less, and send them.

5. Recall the dreams that have continued to stir your heart, pressing your spirit to express them while you still can. (I remember my gratitude for unfolding clarity on The Love Project, and what must be created to live it out in the rest of my life.) Ask someone you love about their current dream, and share your own.

6 - Recall the unexpected moments of encouragement you've found in nature, in the stillness, or in a glance or look from another living creature that have reminded you that connection lives, and that life is richest when appreciating the simple things.

7 - Recall one favorite moment from this year that touched you deeply. (I remember my grandbaby touching my cheek, again and again, as she drifted off to sleep, and the awareness that what matters most, at the end of the day, is love.) Thank whomever needs thanking.

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