Some people are said to be so lazy that they are too lazy to even wish for the good things of life, but want others to do the wishing for them! “If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Napoleon Hill
Catch the Spirit by Napoleon Hill Yesterday and Today, Issue 331
We who desire to accumulate riches, should remember the real leaders of the world always have been men who harnessed, and put into practical use, the intangible, unseen forces of unborn opportunity, and have converted those forces, (or impulses of thought), into sky-scrapers, cities, factories, airplanes, automobiles, and every form of convenience that makes life more pleasant.
Tolerance, and an open mind are practical necessities of the dreamer of today. Those who are afraid of new ideas are doomed before they start. Never has there been a time more favorable to pioneers than the present. True, there is no wild and woolly west to be conquered, as in the days of the Covered Wagon: but there is a vast business, financial, and industrial world to be remoulded and redirected along new and better lines.
In planning to acquire your share of the riches, let no one influence you to scorn the dreamer. To win the big stakes in this changed world, you must catch the spirit of the great pioneers of the past, whose dreams have given to civilization all that it has of value, the spirit which serves as the life-blood of our own country—your opportunity and mine, to develop and market our talents.
Source: Think and Grow Rich, The Ralston Society. 1937. Pgs. 45-46.
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