Best Blogger Tips

15 May 2014

EFT Script - Take Your Foot OFF The Brake

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Best Blogger Tips
We women in particular have the terrible tendency to hold ourselves back because of others... the kids have school, can't join the library, gym, go to the movies, have a day/night to myself, want but can't take/ or ask for that promotion and so on and so forth.
Well Carol Look, EFT Master extraordinaire, has written an EFT script for all of us (even though it's not specifically directed at us women) who are keeping our foot on the brakes and thus holding ourselves back from following through on our desires. From her free newsletter Issue 263 comes Take your foot off the brake!

Take Your Foot Off the Brake...
We can't help but get in our own way, it's what human beings do... but if you learn how to Take Your Foot Off the Brake, then you will make so much progress in your life with ease and grace. Think of that... ease and grace... ease and grace. Keeping your foot on the brake makes life harder, causes struggle, slows you down.
We often don't know that we need to take our foot off of the brake, we just continue doing what we've been doing all along. But as you know, fears, feelings and beliefs create "brakes" for us. So it's not that your desires aren't real, or that you don't have true goals, it's that you have competing energy coming from these fears and beliefs that cause a kind of "brake" when you're trying to move forward.
Do any of these fears resonate with you?
1. I'm afraid I might fail
2. I'm afraid I might succeed
3. I'm convinced I'll never get what I want anyway
4. I don't have the energy to maintain success once I have it
5. It's easier to stay the same...

What if you could learn how to Take Your Foot Off the Brake? Your life would be so easy and smooth by comparison! Experiences would flow and feel more natural. The extra bonus is that you will attract more abundance into your life... that works for me.
What's the connection with changing this behavior and attracting abundance? When you are willing to do what it takes to Take Your Foot Off the Brake, you are automatically sending positive messages to the Universe, communicating that you are ready for more abundance.    
When you communicate to the Universe that you are open to ease and gratitude, you will receive more success. Your vibration will be more alive and abundant, and the results will be exciting!

Our thoughts, feelings and behaviors carry energy...
Our vibration matters!
Remember that the Universe hears your vibration not your words. The principles of the Law of Attraction remind us that we will receive more of what we are "broadcasting" to the Universe when we are in alignment with it.   
When the Universe is able to receive a clear message from you (no energetic or emotional interference) then the Law of Attraction works in your favor. So when you remember to Take Your Foot Off the Brake, the Universe will support you by opening up new channels of abundance. 
Below you will find EFT setup phrases to help you be inspired to release your blocks to being able to attract what you want into your life.
When you change your vibration,
you will change your life.
Go ahead, raise your vibration
by being inspired to
Take Your Foot Off the Brake!
The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).
"Even though I don't know how to Take My Foot Off the Brake, I deeply and completely love and accept myself anyway."
"Even though I'm afraid to Take My Foot Off the Brake, I deeply and completely accept myself."
"Even though I'm afraid of what might happen if I Take My Foot Off the Brake, I accept myself and my feelings."
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (If you are new to EFT please view a chart of the spots on my web site under the EFT pages.)
***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem***
Eyebrow: "I don't know how to Take My Foot Off the Brake..."
Side of Eye: "I'm afraid of what might happen."
Under Eye: "I'm not sure how to do it anyway."
Nose: "It just seems natural to have my foot ON the brake."
Chin: "I'm afraid I can't handle all the success."
Collarbone: "I'm afraid of what might happen...
Under Arm: "I don't know how to Take My Foot Off the Brake."
Head: "I really don't know how or if I even want to..."
***Now for the positive focus on the solution***
Eyebrow: "I want to Take My Foot Off the Brake now!"
Side of Eye: "I know I'll go faster, is that good?"
Under Eye: "I'm almost ready to speed up."
Nose: "I'm feeling inspired to Take My Foot Off the Brake."
Chin: "I'm willing to enjoy ease and grace..."
Collarbone: "I love feeling inspired to move forward."
Under Arm: "I choose to love speeding up."
Head: "I choose to Take My Foot Off my Brake."
Access more positive vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):
Thank You, Universe, for encouraging me to Take My Foot Off the Brake... I feel more aligned with abundance already!
Thank You, Universe, for allowing me to feel inspired to Take My Foot Off the Brake... I am looking forward to uplifting results!
Thank You, Universe, for making it so easy for me to Take My Foot Off the Brake... I feel the vibrational shift and power already!
Keep tapping, and enjoy using the Law of Attraction to bring more of what you want into your life. 

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