Here is a superb and I mean superb EFT tapping script to Send Love Now from EFT Master Carol Look.
Oh my goodness it lifts your spirits immediately — it lifted me so high — it deserves to be shared, so make sure and pass it on.
For those new to EFT, follow the links to learn EFT from a Master and get the chart with the tapping points.
It is a perfect start to the week too especially since the EFT 2011 Summit starts today, 21 February, for 10 days! I hope you already signed up to access the free sessions!
Carol says:
What’s the catch? In order to Send Love, we have to actually Feel Love… and some of us are out of practice or don’t want to feel love when we’re thinking of what’s bothering us. And if we have a conflict with another person, we are often reluctant to Send Love to that person or to the bothersome situation.
How do you Feel Love in order to Send Love? If I can’t honestly feel love and compassion for the situation I’m focusing on, I choose a person or item or color or object that I do feel love towards, and then direct that feeling towards the problem in question. It’s that easy. And if you can’t Send Love, try sending compassion, understanding, caring or peace.
So what if we made a decision to commit to, or better yet, feel inspired to Send Love to all our problems and conflicts – so much abundance would start to flow in to our lives! Have I lost you yet?
All I am suggesting is that if we tried to Send Love to our problems instead of the energy we usually “send” to them, they would probably work out faster and for the better. Try it… it’s an immediate uplifter for your mood!
Remember, the energy of abundance is about appreciation, gratitude and ease, so whenever you are Sending Love, you are in the energy of abundance, a vibration that will communicate to the Law of Attraction that you are ready to attract what you want.
What if by Sending Love to your problems,
you could attract your desires even faster?
Why would Sending Love speed up the attraction process? Because the energy of love lacks resistance, and any time you release resistance in your energy system, you become more congruent with the desires you have been expressing and asking for through Law of Attraction exercises. When you have more love in your energy field, you have less resistance… Both these energies are very powerful… I prefer the power of love to the power of resistance.
This newsletter is yet another opportunity to clear
any of your conflicts about being outrageously
abundant in every part of your life.
Are you ready to do some clearing? Answer the following questions about Sending Love… I have added the typical “yes, buts” that surface when I ask clients these questions.
1– What’s the “downside” to Sending the Energy of Love to your problems?
Yes, but, I’m accustomed to being upset, resentful and angry about my problems… I don’t know how to be loving.
Yes, but, why should I Send Love to someone or something I don’t like?
2– What’s the “upside” to focusing on fear, anger, worry or any other emotions that are upsetting?
»Yes, but, these negative feelings help me feel motivated to change!
»Yes, but, I feel more comfortable when I am involved in a “battle.”
3– How does it serve you to continue excluding love from the equation of healing?
»Yes, but, I didn’t know the energy of love was involved in healing.
»Yes, but, I don’t feel loving, so why Send Love?…
These are all powerful questions to help you uncover any resistance to this Sending Love process. Once you know the upside of staying where you are or the downside of Sending Love, you can tap on the emotional blocks and change your energy so that you become completely congruent with a successful life.
The good news is that you can treat
whichever “yes, buts” you have with
basic EFT tapping!
One way to continue becoming congruent with your desires is to continue reading positive material about the power of combining EFT and the Law of Attraction.
Image by Parvin ♣( OFF for a while ) Another way is to continue to tap every day to release your blocks to attracting abundance. I invite you to review two of my favorite recent newsletters:
Energetic Invitations
Giving Thanks Daily
Combine these messages with this week’s topic, Sending Love and make a profound shift in your daily attraction process.
Here’s what I know… People who use the
energy of love in their lives improve their vibration –
then they attract more success and abundance!
In my newsletters, I like to include the benefits I have found to what I am proposing to my readers. Below are my favorite benefits of Sending Love:
1– Sending Love to all your problems will make you feel relaxed, calm and peaceful, necessary ingredients in the recipe for attracting abundance!
2– Sending Love to any emotional or physical problem will automatically raise your vibration so the Universe “notices” you are more in line with your desires… (Remember, the Law of Attraction “hears” your vibration, not your words.)
3– Sending Love means you have to access the energy of love, which is good for your body and mind. It continues to release your overall resistance and makes you open to receive what you have been asking the Universe to deliver.
As Law of Attraction teachers say — it’s all energy. So change your energy by Sending Love, even if it feels a little awkward or unusual to you at first. This will automatically invite the Universe to help you create more abundance right now.
Remember, the Law of Attraction sends you situations that have the same energy of the vibration you are putting out… so when you are feeling relaxed and confident because you have been Sending Love, the Universe will bring you more opportunities that match this feeling on an energetic basis.
It’s your choice…
Choose to consciously Send Love
and enjoy the abundance that flows
into your life!
Image by Ozyman Below you will find EFT setup phrases to help you be inspired to release your doubts to being able to attract what you want into your life.
When you change your vibration,
you will change your life.
Go ahead, raise your vibration by
Sending Love to your conflicts
right now!
The EFT SETUP Phrases for this topic are as follows:
While tapping the karate chop spot on either hand, repeat these phrases out loud, (or change the words to fit your exact situation).
“Even though I don’t think it’s useful to Send Love to my problems, I accept who I am and how I feel.”
“Even though I don’t feel safe feeling and Sending Love, I accept every part of me anyway.”
“Even though I have a conflict about Sending Love to my problems, I accept who I am and how I feel.”
I have indicated where to tap while saying each of the phrases below. You may repeat the positive round more than once if you wish. (Those of you who are new to EFT may view a chart of the spots on my web site under the EFT pages.)
***Now for the phrases that focus on the problem***
Eyebrow: “I’m afraid to Send Love to my problems.”
Side of Eye: “I don’t know how to Send Love.”
Under Eye: “I don’t know who I’d be if I felt and sent so much love.”
Nose: “I have this conflict about Sending Love to my conflicts.”
Chin: “I’m convinced that I don’t want to Send Love to my problems.”
Collarbone: “It doesn’t feel normal to Send Love to my conflicts.”
Under Arm: “What if I don’t feel comfortable Sending Love?”
Head: “I’m not sure how to Send Love to my problems.”
***Now for the positive focus on the solution***
Eyebrow: “What if I could clear my problems faster by Sending Love?”
Side of Eye: “I want to want to Send Love to my problems.“
Under Eye: “I’m willing to try to learn how to Send Love to challenges.”
Nose: “I intend to be open to Sending Love to my problems.”
Chin: “I choose to release the old patterns and Send Love now.”
Collarbone: “I’m ready to Send Love to my abundance issues.“
Under Arm: “I appreciate that I never learned how to Send Love…”
Head: “I love eliminating all my resistance to Sending Love.”
Access more positive vibrations with the Law of Attraction by repeating the following phrases (while tapping or not):
»Thank You, Universe for showing me how to Send Love to all the conflicts in my life!
»Thank You, Universe for allowing me to feel safe as I Send the Energy of Love to the abundance issues in my life.
»Thank You, Universe for inspiring me to Send Love to all the problems in my life!
Keep tapping, and enjoy using the Law of Attraction to bring more of what you want into your life!
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