It is about the apparent misfortunes which befall a farmer and his seemingly "unreasonable" acceptance of it all.
This story appears in many books and languages all over the world and it is still fresh as the the proverbial daisy.
It is a sound reminder to us to stop judging every damn thing we see and hear as we really do not know what Source has in store for us.
David Cameron Gikandi in his book A Happy Pocket Full of Money
says "The minute you judge things, you judge yourself. You also block the hidden gift that an event brings to you."
Taoists use this tale to illustrate the unfathomable workings of the universe:
This simple story may seem exaggerated nevertheless, it clearly demonstrates how mysteriously Source works to bring us the miracles we desire.
It herefore is up to us to accept what is happening in our lives right now and let go and let the Universe work its miracles.
Acceptance is the key to open the door to our best life.
This story appears in many books and languages all over the world and it is still fresh as the the proverbial daisy.
It is a sound reminder to us to stop judging every damn thing we see and hear as we really do not know what Source has in store for us.
David Cameron Gikandi in his book A Happy Pocket Full of Money
Taoists use this tale to illustrate the unfathomable workings of the universe:
There once was a farmer whose horse ran away. The farmer’s horse ran away, and his neighbor, feeling sorry for this farmer, said to the farmer, "I am sorry that such a bad thing happened to you."The farmer replied, "Don’t be, for who knows what is good or bad." Well, the next day, the horse that ran away came back to the farmer, this time bringing with it a herd of wild horses that it had befriended.The neighbor said to the farmer, "I congratulate you for your good fortune!" The farmer replied, "Don’t, for who knows what is good or bad."Well, the next day the farmer’s son tried to mount one of the wild horses and fell, breaking his leg. Again, the neighbor said to the farmer, "I am sorry that such a bad thing happened to you." The farmer replied, "Don’t be, for who knows what is good or bad."The next day soldiers came by to forcefully recruit for the army but the farmer’s son was exempted because of his broken leg.
This simple story may seem exaggerated nevertheless, it clearly demonstrates how mysteriously Source works to bring us the miracles we desire.
It herefore is up to us to accept what is happening in our lives right now and let go and let the Universe work its miracles.
Acceptance is the key to open the door to our best life.
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