Best Blogger Tips

24 May 2012

I am willing to believe in myself

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Best Blogger Tips
Have Faith - nothing religious about those words yet it confused me so and pissed me off because I felt the resistance due to religious brainwashing in my younger years.

To have faith is essential to one's well-being. From it springs love, hope, charity, success, and brighter days.

Shakti Gawain has written a powerful affirmation which encapsulates this message in Reflections in the Light. Repeat your affirmations in a powerful voice first thing every morning and give yourself a boost!

Act as if it were true
By doing affirmations, you are replacing the old negative voices with new positive ones. When you first start using an affirmation, you may not believe it. In fact, if you already believed it, there would be no need to affirm it. It is important, though, to try to tap into a feeling of belief and an experience that the affirmation can be true.
Temporarily, at least for a few moments, suspend your doubts and hesitations and put your full mental and emotional energy into the affirmation. As if it were true.

I am willing to believe in myself.

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