When there is no emotional charge behind the boundaries you establish to maintain your space, you will never be drawn into any conflictual situation nor will you be drawn into anyone's story.
It makes no sense to create barriers when you are mad as a hatter because not only will it be visibly obvious by your body language but you will also be radiating that anger.
There is nothing better than this red flag to any angry 'bull' that crosses your path. You will also attract any person in your vicinity who is just looking to pick on someone and depending on your reaction, voila the fireworks.
The beauty here is that you can become aware of your angry bull attractiveness before the situation degenerates into verbal mudslinging and/or fighting.
I recently experienced this with an old woman. After her numerous verbal assaults and racist remarks I finally told her 3 months down the line that the next time she disrespects me I will 'cut her arse' meaning I will give her the beating of her life.
So said so done.
Five to ten minutes into the fracas I felt close to tears at the sudden understanding that although it was the last straw that broke me, my rage had little to do with her and more to do with how I was handling my living conditions and the conflicts therein. She was the conduit.
Clarity was crystal clear and it infuriated me so I still carried on for five more minutes and acted really really small.
2- Think of your mind as a garden and start pulling weeds so that you can enjoy the flowering plants, trees and shrubs (thanks Deb Shapiro).
3- Practise meditation to encourage a peaceful inner world. The more you do it the firmer inner ground will be. 5 to 15 minutes a day, preferably first thing in the morning is perfect if you can make it. If not choose the calmest period for you. Make the choice.
4- Start looking for non-invasive techniques that support your desire to free yourself from the useless emotional baggage that pollutes your heart and mind.
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Tapas Accupressure Technique (TAT), affirmations, powerful energy work with Jo Dunning, shamanic sessions with Stefan Shuem, Ann Taylor's Inner Healing, reprogramming with Dr DiCenso, the amazing Christian Pankhurst, to name just a few are all at your fingertips (literally).
Listen to Blog Talk Radio for soul talk - choices abound, and read, read, read ladies and gents.
Tap in people! Empower yourself to turn that dial and tune in to find the real you. I think you will be very surprised.
Soulful Reading:
Russell Bishop - What to do when negativity attacks
Judith Rich - The act of blessing - A GPS guide for the soul