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29 Jun 2012

Be Aware of your 'Angry Bull' Atractiveness

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When there is no emotional charge behind the boundaries you establish to maintain your space, you will never be drawn into any conflictual situation nor will you be drawn into anyone's story.

It makes no sense to create barriers when you are mad as a hatter because not only will it be visibly obvious by your body language but you will also be radiating that anger.

That is the Law of Vibration at work - you get what you put out.

There is nothing better than this red flag to any angry 'bull' that crosses your path. You will also attract any person in your vicinity who is just looking to pick on someone and depending on your reaction, voila the fireworks.

The beauty here is that you can become aware of your angry bull attractiveness before the situation degenerates into verbal mudslinging and/or fighting.

I recently experienced this with an old woman. After her numerous verbal assaults and racist remarks I finally told her 3 months down the line that the next time she disrespects me I will 'cut her arse' meaning I will give her the beating of her life.

So said so done.

Five to ten minutes into the fracas I felt close to tears at the sudden understanding that although it was the last straw that broke me, my rage had little to do with her and more to do with how I was handling my living conditions and the conflicts therein. She was the conduit.

Clarity was crystal clear and it infuriated me so I still carried on for five more minutes and acted really really small.

Through boundaries you can still be pricked. Words will be seeded on the fertile terrain of your - in my case- self-disgust, anger and frustration and fear that I was not good enough to be employed at 53.

The only way to ensure there is no taint behind your personal boundary is to:
1- Be aware of the emotions you feel throughout the day. This way you will know when not to let yourself get caught up in someone else's story.
2- Think of your mind as a garden and start pulling weeds so that you can enjoy the flowering plants, trees and shrubs (thanks Deb Shapiro).
3- Practise meditation to encourage a peaceful inner world. The more you do it the firmer inner ground will be. 5 to 15 minutes a day, preferably first thing in the morning is perfect if you can make it. If not choose the calmest period for you. Make the choice.

4- Start looking for non-invasive techniques that support your desire to free yourself from the useless emotional baggage that pollutes your heart and mind.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Tapas Accupressure Technique (TAT), affirmations, powerful energy work with Jo Dunning, shamanic sessions with Stefan Shuem, Ann Taylor's Inner Healing, reprogramming with Dr DiCenso, the amazing Christian Pankhurst, to name just a few are all at your fingertips (literally). 

Listen to Blog Talk Radio for soul talk - choices abound, and read, read, read ladies and gents.

Tap in people! Empower yourself to turn that dial and tune in to find the real you. I think you will be very surprised.

Soulful Reading:

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28 Jun 2012

Why Are There So Many Sick People?

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If there is no source of illness, why are there so many sick people? 

It is because they have found lots of excuses to hold themselves in vibrational discord with wellness. They are not letting it in. And when they don't let it in, the absence of it looks like sickness. And when enough of them do it you say, "Oh, there must be a source of sickness. 

In fact, let's give it a label. Let's call it cancer. Let's call it AIDS. Let's call it all kinds of terrible things, and let's imply that it jumps into people's experience." And we say it never jumps into anybody's experience.

It's just that people learn through trial and error, and — through banging around with each other — patterns of thought that don't let it in. 

--- Abraham/Hicks

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27 Jun 2012

Find Balance in Uncertainty between Discretion and Acceptance

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Since we can’t control the ways in which our future unfolds, it is important for us to learn to find the balance between discretion and acceptance of uncertainty.
When we recognize that our decisions aren’t always set in stone, we begin to see that life presents us with opportunities that we never thought would occur. Our choices do factor into this but not to the lasting extent we may think they do. Even the most well-thought-out plans can change and morph into something other than what we anticipated.
By realizing that you can’t control the outcome of your decisions today, you will develop a greater peace of mind about what the future holds for you. DailyOM

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26 Jun 2012

Acknowledge What Is Not Working For You

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A superbly insightful article written by Madisyn Taylor Saying Yes to the universe opens the door to what you soul really want (22 June 2012) for DailyOM and it deserves to be shared.

It is all about accepting everything that happens in your life whether you want or do not want it, whether you like it or not.

When you try to deny, as we do, the reality of what is happening to you or those close to you, you hurt yourself and create terrible blockages at the same time which then blinds and hinders your actions. You become unable to make the right decisions through anger and fear.

Always remember false evidence appearing real is fear! Say Yes to what is.

Life is for living and life is about loving - yourself first and foremost. It is to be lived with enjoyment, not always easy so I would suggest starting a gratitude journal to keep you on the right track when you feel you have been kicked in the teeth.

Being grateful for the smallest of pleasures increases your vibrational escrow and the universe brings you more and more of it.

Judith Rich's The Upside of Uncertainty is an excellent followup read.

Saying 'Yes' to the Universe - Making the Decision

The hardest thing about saying yes to the universe is that it means accepting everything life puts in front of us. Most of us have a habit of going through our days saying no to the things we don’t like and yes to the things we do, and yet, everything we encounter is our life.
We may be afraid that if we say yes to the things we don’t like, we will be stuck with them forever, but really, it is only through acknowledging the existence of what’s not working for us that we can begin the process of change.
So saying yes doesn’t mean indiscriminately accepting things that don’t work for us. It means conversing with the universe, and starting the conversation with a very powerful word—yes.

When we say yes to the universe, we enter into a state of trust that whatever our situation is, we can work with it. We express confidence in ourselves, and the universe, and we also express a willingness to learn from whatever comes our way, rather than running and hiding when we don’t like what we see.
The question we might ask ourselves is what it will take for us to get to the point of saying yes. For some of us, it takes coming up against something we can’t ignore, escape, or deny, and so we are left no choice but to say yes. For others, it just seems a natural progression of events that leads us to making the decision to say yes to life.
The first step to saying yes is realizing that in the end it is so much easier than the alternative. Once we understand this, we can begin examining the moments when we resist what is happening, and experiment with occasionally saying yes instead.
It might be scary at first, and even painful at times, but if we continue to say yes to every moment through the process, we will discover the joy of being in a positive conversation with a force much bigger than ourselves. DailyOM
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23 Jun 2012

Empower Yourself to Feel Free

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Hypothetically, people worry about everyone being selfishly oriented. "If everyone did exactly what they want to do, what kind of world would this be?" And we say, a really, really good one.
Because if everyone did what they wanted to do, everyone would feel free. And if you feel free, you feel empowered. And every negative emotion that exists—hear this—every negative emotion that exists is because there is some sense of loss of freedom somewhere in there.
--- Abraham/Hicks

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22 Jun 2012

Authentic change takes time

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Bamboo trees
Authentic change in looks, lifestyle, and personality takes place over time. If there is an outcome you'd like, the surest way to achieve it is not to waste your money on dangerous pills or to squander it on lottery tickets.
Set a worthy goal, identify the incremental steps necessary to get there, and begin your journey. Know in advance that the wisdom, discipline, and understanding that come from the journey are equally as valuable as anything at its end.

Rubel Shelly

Rubel Shelly is a Preacher and Professor of Religion and Philosophy located in Rochester Hills, Michigan. In addition to church and academic responsibilities, he has worked actively with such community projects as Habitat for Humanity, American Red Cross, From Nashville With Love, Metro (Nashville) Public Schools, Faith Family Medical Clinic, and Operation Andrew Ministries. To learn more about Rubel please go to:
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18 Jun 2012

Reap Rewards of your work - Use EFT

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Margaret Lynch just released another video in her FREE four-part mini-series.

Yes, I know I sound like I am selling something and you are absolutely correct. It's the benefits of EFT - the emotional freedom technique which I have written about a lot on this blog and the amazing health benefits - and there is nothing to buy.

EFT works by tapping specific accupressure points on your face and hands and Margaret Lynch is one of the best experts out there.
Margaret is widely respected EFT Expert, or Emotional Freedom Technique.

Her specialty is getting to the core of what blocks our success – the limiting beliefs and old programming that hold us back in our careers, businesses and finances.

In this new video, Margaret shares the story of Bethaney Long.

Bethaney is a Certified Success Coach with a Masters Degree in Leadership, a Life Coach, a Sign Language Interpreter, and Tapping Expert herself. Yet with all her credentials Bethaney was stuck in her practice; she was "trying, trying and striving" but never arriving and reaping the rewards for all her work.

When she looked deep, Bethaney realized she was paralyzed by her “vow to be perfect.” She was wearing “cement shoes” and afraid to take a step forward into who she really is.

After the simple tapping exercise Margaret shares in this video, Bethaney:

Doubled her income!

Kicked-off her “cement shoes’ and stepped into life.

Shattered that barrier to “shine her light.”

Broke through the “limiting vow of perfection” and found the fun in her high achieving.

So check out Margaret’s excellent free video.

All the best,

Brian Proctor

PS.  EFT, or Tapping as it’s commonly called is a healing form of alternative psychotherapy that uses tapping on acupuncture points while a patient focuses on stressful emotions or specific traumatic memories. Tapping clears the energy field associate with the human body.

Tapping is a simple and powerful tool for changing your life and removing blocks that hold you back.

As Bethaney’s transformation shows, Margaret’s simple, easy Tapping exercise will rock your world.

Click here to see the video.
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16 Jun 2012

Using Our Best Judgement

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Using our best judgment often means connecting to the inner guidance of our intuition. We often think of rational actions as something we think about before making decisions. But our minds can easily trick us into taking an action that we know goes against our common sense.

Logic and sensibility only truly prevail when we seek guidance from within. Common sense tells us what best benefits our situation, and we can only discover these actions by searching the inner depths of our souls for the true answer. Asking ourselves a question and then noting the immediate answer helps us tap into the common sense of our intuition and will make our ideas and decisions more easily understood as a result.

By connecting to your intuition today, your ideas will seem sensible to others. DailyOM

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12 Jun 2012

Belief is Nothing but a Chronic Pattern of Thought

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A belief is nothing more than a chronic pattern of thought, and you have the ability—if you try even a little bit—to begin a new pattern, to tell a new story, to achieve a different vibration, to change your point of attraction.
The Law of Attraction is responding to your vibration, and you can easily change your vibrational point of attraction by visualizing the lifestyle you desire and holding your attention upon those images until you begin to feel relief, which will indicate that a true vibrational shift has occurred.
--- Abraham-Hicks

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11 Jun 2012

Believe in Yourself

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You have to believe in yourself, that's the secret. Even when I was in the orphanage, when I was roaming the street trying to find enough to eat, even then I thought of myself as the greatest actor in the world.

Charlie Chaplin

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9 Jun 2012

LIFE CHALLENGES - Friction in Human Relations

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Friction in machinery costs money. Friction in human relationships impoverishes both the spirit and the bank account.

Discord in any relationship often has unpleasant financial implications, but it is far costlier in human terms. When you are involved in a fractious relationship, physical and mental energy that could be directed toward positive achievements is dissipated needlessly, squandered upon stressful, unproductive activities.
Unfortunately, whatever the cause of friction between individuals, it adversely affects each person involved.
When you find yourself in a contentious relationship, there are few acceptable alternatives. You can work out your problems or leave the team. Only you know which is the best solution for you, but if you objectively evaluate your reasons for becoming involved and find that they are still valid, your best course of action may be to swallow your pride and find a solution that is acceptable to everyone involved.
If you cannot do this, perhaps it’s time to get out of the partnership and find another course toward your objective. Napoleon Hill
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5 Jun 2012

RELEASE RESISTANCE - Get the truth the way you want it

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How do you ever get the truth to be more the way you want it to be? You've just got to start beating the drums of truth the way you want it to be - and when you do, you will immediately feel good. And there are those who might say, "Oh, you're not facing the fact." And we say, we would never face any fact that was taking us to a place we don't want to be.
There are those who believe that the world is getting more and more desperate. We are here to tell you that the world is getting better and better, and better, and that every experience you have causes you to launch rockets of desires, and Source comes in response to those rockets.

And the best thing about your birth and death is that the resistant ones die and the allowing ones are born. And with this combination of contrast that keeps you launching new and new desires, it's no wonder that the Universe is expanding in this marvelous way and that life is getting better, in every day - and in this moment - for everyone who insists on focusing there.

--- Abraham/Hicks

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4 Jun 2012

What Nitty-Gritty reasons do You have Waiting to Challenge and Provoke You

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What life challenges do you have facing you that will give you the impetus to get up and get moving. And listen here even if you do not feel you know or cannot see where or how, it is essential to take the first step no matter how nervous or fearful you may feel.

Ask yourself what do I have to lose? If there is something holding you back, ask yourself this question Is it better than not trying for something more and better?

Food for thought is to come up with your own list of reasons to make you take a step into an abundant life. It is time to be the change people. Jim Rohn, master teacher, talks about his nitty-gritty reasons that pushed him to excel.
Nitty-Gritty Reasons (from his June 4, 2012 Newsletter)

Wouldn't it be wonderful to be motivated to achievement by such a lofty goal as benevolence? I must confess, however, that in the early years of my struggle to succeed, my motivation was a lot more down to earth.
My reason for succeeding was more basic. In fact, it fell into the category of what I like to call "nitty-gritty reasons." A nitty-gritty reason is the kind that any one of us can have—at any time, on any day—and it can cause our lives to change. Let me tell you what happened to me.
Shortly before I met Mr. Shoaff, I was lounging at home one day when I heard a knock at the door. It was a timid, hesitant knock. When I opened the door I looked down to see a pair of big brown eyes staring up at me.
There stood a frail little girl of about 10. She told me, with all the courage and determination her little heart could muster, that she was selling Girl Scout cookies. It was a masterful presentation—several flavors, a special deal, and only two dollars per box.
How could anyone refuse? Finally, with a big smile and ever so politely, she asked me to buy. And I wanted to. Oh, how I wanted to!
Except for one thing. I didn't have two dollars! Boy, was I embarrassed! Here I was—a father, had been to college, was gainfully employed—and yet I didn't have two dollars to my name.
Naturally I couldn't tell this to the little girl with the big brown eyes. So I did the next best thing. I lied to her. I said, "Thanks, but I've already bought Girl Scout cookies this year. And I've still got plenty stacked in the house."
Now that simply wasn't true. But it was the only thing I could think of to get me off the hook. And it did. The little girl said, "That's okay, sir. Thank you very much." And with that she turned around and went on her way.
I stared after her for what seemed a very long time. Finally, I closed the door behind me and, leaning my back to it, cried out, "I don't want to live like this anymore. I've had it with being broke, and I've had it with lying. I'll never be embarrassed again by not having any money in my pocket." That day I promised myself to earn enough to always have several hundred dollars in my pocket at all times.
This is what I mean by a nitty-gritty reason. It may not win me any prize for greatness, but it was enough to have a permanent effect on the rest of my life.
My Girl-Scout-cookie story does have a happy ending. Several years later, as I was walking out of my bank where I had just made a hefty deposit and was crossing the street to get into my car, I saw two little girls who were selling candy for some girls' organization. One of them approached me, saying, "Mister, would you like to buy some candy?"
"I probably would," I said playfully. "What kind of candy do you have?" "It's almond roca." "Almond roca. That's my favorite. How much is it?" "It's only two dollars." Two dollars. It couldn't be! I was excited. "How many boxes of candy have you got?" "I've got five."
Looking at her friend, I said, "And how many boxes do you have left?"
"I've got four." "That's nine. Okay, I'll take them all." At this, both girls' mouths fell open as they exclaimed in unison, "Really?"
"Sure," I said. "I've got some friends that I'll pass some around to."
Excitedly, they scurried to stack all the boxes together. I reached into my pocket and gave them eighteen dollars. As I was about to leave, the boxes tucked under my arm, one of the girls looked up and said, "Mister, you're really something!"
How about that! Can you imagine spending only eighteen dollars and having someone look you in the face and say, "You're really something!"
Now you know why I always carry a few hundred dollars on me. I'm not about to miss chances like that ever again.
And to think it all resulted from my own embarrassment, which when properly channeled, acted as a powerful motivator to help me achieve.
How about you?
What nitty-gritty reasons do you have waiting to challenge and provoke you into change for the better? Look for them, they are there. Sometimes it can be as simple as a brown-eyed girl selling Girl Scout cookies.
       Jim Rohn

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