Best Blogger Tips

15 Jan 2014

Positively Conscious and Serene Brings You to Your Senses

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Best Blogger Tips

Conscious World, The New Pink
Our belief systems are not logical - in fact they frequently defy logic and will work against us when challenged. This is the reason that we so often set resolutions only to find that another year has passed and nothing in our lives has changed - we're still painting dirt! We have the power to change... This year consider starting a new pattern. ~Bob Proctor

What I am loving about myself is that I'm getting to know myself in ways I never knew my Self before. And that's that this 14th year in this 21st century is all about. I realised it's not just about being positively present and serene as I stated in my first post for the new year 20 things I learned for sure in 2013.

On reflection, from this bedrock feeling of serenity which surfaced the day after my birthday - and don't ask me where that came from because I can't say. However I do know for sure that nothing can shake it - I'm all about being positively conscious and serene in 2014.

My awareness of what's going on inside of me and around me seems to have expanded and my glass is full and running over. How bout that eh :))

An author reader on Eckhart Tolle's Teachings eloquently describes his journey of seeking release while resisting life and what happened when he let go (and let God). His Slamming into a brick wall story perfectly describes my similar awakening one day after my birth date on 6 January 2014.

When you make a
 leap of faith you can accomplish almost anything you set out to do. Madisyn Taylor, DailyOM

In this vein, I want to share with you Jon Kabat Zinn's on University of California's TV, Coming to our senses. WATCH!

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