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Source: 1.bp.blogspot.com |
It doesn't matter if it's more "things", more money, more recognition, etc. Your clue is that dissatisfied feeling of not-enoughness after getting what you thought you wanted.
We all experience these feelings but not many of us are brave enough though, to heed and follow those yearnings that just will not go away. It's your soul's desires calling and it makes for a sad, silent and deeply unhappy person when you ignore it and forge ahead with your "planned" life.
You can begin taking small steps toward understanding yourself, by clarifying your thoughts in order to discover who you really are. This is important because we all lie to ourselves, daily. Only then would you begin to unearth what makes you unique. That's all part of the journey, not the so-called achievement at the end because learning never ends.
Success and happiness go hand in glove when we do what we love. Seriously and I didn't believe that until it happened to me! This is as natural as the rising and setting of the sun, birdsong in springtime, reflections in clear pools and the smile on a baby's face. We always need so many words to try to describe a particular feeling, don't we...
As Abraham-Hicks says there's really no problem and there will be no struggle if we all just go with the flow instead of fighting against the current of what is simply because we have been taught to believe this way is normal.
Personal growth is why we are here - we are spiritual beings living a human experience - and everyone has their role to play so you must focus on yours only and forge ahead. 7 ways to Discover Your Soul's Desires and Change Your Life.
If you knew everything was really all right, and that it always has a happy ending, then you would not feel trepidacious about your future. Everything is really so very all right! If you could believe and trust that, then, immediately everything would automatically and instantly become all right.
1. Journal Every Day
Journalling clarifies your thoughts and feelings, highlights your motivations and unearth insights into particular events which did not strike you at the time. A journal is a private chat between you and your Self. It's a great way to vent without hurting anyone's feelings, be abusive as you like and get the shit of your chest that's stressing you to the max.
What a fantastic tool for self-discovery when you review it days, weeks or months later, identifying what makes you tick and get ticked off, your shadow side, your warts with which you must become comfortable, and the challenges you face climbing your ladder of personal growth. After years of practice, I discover new insights all the time about myself and others that didn't strike me at the time! It works. Drop your Self a few lines each day.
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Source: 4.bp.blogspot.com |
I now know for sure that meditation is the perfect way to become stressless and feel good all the time!
Sitting or lying comfortably and quietly without interruptions for fifteen to thirty minutes each day, in a calm space by yourself, with or without soothing music, focussing on your breath going in and out of your nostrils, clears unnecessary thoughts from your head.
Sitting or lying comfortably and quietly without interruptions for fifteen to thirty minutes each day, in a calm space by yourself, with or without soothing music, focussing on your breath going in and out of your nostrils, clears unnecessary thoughts from your head.
It works because you are no longer thinking. You are focussed instead on your breath going in and out of your nostrils or your belly or wherever you feel it.
Afterwards, you feel calmer, think clearer and are able to act in a more thoughtful manner.
Afterwards, you feel calmer, think clearer and are able to act in a more thoughtful manner.
It is a proven medical fact that continued meditation improves your digestion, health, sleep pattern and minimises stress. The key word here is practice. Make the time every day whether you stay in bed longer in the morning or you do so before going to bed.
3. Maintain Positive Thoughts
This appears to be the most difficult to achieve but that's because you allow others to influence and manipulate you especially when they know that you are intent on change for your betterment. People are like that. Don't be surprised by it.
When you expect a negative outcome you will get exactly that and unless and until become aware of your thoughts and deliberately stop yourself and think something positive and uplifting. Continue to review your objectives and remind yourself about why you want to change and improve your life.
The only way to achieve success is to expect positive results. You and only you, are responsible for the thoughts you think! Are you really going to allow some silly, self-serving bitchy complaining critical remark, aimed to hurt and derail you, put you off your game? Are you really and truly going to allow challenges to impede your progress when you know how far you have come?
I have discovered that the best way to nix all this crap is by writing down your desires, coming up with achievable goals, creating a plan of action to make them come true one step at a time and every.single.night. list what you created that day. Re-read the previous list of everything that went well. Nothing brings a bigger smile to your face than that. Rock on!
The starting point of all achievement is desire.
~Napoleon Hill
~Napoleon Hill
4. Written Goals Require Action!
A written goal is your intention you send out to the Universe. Write down a small goal, one thing that you know you can do right now and is so inconsequential that it's not a big deal and tape that piece of paper or index card somewhere you will see it every day. When you see your written goal in black and white, you automatically begin thinking of ways to achieve it.
You want to take action to make it come true because seeing it keeps it active at the front of your mind. How long did it take to make it happen? Wasn't it great and that was a "small goal"! Imagine the greater feeling of satisfaction on something more significant!
Writing down your goals and seeing them in black and white activates your imagination and you begin thinking of ways to achieve it. Ideas come from the most unlikely sources at times because you have taken the most important step to crystallise your desire. You want to make it happen.
When you feel depressed or disappointed with yourself, as will happen, when plans don't work out, go back to your list. Write down the what and the how and be honest about the why (you and your actions), then decide and course correct with a new action plan. Failure only happens when you stop trying. And where did i get all this...from Napoleon Hill's Think and Grow Rich.
5. Journey of your soul's desires
Allow meditation to be your anchor and the pivot around which you improve the areas of your life that you know need work. You will need it once you embark on this journey of your soul's desires and make no mistake, this is what it is - resistance creates the most exquisitely painful experiences - everything in your life will be affected including your relationships, your health and your finances.
Personal growth means powerful change and you will find yourself often out of balance as you ramp it up. Consequently, it is essential to maintain or begin a physical fitness routine (as simple as a daily walk starting slow and building up your stamina). Meditation will take care of your mental and emotional fitness. You need social support from like-minded people like yourself who are genuinely rooting for your success. Community centers, Facebook groups and such are good options. Go with the flow: the direction of least resistance.
Strength and growth come only through continuous effort
and struggle. ~Napoleon Hill
and struggle. ~Napoleon Hill
6. Affirmations
Positive affirmations will change you negative self talk you - that inner dialogue that is constantly repeating and self defeating. For me, Louise Hay has the best affirmations. Use those that resonate with you or create your own. Nothing exaggerated eh. It has to be general! This powerful tool can turn your life around and nix your discontented mind chatter.
Write down and repeat your affirmations every day, out loud and preferably in front of a mirror at home. Keep them with you in your bag or wallet or pocket. When you practice repeating affirmations, silently and out loud, you are in effect retraining your subconscious mind with positive self-talk.
7. You Teach What You Need To Learn
You take charge of your personal growth by teaching what you need to learn. Sure, you know the subject. That's not the issue. You teach what you learn however this is about self-growth and mistakes and self-correcting puts you and keeps you on course and everyone benefits. It's a perfect way of sharing yourself with the world.
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