Best Blogger Tips

10 Jun 2014

BE THE CHANGE - Take Those Steps to Freedom - It is Inside of You

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Best Blogger Tips
Steps to Freedom by  Madisyn Taylor of DailyOM strikes a chord in me in this year of 2014 where my resolve to embody the feeling of positively conscious and serene is taking a serious beating.

Life is about accepting daily changes as they occur and that means everyday spirituality to me.

My difficulties simply highlight the veils that must be torn away and the people I meet tell me and show me the manner in which I must evolve by not just facing my "ugly" truth but also knowing when I must remain true to myself and my beliefs.

Right now, it's about absolutely fearless me (or so I thought) having to;

  • face down an abuser, a bully and a neanderthal all rolled into one in a police case; I faced the fear I didn't know was there.
  • confront an intelligent, gifted and almost schizoid individual who believes that everyone is against her no matter what she does and childishly demands that I show care and concern for her while at the same time she tries to bend me to her will via emotional blackmail and threats and makes denigrating remarks in the misguided belief of having superior knowledge; I extended kindness towards her while severing our relationship at the same time. That was new and rewarding for me. And finally,
  • walk away from the mentally disabled women in the homeless shelter where I lived as I have finally accepted after two long years that I cannot assist them in any tangible way.  Sadly, they all decided that they did not want to change anything in their lives. Even though they said that to me at before I didn't believe it. I thought I could change their outlook and thus their minds but that was futile and I feel very sad about it. I walked away with a tear in my heart and good wishes in mind for them all.
Facing these challengers force me to face not only my beliefs but also lisen to their truths about me and question myself about it. I know my truth only after I examine my feelings, bypassing the instinctive anger at the disrespect shown.

I love who I am, right now!

Nothing has the power to move you from what you know to be right. You are unshakeable.

We all will take those steps to freedom or diminish and die - and we all have been on this road reincarnation after reincarnation for quite a while now - and it's not about free speech or anything so mundane.

No, the freedom of which I speak is inside of you, and you, and you. When you free yourselves from the bondage of other people's beliefs and step into your own, you will move mountains by your very determination and perseverance and passion for whatever cause inspires you.

It's not about placard waving although there's that too if it's your style. There's also quiet diplomacy and communication, community development activities, keeping your family together through thick and thin. Whatever moves you to act, grasp it, hold on tight, follow it through to the end and amaze yourself.

That's right, you're doing it for your Self. When you take those steps to freedom, you not only inspire others but those around you benefit in countless ways. You have to be the change; there is no one else!


Change What Isn’t Working

If we don't change what isn't working in our lives, we will continually have the same day over and over again.

We have all had the experience of realizing that something in our lives is not working. This knowledge can come as a sudden realization or a nagging feeling of doubt that grows stronger, waking us up to the fact that something needs to change.

Some people have a tendency to act rashly and make sweeping changes before even understanding what the problem is. Other people fear change, so they live with the uncomfortable awareness that something needs to shift but won’t do anything about it. Between these two extreme responses lies a middle way that can help us powerfully and gracefully change what isn’t working in our lives.

The first step is remembering that your life is made up of parts that belong to an interconnected whole. Changing one thing can change everything. Because of this, small changes often have a big effect. Sometimes much bigger changes are necessary, but the only way to know for sure is to take the time to really understand the problem.

Examine your life as an entirety—your work, your relationships, where you live—and determine what specifically is not functioning the way you would like. Once you have figured out the problem, write it down on a piece of paper.

For example, “I am not happy with my relationship” or “I don’t like my apartment.”

The next step is to figure out the adjustment you would like to make and how you can go about making this change.

If you are unhappy with your relationship because you spend too much or not enough time with your partner, you may want to discuss this problem with them and come up with a compromise.

On the other hand, if you realize your relationship is not working to such a degree that it needs to end, begin working through that process. Writing down the truth can be a powerful catalyst for change.

The key to making changes that work is to accept the necessity of change as part of life. As we change, we may find it necessary to fine-tune our relationships, work, and living situations. Our lives are living, breathing entities that reflect our dynamic selves.

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