Best Blogger Tips

2 Oct 2009

Sow Your Happiness Seed and Sink Into The Stream of Consciously Being

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Best Blogger Tips
Life is supposed to be simple yet we make it so complicated! Unlimited prosperity and abundance - love, family, friends, money, job, the works - is our natural right and yet we insist on cultivating a lack mentality because we've been brainwashed with shouldn't, mustn't, couldn't and have to's.

Loving what you do is essential for a happy, healthy and fulfilling life.  Passion, drive and verve is all you need to sow your happiness seed. But when you work at a job just to earn your daily bread, that's hard. Your mental and physical well-being depend on your liking what you do.

Find ways of seeing your job differently in order to get a sense of satisfaction from it. And it is well done, otherwise you wouldn't still have a job!

One way is to focus exclusively on what you're doing instead of just going through the motions. That means hands, eyes, heart and mind all pulling in the same direction.

Life is supposed to be fun. Watch how children play and interact with those around them. Learn from people around you or join a group that encourages the child in you to play. Join a laughing club.

Take a good, long look at your face in the mirror every morning, and smile. Give those facial muscles a workout. Practise every day until it feels natural. Smile!

As you sink into the stream of consciously Being, everything starts flowing in the right direction for you. The secret is that the stream was there all along. When you relax and surrender, you tune into the flow with effortless effort.

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