Best Blogger Tips

5 Oct 2009

The People of One Race: I Was There... and So Were You

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I was there from the beginning, you know. When it was all one land, one continent - the African land. It didn't have a name. It was just one massive expanse, Africa, Asia and so many others, that rolled on as far as the eyes could see, and then some.

Dusty and hot, sparse scrub and great trees. You could go farther too. To the savannah, lions and tigers and other animals not like you know them now - they were peaceful then. Lots and lots of space, all naked grace, the people of one race.

The queen, the shaman healer mightier than any other. Only she was covered - the queen. Her magnificent robe of animal skin dyed in all colours and head dress matchless. Her tent was huge, palatial. She could have any man but she wanted none but one.

He was the sacrifice to save the land from the schism to come, though she could see far and wide, inside she denied. Yes, that pride. She must save her tribe but it wasn't to be and he died and she cried, wailed and died inside. No choice but to abide. That's when fear started to spread wide.

It was dread
Life was changing
Culture cringing
Africa shrinking
Freedom disappearing
Never returning
Patriarchal law imposing
Brutality reigning

Cataclysmic changes
People moving
Spreading out
All separating
And finally, irrevocably
The white man arriving

He has forgotten his beginnings
And now only dominating

Until all history from early is buried or destroyed and forgotten. That was their ploy. They did not know they were killing their own seed in their greed. The people of one race no longer occupy the same space.

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