Watching this video on Youtube gave me the idea for this post. The movie - The Secret - with Oprah's support, populated in people's minds the idea that they could tap into the universal storehouse of unlimited prosperity and abundance, and get what they desired.
I'm sure you know we've all always had this ability. Most people are afraid to believe it although we all used it ferociously as children to get what we wanted. The problems started when we let go of our desires and "fell off the wall" like Humpty Dumpty.
So let me remind you how to re-enter the vortex - the place from which everything flows naturally from thought to action - and tap into your deserved wealth and abundance. And remember, money is only a very small part of abundance; it's energy, nothing more.
1 - Stop worrying
I know, I know, everybody says it and it's easier said that done. But that's because it's a habit. Time to change it. Use affirmations. As Eckhart Tolle says in A New Earth, worry only pretends to be necessary. Do what you can with what you have, surrender the rest and have faith that a divine solution will present itself.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. Marianne Williamson
2 - Be yourself
Show your real self. Yes, it makes you feel vulnerable at first but you get sooo much more as you become comfortable being you. It's delicious! We are all divinities in human form and incredibly, exquisitely gifted. Free your gift and be yourself. The best way to start is to go within - start a morning meditation - and tap into the real abundance. Everything flows from there.
3 - Be grateful
Be grateful for your life-giving breath, the beauty all around you which you will see when you open your eyes; the spacious universe inside you which connects you to all that is, and the people right next to you. Say thank you every day for what you have and get more of it. Gratitude sells. Start a gratitude journal and write down five things you're grateful for, every night.
4 - Release your creativity
When you go within and reconnect to Source, your creative juices will start flowing. Ideas may come to you out of the blue, don't negate them, follow them. Creativity does not mean being artistic in the strictest sense of the word. We are creating every day; cristallising thoughts into action.
Understand how you "see". Are you visual? Do you need to see a picture to get you going? Does it have to be written? Get cut-outs from magazines and newspapers. Or are you like me; you start cold with an idea, imagine and flesh it out, then make plans on how you're going to get it?
Do you need to touch, taste or smell to get those creative juices flowing. Do you need to hear an explanation? Find the tools that work for you and get started.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Marianne Williamson
5 - Start a creative workshop
You can be, do or have anything you want. Demand it of the universe and get it. You are not alone. I practise this every single day with amazing results. And yes, I had to believe I could first which took months. Figure out what you want, and practise visualising your goals for twenty minutes every day, in your creative workshop. Read about it on Contemplate This.
6 - Dreaming into reality
Marianne Williamson says your playing small does not serve the world. Dream big. Start asking yourself "I wonder how..." Dream your dream into reality. The sky really is the limit you know and then you go beyond. Nothing is impossible if you don't believe it is. Start now. Dream your dream into reality with Esther and Jerry Hicks' videos.
7 - Be love, give love and share love
Love yourself! You have to love yourself before anyone can love you the way you want to be loved. You are already a divine being of unlimited potential and love is all. Our societies and cultures have done their level best to breed this knowledge out of us.
Don't you know that when you love and appreciate yourself, people love you back. That's why they say love is blind. So, be love, give love and share love. The more you give, the more you have to give. It benefits everyone.
8 - Give
Give of yourself, your time, or money and do with an open heart. Have no expectations in return. You give because you want to not because you have to. The rewards are tremendous.
9 - Smile
Smile at the world and the world smiles back at you. It warms the heart, makes you feel good and you make someone else feel good. That's what it's all about. Although I'm not a smiler, I laugh a lot. But when I was going through some very painful years, I didn't know that I had stopped laughing.
Until I was participating in a free-style dance class and one of the preparatory movements was to smile inwardly and reflect it on the outside. My muscles were so stiff that smiling felt unnatural. Don't be like I was, Smile.
Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. Marianne Williamson
10 - Make eye contact
Look people in the eye when you're speaking with them. Make the connection that says "I am here and I am listening". This does not mean getting into the person's space or staring until your eyes water. What you do is look at the bridge of the person's nose while you're speaking with them. That person will feel that you're looking them in the eye and you won't get eye strain.
11 - Touch
Such a simple gesture that says so much. It says I see you, I care for you, I acknowledge your presence; a light touch on someone's arm, a hand, a shoulder, while respecting the person's space. It speaks volumes. Look at business people when they get together, they do it all the time and that's business. So what does that say to you?
When people are touch-deprived as I was during my growing up years, it seriously screws you up as an adult. If you're there, find a way to break out of that prison now.
And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others. Marianne Williamson
Technorati Tags: tap-into-prosperity-and-abundance, the-vortex, dreaming-into-reality, gratitude-sells
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