So here we are with my fourth installment the magnetic force of our emotional thoughts and what the ether brings to us in response, from Napoleon Hill's second chapter on Faith - the second step towards riches which I am still absorbing.
The first part was Have faith and get what you desire, Faith is the key that unlocks the door called desire was the second, and Faith is an eternal elixir the third.
Dominating Thoughts
You are what you are because of the dominating thoughts which you permit to occupy your mind. These obsessive thoughts direct and control your every action. The subconscious mind controls ninety percent of our lives. Most of us allow ourselves to poked, pulled and prodded and guided by it.
Strong emotions create a magnetic force which attract other similar or related thoughts from the vibrations in the ether. In other words, thoughts are things. When you think of an issue you feel strongly about, your thoughts take on a life of their own; pulling up memories that make you feel worse, or better. Hill's analogy beautifully illustrates this:
A thought thus "magnetized" with emotion may be compared to a seed which, when planted in fertile soil, germinates, grows, and multiplies itself over and over again; until that which was originally one small seed becomes countless millions of seeds, of the same brand!
Attracting from the Ether
The ether is made up of both constructive and destructive vibrations and it is up to us to choose which we want. When negative forces take over your life, it is because you decided to have that experience, in order to know what you do not want. Yes, you did.
You are the sole architect of your life and no one, absolutely no one, is capable of making you think something you do not want to think! Or for that matter, do something you do not want to do.
Your mind is constantly calling forth vibrations from the storehouse - the ether - which synchronise with the thoughts that dominate your mind at any given moment. That is why you attract what you think about.<
Or as Hill says:
Any idea, thought, plan, or purpose that you hold in your mind calls from the ether, a host of its relatives; adds these "relatives" to its own force, grows and takes over to become the motivating master - of the idea thought, plan, purpose - in your mind.
Or as I call it, the motivating monster (when it is destructive).
Cristallise Ideas and Change How You Live
Cristallise Ideas and Change How You Live
It is essential that you write down your plans and goals. Seeing them in black and white cristallises them in your subconscious mind, and starts the creative process.
Unfortunately, most of you avoid writing down your goals and plans because you are afraid that you would have to live up to them - fear of success - or not - fear of failure. Try, try, and try again and never give up; and please believe me when I say, I know what I am talking about.
Unfortunately, most of you avoid writing down your goals and plans because you are afraid that you would have to live up to them - fear of success - or not - fear of failure. Try, try, and try again and never give up; and please believe me when I say, I know what I am talking about.
Limiting beliefs annihilate your self-confidence and they must be dealt with sooner rather than later. Use affirmations and positive statements and/or in combination with other self-improvement techniques to create a positive self image.
If you believe that you do not have the strength to start the change on your own, get help. Find a therapist, a life coach, an effective technique which feels comfortable to use, a mentor, a writing group, etc. Any means that would motivate and support you on your journey to becoming more.
Avoid pity parties at all cost! They are extremely negative and counter-productive. What you talk about, you create. You must also change the environment which encourages you to stay in your negative state.
If you believe that you do not have the strength to start the change on your own, get help. Find a therapist, a life coach, an effective technique which feels comfortable to use, a mentor, a writing group, etc. Any means that would motivate and support you on your journey to becoming more.
Avoid pity parties at all cost! They are extremely negative and counter-productive. What you talk about, you create. You must also change the environment which encourages you to stay in your negative state.
Change Starts from the Inside Out
By now, I hope you understand the incredible magnetic force of your emotional thoughts, and what the ether brings to you in response. If you do, you are ready to make the change.
We are creatures of habit which is why change is painful and feels scary but, the rewards are stupendous on every level. You will start to wonder where it was hiding all this time!
The incredible flow of abundance starts when you enter the vortex which is where I am now as I write this post, and it is now far too long. However, I need to include all the information that is flowing to me, so I will link the other part to the following section.
Imprinting Positive Messages on your Subconscious Mind
Imprinting positive messages in your subconscious mind is accomplished with self-talk - as Hill calls it - and affirmations. Write down your affirmations and create positive statements to match the habit you would like to change. This post explains how to create positive messages.
Let me know how it goes for you and if I need to expand further.
If you want to make the world a better place
Take a look at yourself and make that change.
Michael Jackson
Technorati Tags: magnetic-force-of-emotional-thoughts, what-the-ether-brings
I agree! Think and Grow Rich is my favorite book. It is loaded with good stuff that is applicable down through the ages!
Hi Steve. This book is chock-a-block with good stuff. And re-reading it is really an eye-opener because there is so much information in every chapter, that new stuff jumps out at you each time. It is the bible on how one should conduct one's life.
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