Having faith is the prerequisite to getting what you want. And as I said in a previous post, faith is the key that unlocks the door called desire and I am not kidding. The unwavering belief that you will get what you desire and from which you will not be swayed is what you want to develop.
Whatever method you use to connect with Universal Spirit which keeps you focussed on what you desire is good. However, you should change it if it does not feel right. Imprinting your desires upon your subconscious mind is your goal.
Spirit is in all place at all times. Since this is so, it follows that you possess the godlike ability to tap into positive thoughts anytime you wish and anywhere you choose. Bob Proctor
The subconscious mind cannot reject thoughts which is why constant repetition is essential. This is why you also get what you do not want. Focus, affirm, repeat and believe in your dream no matter what setbacks come your way, and let go and let God as Bob Proctor advises in his fabulous in You Were Born Rich.
The Need to Share Feelings
I just think of what I want simply, clearly and without fuss or force and I usually get it. For instance, the other day following an incident I witnessed I decided that I needed to speak with the bully. Then I didn't think about it again but the intention was clear.
Later that week I found myself spontaneously writing a list of points I wanted to cover. I don't normally do this and the timing had to be just right too because the individual is usually angry and on the defensive and I needed to be calm, cool and collected.
When I saw her pass by soon after I finished the list, I thought "I need an opportunity to bring this up". Guess what happened? Within thirty minutes of having that thought, the individual approached me for no particular reason and I seized the opportunity to share my feelings.
I Feel That...
When you feel strongly about an issue and want to share what's on your mind, always start by saying "I feel that..." Because it is your feelings which are involved and you cannot know what another person feels or thinks unless you ask.
Communicating in this way in a professional setting or with friends or loved ones avoids accusations, confrontation and the resulting acrimony or stone-walling, and paves the way for two-way discussions.
I operated in accusatory mode for years and when I switched a few years ago to this way of communicating, it was smooth sailing from there on.
Talking out the feelings instead of letting them submerge you is where it's at. Try it.
Talking out the feelings instead of letting them submerge you is where it's at. Try it.
How Not to Block Yourself
The one small problem I created and am in the process of undoing is not allowing money to flow to me in a continuous stream instead of in fits and starts; it is like an old clunker you have to "warm up" even on summer days.
It is because I keep falling back into egoic feeling instead of trusting and being. I have a way to go yet.
My issues are:
1- I am not sure of exactly what I want but I know what I do not want.
2- I doubt my skills and abilities because I focus on other people's criteria and then that blocks me.
3- The image of what I want is not fixed in my mind because I am torn between what I want and feeling the soul's desires.
4- I do not repeat my affirmations as diligently as I need to pump up my flagging self-confidence.
6- I focus on what could go wrong.
In Conclusion
This is not the post I intended to write or publish today but this one wanted to get out and since there was no outline, it took a while.
I will close with this exhortation from the great man, Bob Proctor:
You must consciously entertain only the mental allies of your ambition and those attributes which will help you realize the manifestation of your goal.
For when your are firmly grounded in faith, negative thoughts will have no power over you, because they will not be in harmonious vibration with your new image. You will be mentally strong through the conscious awareness of God's power within you.
Does any of this ring true for you? How do you stay strong when your faith is taking some hard knocks? Do leave me a comment below.
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