My investments which I had placed fifteen years previously had matured and I could not blindly reinvest under the same terms and I just couldn't seem to take it all in. What the hell was I going to do with all this money?! I wasn't ready to be rich! I can admit it now -fifteen months after I lost it all.
Those six figures were intimidating particularly when combined with what I had already! I was already earning six figures but you don't see it when you are working for a salary and the other investments are out of sight.
Sure, I looked at the monthly statements, then the bi-monthly, then the semi-annuals until it came to a point when I only looked at the annual statements. It gave me such a rush every time I saw the balance significantly increased. But it was just numbers on paper and it didn't feel real. It never ever occured to me to plan on what to do with it.
Living A Good Life
I was already living a very good life, vacationing wherever I wanted, travelling only in business class, and just basically having on-tap and available whatever I wanted. I had no money problems although I did worry about money because I am a single woman and security was and is important to me.
I did however, have lots of job stress which I hated but accepted as par for the course. Travelling anywhere I desired compensated for that (I thought).
At the same time, my suddenly very hefty bank account with all that spare cash enabled me to see larger and go further and spend on things I genuinely liked and wanted which I had never considered or allowed myself to do before (vacations not included).
For instance, buying a three thousand dollar handbag instead of the one for a thousand dollars. I had always reined myself in severely even though I could have afforded it before, and that was a clue to which I should have paid attention.
A Prosperity Vibration
I LUV to shop and spending money gives me such a buzz. Man, I always feel fantastic. Shopping is a genuine joy for me whether an item costs one hundred bucks or a thousand. My only criteria is quality.
I decided to let myself go with all that spare cash - taking off the reins, so-to-speak.
I understand now that the buzz was in fact a vibration - a proserity vibration. Now, I'm not saying that I spent or felt I had to spend thousands of dollars each day. Nothing of the sort; at least not yet!
For instance, one which occurred to me was buying my very own three hundred acre mountain top in Hawaii. As much as I love the place, I had to wonder where the heck that idea come from because I certainly did not have that kind of money.
The Law of Vibration and Spend, Spend, Spend
The thing is though, when you have all this money and you're not comfortable with that much spare cash sitting in your account, and you have made no plans to reinvest it, you end up doing shit. Spend, spend, spend is what I mean and that is what I did. I squandered that money because I was so damn uncomfortable with it just "being there".
Those negative feelings are very powerful vibrations which call forth the means which will enable you - me - to get rid of that which you do not want.
In the Caribbean, there's an old folks saying "You will pick and pick (choose), until you pick shit" because you can't make a decision and when you finally do, it's the wrong one. So said, so done and despite the circumstances there is no one to blame but myself. I accept that. I simply wasn't ready to be rich.
Lessons Learned
The lessons I learned were numerous.
- Ask for help immediately, not in the late half when your back is to the wall. I have four great friends who are very wealthy, and through them I received excellent advice from their investment brokers about which I did nothing. Obviously, I was a disaster waiting to happen.
- When you know you're off-course, stop. I knew something was deadly wrong when out of character, I started buying three and four thousand dollar handbags every two weeks or so. That is not how I normally shop at all. I window shop in every store for the best deals when I want something before I spend one cent.
Pay attention to how you feel. I always advise people to question themselves many times during the day about how they feel. But did I take my own advice - no! Buying all that stuff was hard work. There was no pleasure in it at all and that was such an in-your-face clue. I freely and happily admit that I love money; it's such a joy to spend it and feel that wonderful energy percolating in your cells. It was completely absent (another clue).
- Be aware of your belief system. "Money doesn't make you happy" was mine and I didn't even know it. That is now done and dusted though. If I hadn't fallen into the shit pile I would not have uncovered it.
- I wasn't ready for money, period!
Oh my! my money stories/beliefs are that there's never enough; money won't make me happy; I'll never make what I want to make; I don't deserve it.....there's definitely a theme of "not-deserving" and I blame myself for a lot of the debt I put myself in; however, I've accepted for what it is and it's been a lot easier to work through. I guess my "aha" moment was learning how to allow it to come or The Art of Allowing. I'm still working on this because it's hard to allow myself to want money, abundance, wealth, whatever-you-call-it. However I'm feeling it emerge and it feels great! It's a process.
Hi Liz,
Girl, I hear you and I am definitely your soul sister here. If I hadn't had that scary ass experience, I would not have known that I had those false beliefs about money.
I would not have known that my refusing to spend when I wanted something and at times, spending wastefully because... were all clues. So when the fat hit the shan (transpose 'f' & 's' to see what I mean), I was a goner!
The Art of Allowing is what 90% of us need to be practising so I'm right there alongside you honey.
And you're right, it feels great like sort of a shivery good feeling.
Good luck to us both and all the other aspiring allowers out there.
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