We all need to wind down every day after winding ourselves up to face each day and deal with stressfull situations.
Here's a technique which I spontaneously created for myself one lunchtime many years ago to handle the incredible stress of my work life and it still serves me well to this day.
These easy steps to profound relaxation teach you how to be in harmony with who you are. Relaxation-on-tap is what it's all about and it is an everyday spirituality practice worth pursuing!
- Find a quiet and calm spot away from all distractions.
- Turn off the ringer on your phone, turn off the television, children, pets and partners.
- Time yourself for thirty minutes. When you master this, you will be able to "get into the zone" within 5 minutes.
- The first ten minutes is for the physical relaxation.
- Lie down, sit down, or recline. Basically, choose any position which make you feel comfortable.
- Have a recording device handy. You will discover the reason for this in the final step. It is optional but may be useful to some.
- Don't try to figure out any of the instructions: your brain already knows how, so just follow along and let your fabulous body do it's work.
2 - To relax your shoulders, lift them when you breathe in and lower them when you breathe out.
3 - Relax your hair to the ends.
4 - Relax your scalp.
5 - Relax your forehead.
6 - Relax your cheeks.
7 - Relax your mouth, tongue and chin. (hint: your chin lowers a little and your mouth naturally opens.)
9 - Relax your shoulders.
10- Relax your arms.
11- Relax your back.
12- Relax your chest.
13- Relax your abdomen and belly.
14- Relax your internal organs.
15- Relax your pelvis and hips. Feel the entire area sink into your back.
16- Relax your lower back and buttocks. Feel them sink into the floor.
17- Relax your thighs. (you might feel the need to shift your position here to get more comfortable because your muscles are relaxing - do it)
18- Relax your knees.
19- Relax your calves.
20- Relax your ankles and feet.
21- Repeat to yourself - relax, relax, relax.
22- At this point your body is very relaxed and you're at the doorway to your particular no-mind destination. If this is not the case, repeat steps 3 to 21.
23- Record steps 1 to 21 on your cell phone, PDA or cheap voice recorder. This way, your relaxation-on-tap becomes your portable, chemical-free medication to be used and abused as you see fit.
Wrap up
As I said at the beginning of this article, it is possible to perform this relaxation technique in one to five minutes by telling yourself to relax and concentrating on your breathing. You will know you have achieved it when you come back to yourself.
I have achieved profound relaxation within ten minutes during lunch breaks or taking a five-minute break from the "over-heated" office by consciously focussing on deep breathing while following this technique.
Problem-solving technique
This method is also a fantastic for problem-solving technique! So don't be surprised at the ideas or solutions which pop into your mind during or after a session. Keep the problem at the front of your mind with the intent to find a solution. It may happen that day. Try it and come back and tell me how it worked for you.
Technorati Tags: empowerment-technique, everyday-spirituality, >relax-profoundly-in-22-steps
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