At times we cherish, swear we will perish and at other times, hate and berate, chastise and criticise all the while heart thudding, racing.
We forget, we forget how fragile, how strong and powerful we are and all we need do is listen and take our cue from that massive pink organ in our chests, becoming drunk on our song.
You heart will never lead you wrong even when events don't turn out the way you think they should have but that's because you got caught up in expectations instead of enjoying the "now".
Always remember when pain seems too much to bear that you are living your soul journey. Become supple and bend. That way you will not break.
Resistance is futile and I know this from experience. I have been on this road since my mid-forties with many lows and a few highs. I chose to go with the flow only when my back was against the wall, so I would strongly advise that you do just that. It's much less painful.
Trust your heart regardless of the turmoil. Trust what you feel. The dark tunnel is just a passage to a place much brighter.
Your heart is not just a pumping, thumping organic machine. The cathedral of my heart is the core of who I am and who you are, truly. It has taken me so long to understand this.
Your heart is your guide, your beacon, your thermometer. Follow your intuitive wisdom and let your heart be your compass though some may scoff because they are afraid or don't understand.
Some will pity you and may call you crazy but why would such opinions be important to you. What people think about you is not your business! Remember that.
Take time to smell the roses, literally. Admire the daily sunrise and sunset. Say I love you to those you hold dear. Eat what feels right for you and throw out what doesn't - that includes the emotional baggage.
Enjoy nature around you. Don't have any? Then get yourself an easy-to-care for plant. Better yet, buy yourself a flower every week and a vase and absorb it's beauty.
A visualization technique I use to commune with my heart every morning. Close your eyes, place your hand over your heart and feel it beating. Tell it I love you, I thank you, I appreciate everything you're doing to keep me alive and healthy. Repeat as many times as you like, I love you, I love you, I love you.
Your heart responds. In fact, all the cells in your body reacts. I picture them as those yellow, happy face icons racing around in my blood stream and through all my organs happy and joyful screaming yeah, yeah it's great to be alive.
You are life after all.
You can feel the difference in your body - an extra warmth. At the end of the minute or 10 minutes (it's up to you) I feel a wonderful sense of well-being.
When I'm upset over something I use this technique. The first time I did it, I noticed afterward that my heart rate had slowed down. It was no longer thumping in rage and I was no longer angry.
That wonderful, loving energy you generate by communing with your heart is transmitted to all cells in your body.
What more could you want for yourself than to send love, love, love to your body. It's your temple after all and it's you and those who interact with you that benefit. Anytime. Every time. Everybody wins:))
All is well and it's just around the corner. Don't feel ashamed. Let your heart be your guide.
Smile, be grateful, every single day.
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