Best Blogger Tips

31 Jan 2013

Words Can Never Harm Me - Is that true, Really?

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Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never harm me. This is a popular saying in the Caribbean and we learn it as children.

We human beings are thoughtless people at times and we tend to take things and people for granted then forget about them and their feelings in the heat of an argument.

That's when we throw those verbal sticks and stones, and man do they hurt!

Giving attention to your problems, gives you more problems. ~Stefan Shuem
You may have an immediate knee-jerk rejection because you know what he or she said can't possibly be true but it sometimes is. The only way to enjoy any relationship is to allow those around you - adults and children - to be who they are while you work on yourself.

Using myself as an example, when I finally understood that I started laughing. You see, all the unconscious, repetitive thoughts where I kept beating myself down was the problem. Mine, and yours too.

Little things like "I hate my body", "I am so fat", "my legs are flabby and ugly", "why do I bother, nothing is working for me" and that kind of crap.

Never react emotionally to criticism. Analyze yourself to determine whether it is justified. If it is, correct yourself. Otherwise, go on about your business. ~Norman Vincent Peale

While I was focusing on "I hate myself" a woman threw a "fat" comment my way. I was sending off that vibration and she "caught" it.

She called me a butterball not in a mean way but it made me pause. I tested and tasted it so see how I really felt. I felt a slight twinge and that is when I had my AHA! moment.

I intuitively understood that it was my opinion about myself and my fat arse that was the problem. I smiled, then I laughed. It was really great!

It also helped tremendously that I had been listening to a fabulous shamanic healing that morning by Shaman Stefan Shuem of Shuemsoulexperience. It must have shifted something that freed me to react by laughing.

My advice is make time for yourself. Meditate. Reconnect with that inner spaciousness within you. That is where you will find all your answers.

The bottom line is words can never harm you when you are solidly grounded in who you are. In other words, when you  like yourself just fine, warts and all.

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