I have copied it below and I ask you all who feel this is right for you to use this Prayer and share it as widely as possible. Careful now, this is nothing religious eh. It is simply an intention directed to the Universe, Source, God or whatever name you use, for the upliftment of the whole in which you participate.
Why is this so important? Because the majority of us have money problems and that is abnormal. The Universe is there to provide all our needs, financial included yet money and the lack of it is our biggest bugbear. Something's screwy with that and this seems like a great way to fix it.
Here's a perfect example of what's wrong with us financially speaking. I heard a conversation quite recently where one woman was insulting the other saying that she wants no dirty money like the other woman has from prostituting herself.
What struck me about their conversation is that both women are homeless, live in a shelter for homeless people and obsess about money and talk of nothing else all day long. Both are tight-fisted and manipulative and cannot resist each other's company. My instinctive thought was while listening to them was "There's nothing dirty about money" and since I have my own challenges/fears with not having enough and where am I going to get it to buy such and such... see it's the same fear. When money "rears its ugly head", see again... that folks is the barrier we have created AGAINST prosperity and abundance.
Test yourself by writing down a few thoughts whenever you think about money and you'll see I'm HAHAHA right on the money.
We are also very aware that our financial institutions the world over are fucked up, screwing us royally and making money hand over fist yet we the people everywhere don't seem to profit. Those financial crashes aren't happening by accident.
This is our opportunity, yours and mine, to do our part in cleansing our financial aura for the good of us all. This is transformation and transmutation, and attracting abundance right here.
Be sure to read the entire Call to Action which follows the Prayer.
I call upon the beloved I AM, the All That Is the Divine Source, Angels, Archangels and the Celestial Realms of Love and Light to support and assist this process.
I am grateful for the opportunity to serve with others as we unite to transform the matrix of our financial reality as we cleanse and clear all currency of any energetic discordance.
With clear intention I envision the currency and money being energetically cleansed.
I envision this currency now going out blessing everyone and everything it touches. I envision the power of the Pure White Light and the Violet Flame of Transmutation, moving through all banks and financial institutions uplifting and cleansing the entire monetary reality of the world. With this action of sacred service I join with others to transmute anything unlike the highest and the best financial well-being for all.
I allow this transforming process to include all aspects of my personal financial reality, the money that I earn, spend, save and the money I owe. All my financial beliefs and transactions are blessed and uplifted.
It is with gratitude that I now accept the Divine blessings of abundance of in my life and in the lives of the global family. Abundance of prosperity, health, peace, joy and financial grace I now accept for myself and all humanity. So Be It and So it is
© 2009 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may make copies of this message and share it with others, as long as it is copied in its entirety. Please credit the source and include the copyright. 831-335-3145 peggyblack@aol.com www.morningmessages.com
I am Peggy Black and this is a Call to Action.
I invite you to participate, with the powerful intention to energetically cleanse all the currency and money. Together we will shift, heal and transform the matrix of the monetary system. Please network this invitation everywhere.
We live in a sea of vibrations, everything and everyone is frequency. We are becoming aware of our true power to influence the Quantum field with our words, emotions and intentions. This truth is especially powerful when we join together as a conscious collective with one common goal and one focused intention for global change.
Imagine that all currency carries a frequency and vibrational contamination of lack, scarcity, fear, and greed that is energetically attached to the money that we receive and use each day. Think of all the places this money has traveled and all the individuals who have touched this currency leaving an energetic trace of their emotional state and beliefs. Be very aware that you bring this contaminated energy into your wallets and your life. You have the opportunity to use your power of intention to energetically cleanse all the money that comes into your life each and every day.
In the sacred space of your mind and heart or each time you go to your store, the bank or financial institution with earnest intention offer this service to the Quantum field, the field of all possibilities. In your imagination, meditations or prayers and when you are at the bank, or the store consciously invite Divine Source, Angels, Archangels, Masters and Celestial Beings to assist in this process of clearing the currency and money of all energetic discordance. Now imagine the currency and money going out blessing everyone and everything it touches. Envision yourself connected to Divine Source, the money matrix and all others doing this sacred service each day with each monetary transaction. Imagine the shift in the monetary system when you along with other conscious, enlightened beings offer this transforming service to humanity.
This service of cleansing the currency can be done anytime and any place as often as possible. As you hold money in your hand and envision its connection to the entire matrix, you can take your check book, a bank statement, your mortgage payment, credit card bills, or your tax statement, the things that would symbolize your financial reality and energetically clean it with Pure White Light or the Violet Flame of Transmutation and bless them with gratitude. Do this service each day. This process will transform all aspects of your personal financial reality, the money you earn, spend, save, and the money you owe. Be creative with your magnificence and power as to how you cleanse the currency and your own financial matrix. Together we create a world of shared abundance and financial grace for all.
© 2009 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may make copies of this message and share it with others, as long as it is copied in its entirety. Please credit the source and include the copyright. 831-335-3145 peggyblack@aol.com www.morningmessages.com
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