Best Blogger Tips

23 Aug 2013

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - What is The Golden Rule?

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Call to ACTION Action - Assignment #33:
from Napoleon Hill Yesterday and Today, Issue 343

This week’s assignment comes to you from the desk of Napoleon Hill. It is a great fit with the readings for this week, and good philosophical food for thought. Read on and then journal your responses, ideas, thoughts as you consider what Dr. Hill has to say to each of us below.

A suggestion:
Look around in your community and find some man who you know lives for the purpose of accumulating money. Find some man—and alas, you can find such men—for whom any amount of money is too little and no amount is too much.

He will almost certainly be a man who has little conscience about how he acquires his money, for conscience can be a hindrance when your horizon is nothing but a line of empty money bags to be filled.

Observe this man. Look for warmth in his soul; you will not find it, unless the subject of discussion is money. Watch for a warm, human welcome in his smile; you will not see it—he smiles like a shark. Notice how little he displays an enjoyment of life.

Oh, he may go through various expensive motions of enjoyment, but that is something else again. In the humane sense of the word, such a man is not really human. He is an automaton—a money-making machine. Yet many will envy that mechanical man. They will point to what they call his success.

Can there be success without happiness? Any really human person knows the two must go together as partners in a worthwhile life.

No man who thinks that happiness lies in having too much ever will be happy. No man can be truly happy until he translates the words of the Golden Rule into deeds, and shares happiness with others.

Moreover, the Golden Rule was not meant to be enforced like taxes. The sharing of happiness brings happiness when the sharing is voluntary, with no other object than to give. Source: Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind. Ballantine Books. 1996. Pg. 186.

by Napoleon Hill

WE SHOULD NOT content ourselves with the merest crumbs from life’s table, and we should not attempt to grab too much.

THE GOLDEN RULE often seems to act as a great leveler in assuring that this shall be so. It creates an ever-present spirit of kindly consideration for the needs and rights of others, so that without thought of gain (which so often is twisted by small minds into grabbing) the mind infused with the Golden Rule acquires a sense of what constitutes its own true ability to give.

GIVING BEGETS receiving: there is a to-and-fro passage of wealth which may not reflect itself in a swollen bank account, but does reflect itself in a mind which has known such wealth. In this lies happiness, peace and health which a man merely rich in money may never know.

Source: Grow Rich! With Peace of Mind. Ballantine Books. 1996. Pgs. 185 – 186 .

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