Napoleon Hill
» Quiet Your Monkey Mind - Consider what really matters
Quiet Your Monkey Mind - Consider what really matters
CALL to ACTION (to quiet your monkey mind from always jumping all over the place), Action Assignment #34
REFLECT on the messages carved in stone as you walk a labyrinth or take a simple circular nature walk.

The messages are:
Your life is a journey, not a destination. Reconnect with your mind. Listen for guidance. Deepen your compassion. Increase your patience. Set an intention. Ask a question. Reflect on a dream. Remember a friend. Come to terms.
AS YOU SPEND time in reflection, consider the thoughts that come to mind and expand on the two most significant ideas for you today and discuss your feelings with another, journal your responses, or simply thank the Universe for making you aware of these messages carved in stone.
THIS IS A form of meditation and it will give you an opportunity to quiet your monkey mind and consider what really matters.
Source: Napoleon Hill Yesterday and Today, Issue 344
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